This article was originally owned by Nuju of Ice and has been adopted by Ahpolki Inika.
It is now owned by Ahpolki Inika. |
Werahk | |
Species | |
Element |
Powers |
Limited light manipulation
Tools |
Rahkshi staff
Status |
Critically endangered
Location |
Spherus Magna
Pronunciation |
Werahk, or "Were-Rahkshi", were experimental Rahkshi created by Makuta Zortycus through use of several viruses.
The earliest records of them comes form tablets carved shortly after the disappearance of Isenvokte. According to them, Zortycus came across the pool of Energized Protodermis the despot used for his experiments. Claiming the lake for himself, he began using it for his own purposes. One of these was the creation of a new breed of Rahkshi, as well as to test the Destiny-sensitive properties of Energized Protodermis.
Zortycus altered the traditional method of Rahkshi creation through the addition of various viruses. This combination would give birth to a new type of Rahkshi. The first batch was tested against a group of Exo-Toa, yet they were easily destroyed. The second wave fared no better, though the third had a peculiar reaction. Fighting in the night-time caused the Rahkshi to morph into hulking, more powerful forms. This group would decimate the drones with ease while in this state, intriguing the Makuta. He would send them across the Matoran Universe in pairs to further test their powers. Two known incidents regarding these specimens -battles between Vintao and the Hahnah Clan- would the most well known recorded encounters.
During the Reign of Shadow, Teridax's forces would discover these tablets and manufacture their own Werahk. However, their dependence on the time of day hardly made them worth soldiers. Instead, they were given guard duty during night shifts. When the Great Spirit Robot suffered critical damage, all surviving Werahk fled onto Spherus Magna. Many of them ran into the wilds, though a few were tamed by The Shadowed One's underground syndicate.
Abilities and Traits[]
- Rebel Destiny (First Appearance)
- TBW...