Zhio is part of BIONICLE Generations.
The Kanohi Zhio is the Legendary Mask of Space.
Merely theoretical in many universes, the Kanohi Zhio is tied to the power of Space, and allows the user to manipulate area and distance at will. Any two points in space can be pushed together, allowing the user to travel thousands of miles in a matter of seconds. Loops and spatial paradoxes can be created, letting the user trap targets inside impossible prisons. The Zhio’s power is immense, and extends well beyond the confines of the Matoran Universe.
Without a Kanohi Vahi present in the same universe, the Kanohi Zhio’s power is limited to teleportation, and altering distances in the user’s immediate vicinity.
Magellan Universe[]
The designs for the Kanohi Zhio are universally sought after. The colony or organization that makes a Kanohi Zhio would gain a significant advanatage over their rivals and enemies.
- The Kanohi Zhio was created for BIONICLE Generations, first appearing in the Kanohi Guidebook released on April 3rd 2020.