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Hordika Mutated Rahkshi/Kraata of Fragmentation
Dark Hunters
Dark Hunter Mercenary
  • Fragmentation (main)
  • Shadow (limited)
  • Paralysis (through Rhotuka)
  • Brainwashing (through Rhotuka)
  • Staff of Fragmentation (Hordika)
  • Rhotuka spinner
  • Unknown Islands (formerly)
  • Odina (formerly)
  • Spherus Magna (currently)
"Perish filthy vermin!"
―Xivilai-Kra preparing to launch spheres of Fragmentation energy from his staff

Xivilai-Kra is a member of the Dark Hunters. He was once a Kraata of Fragmentation who was mutated by a visorak horde into a "Rahkshi-like mutant" through hordika venom. A veteran of the Toa-Dark Hunter War and a fearsome individual.


Early Life[]

Xivilai-Kra was once a carefree Kraata of Fragmentation who enjoyed his "Makuta-masterless" life of eating, infecting abandoned kanohi masks and spending time with his "family". This all changed however when a horde of visorak came and killed or ate his "family" and trapping him into a cocoon and infecting him with Hordika venom. However Xivilai-Kra was transformed into a "Rahkshi-like being" with powers such as Fragmentation (alongside new other powers unrelated to him) and massacred almost the whole horde of visorak as revenge for the death of his "family".

A while after Xivilai-Kra destroyed most of the visorak horde he tried to find a new "family" and tried to come into contact with the IslandĀ“s Matorans but the Matorans and their Toa guardians made it clear that Xivilai-Kra was not welcome into their villages.None of the Matoran and Toa even acknowledged that Xivilai-Kra indirectly saved their Island from a wild horde of visorak.

Serving the Dark Hunters[]

"Ah yes, a valuable ally indeed. I and alongside some of my loyal subjects found him on a unknown island and invited him to our ranks. He willingly joined as he had nothing left"
―The Shadowed One

Xivilai-Kra was offered to join the Dark Hunters and accepted it as he had nothing left to do as his "family" was long gone and dead.

Toa-Dark Hunter War[]

Xivilai-Kra alongside his Dark Hunter comrades joined the war against Metru Nui and Toa when the Shadowed One terms were rejected by Dume. At one point Xivilai-Kra stole multiple powerless masks from various mask makers to infect with kraata-virus to convert the said masks into infected masks which he then used to seek up potentially dangerous rahi beasts (such as Nui-Jaga, Blade Burrowers, Lava Apes, Chute Spiders, Muakas, Nui-Ramas and even kikanalos) that the Dark Hunter army could use. Xivilai-Kra also captured a Le-Matoran engineer from Voya Nui and brainwashed the said Matoran with his rhotuka of brainwashing into forcing him to help the Dark Hunters into building veichles for the war against the Metru Nui forces.

With a couple of his Dark Hunter comrades Xivilai-Kra carried out various assault on different Metru. Killing, destroying, defeating any Toa, Vahki or soldier Matoran who stood in their way. Some soldier Matoran and Toa got brainwashed but many of them were able to snap out of it or able to resist the Brainwashing.

Post Toa-Dark Hunter War[]

After the war Xivilai-Kra continued his occupation as a Dark Hunter as usual.

Meeting the Toa Nuva[]

When the Toa Nuva went out int the world to find the Staff or Arthaka in order to preapere the awakening of Mata Nui and entered Odina Xivilai-Kra challenged Tahu, Lewa, Kopaka for a duel as he did not let "filthy Toa" to come and dictate the terms of his master. After a long duel Xivilai-Kra gave up at the orders of his master.

Reign of Shadows[]


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Fragmentation- Main power
  • Limited Shadow Element-A secondary a power but very limited and weak. His Shadow powers are almost as powerful as a Kra-Matoran`s shadow bolt but enough to sting and stagger a Toa and sting a Toa Nuva
  • Paralysis-Through a Rhotuka spinner Xivilai-Kra can paralyse like a visorak`s paralysis spinner which he launches from his launcher.
  • Brainwashing-Through another Rhotuka spinner wheel Xivilai-Kra can brainwash sentient targets (Targets such as Matoran, Toa, Turaga, Skakdi and in theory possibly Agori as well)
  • "Scorption Tail"- Xivilai-Kra also have a scorpion tail which contains hordika venom. If the one stung survives the sharpness of the stinger then he or she gets injected with hordika venom.
  • Back-spikes-With the spikes of his back Xivilai-Kra can infect masks. Used to create infected masks to put potentially dangerous rahi under control during the Toa-Dark Hunter War.



A ruthless and xenophobic brute, Xivilai-Kra is a enough powerful adversary to keep the average Toa at his or her toes. Cunning and opportunistic he almost never wastes an opportunity to land a blow on his opponents and foes even if it means to fight dirty and somewhat dishonorable such as attacking opponents while they are lying on the ground helpless, attacking them while them being paralysed etc. However while being a barbaric and unpleasant warrior there is some tragedy to him, as a visorak horde took everything from him and mutated him.

Despite being hateful towards Toa, he was willing to work with them (Albeit with a lot of grudges) in the rebellion against Teridax as seen during the Reign of Shadows

Mutated Kraata or Rahkshi Debate[]

It is a matter of debate if Xivilai-Kra is a mutated Kraata that looks like a monstrous mutated version of a Rahkshi or if the Hordika Venom managed to actually turn him into a monstrous variation of Rahkshi.


  • The name "Xivilai" is based on a enemy from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion with the same name

