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WhevnMahri 02
Mahri Nui Sentinels
Guard, Tracker
Whevn (Afterverse) contains spoilers.

This article contains spoilers for Rock Bottom: Remastered. Continue reading at your own risk.

Whevn is a Po-Matoran tracker and a member of the Mahri Nui Sentinels.


Like all Matoran in Mahri Nui, Whevn once lived somewhere else before he was injured and sent to Karzahni for repair. There his body was rebuilt into a smaller and weaker form, and then Karzahni sent Reysa to the Southern Continent to hide his failure from the rest of the world. Whevn would settle in the region that would become Voya Nui.

Whevn survived the Great Cataclysm and the subsequent sinking of Mahri Nui into the Voya Nui Bay. Despite his attempts to live a quiet life, but was eventually persuaded by Dekar to help him train the Mahri Nui Sentinels to protect the city. Once training was done, Whevn begrudgingly agreed to officially join under the pretense of making sure none of the other recruits were slacking.

Whevn participated in the battle against the Gadunka under Idris's command. He managed to get by with minimal injuries, and was immediately sent back to guard the city once Kaira ensured he was fit for duty.

Personality and Traits[]

Whevn is generally a jolly Matoran, prone to consuming large amounts of alcoholic beverages and engaging in various tests of strength. He's still uncomfortable being this deep underwater, but has learned to live with the situation. He often puts on a bit of a show to mask his true emotions, such as his genuine appreciation for the structure being part of the Sentinels provides.

Much to the frustration of some, Whevn trusts his gut above anything else. His intuition carries over from tracking to social situations, and he is generally a good judge of character, and has an uncanny ability to tell when something is off about someone.

Powers and Equipment[]

As a Po-Matoran, Whevn has increased strength and endurance over that of other Matoran. He is a master tracker, and was renowned in his homeland for being able to "hunt anything that moves." His sharp eyesight and analytical mind are the product of years of specialized training and tuning.

After Mahri Nui sunk into the Voya Nui bay, the small amount of mutagen Whevn was exposed to gave him a stronger, sleeker form more suited to his new environment. He wears a powerless Mask of Adaptation and wields an Electro-Spear and an Electro-Blade.




  • Whevn was created as a main Point-of-View character for the 2015 story serial Hellbound. His planned roll was to lead a group from Mahri Nui to hunt down Kyros after the events of Rock Bottom. However, his significance was de-canonized along with the rest of Hellbound in 2017, and Whevn's role in the story was altered several times to fit the needs of the new narrative. As of Summer 2022, the original incomplete version of Hellbound was restored for archival purposes.