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This article was written by Bioghost1000. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.

Kanohi Zaverek; the Mask of Madness
Lightning Spear, Cordak Blaster

Ziviahk is a Makuta and the lead scientist for the Corporation of the Cosmos.


Like all Makuta, Ziviahk was created one hundred thousand years ago by the Great Spirit, Mata Nui, from a pool of substance known as antidermis, which was located on one of the Southern Islands of the Matoran Universe. He soon became a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta, an organization dedicated to serving the will of Mata Nui and mantaining order throughout the universe. Originally, he tasked with the creation of several Rahi species.

Ziviahk was not given an island following the Matoran Civil War because of his misciefous behavior.

After Teridax demanded a Convocation to reveal his plan and claim leadership of the Brotherhood, Ziviahk sided with him as a way of self presurvation. Not long after, he joined the Corporation of the Cosmos because he was given the promise of more freedom by its leader, Makuta Sharroz.

One time, he had to rescue Sharroz due to one of her experiments going aerie. He managed to stabilize her long enough to tranport her to the Nynrah Ghosts. They manages to upgrade her armor to increase her survival rate.

Like all other Makuta, Ziviahk's antidermis evolved to a gaseous state where she no longer required sleep or sustainance. Teridax ordered the Nynrah Ghosts to modify Makuta's armor to accommedate this evolution. When Sharroz  faked a lab related explosion that "killed" her and other members of the Corporation, Powpow, Antera, and six other Makuta, as well as their servants, Ziviahk to stay behind to be her spy in the Brotherhood.

Corporation of the Cosmos[]

After Sharroz relocated the Corporation to one of the islands on the Southern Continent, Ziviahk began relaying information of the Brotherhood's iner-workings. It is unknown how much information he told Sharroz about their operations.

To be continued...


Calling him mad is a gross understatement. He is downright insane. However, he is more briliant than he is insane. He is more than happy to serve under others, especially Sharroz, so long as they allow him to conduct his experiments with creative freedom.

Abilities and Tools[]

Like his Makuta bretheren, he has the ability to shapeshift, the ability to create kraata, and the forty-two kraata powers. He mainly uses chain lightning.

He wears the Kanohi Zaverek, the Mask of Madness. Although he is known to use other weapons, he mainly uses an electric spear and a Codak Blaster. He also created a harness with four mechanical arms that he can control telepathically.
