This article was written by Invader39. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Web of Shadows | |
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Date Set |
A few months ago
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Released |
September 25, 2018
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Web of Shadows is a short story written by Invader39. Set on Okoto, it serves as a prequel to Pushing Back the Dark. Featuring the six Protectors as its protagonists, it follows them as they struggle against the increasing frequency of Skull Spider attacks and them trying to solve it. It features the Lord of Skull Spiders as its antagonist.
Written as an entry into the Okoto Writing Contest, it is also a part of The Dark Trilogy continuity.
Part One[]
Things were getting desperate.
It had been four months since the Skull Spiders had begun to lay siege to the mythical island of Okoto. For thousands of years, the Skull Spiders had been just plain pests, things to be shooed away by farmers and village guards.
But now they were organizing and attacking in full force, attempting to destroy their livelihood and enslave them by attaching themselves to the faces of the Islanders and using their natural telepathic abilities to take control of them.
No one had an answer for the spontaneous uprising. It was unheard of. Something told around campfires to scare children. Except for the occasional attack, the Skull Spiders primarily left the Okotans alone.
What had caused this revolt?
The Protector of Fire looked out over the village as the rising sun bathed it in a golden light. The sight was stunning. Beautiful.
Unfortunately, this was going to be the most peaceful moment in his day, and everything from this point onwards was going to be a struggle.
Something creaked behind him and he turned to see his wife standing there, leaning against the doorpost, her blue eyes shining behind her traditional Mask of Power.
“How is it this morning, Narmoto?” she smiled.
“Just fine, Naiya,” he returned it.
She walked over to him, taking his hands in her own. Her blue eyes met his, and he watched as the golden light reflected off her Mask and her hair, which blew in the gentle breeze that was now sweeping through the morning. As he gazed at her, he saw a sadness in her eyes.
“What’s wrong, my dear?” Narmoto asked.
Naiya shook her head. “It’s just… I don’t want you to go.”
While he had been expecting this, it still caught him by surprise.
“You know it’s my duty.”
“I do. But you have a wife, and a child, who depend on you,” she replied.
“So do the others.”
His wife leaned into him. “I just don’t want to lose you. What if one of those things takes control of you? What then?”
The Protector held her close. “You know that I would love nothing more than to stay with you and Reuan, but it’s my duty – our duty – to stand against the Skull Spiders. If we don’t, the no one will.”
“You’re right,” she pulled away from him. “But please, be safe.”
Narmoto smiled faintly. “I will, my love.”
He turned from his wife, and with one last look at her, jumped over the railing and landed on the street below. The sun was just rising, so only a few villagers were out at this time. Mainly the village guard, which kept watch night and day for the Skull Spiders.
As he journeyed down the street, a villager ran up to him. He was adorned in red and gold armor and wore a Mask of Power forged in honor of Tahu, legendary Master of Fire. Stopping in front of the Protector, he bowed.
“Jaller? What news do you bring?” Narmoto asked.
“It was all quiet tonight, Protector, but I fear that won’t hold forever. Shion village was attacked overnight and the Spiders took more villagers.”
“Shion? But isn’t that one of the more fortified settlements in the Region?”
The Okotan nodded. “Yes, but somehow the Skull Spiders got through the defenses.”
“I must go to Shion village, then, and see if I can help with the damages.”
He turned away from the villager when he spoke up.
“With all due respect, Protector,” Jaller said. “Wouldn’t your talents be better served here? Protecting this village? The Skull Spiders are increasing the frequency of their attacks and you’re the only one who can stop them.”
“But that is not my duty, Captain,” Narmoto replied. “My duty is to the entire Region of Fire, not just one village.”
After a moment, he nodded. “Yes, Protector.”
“Now, I must be on my way to Shion. I will most likely return tomorrow,” the Protector of Fire turned from the villager. “Keep the village safe until then.”
Jaller bowed. “Of course.”
The Protector continued on, heading towards the entrance of the village. As he did, several villagers, who had woken up by this point and were greeting the morning, bowed to him, and he nodded his head in return. Personally, he didn’t care much for the reverence he received. He was merely doing his job. It wasn’t like he had asked to be a Protector; he had been born into it.
He reached the edge of the village, and with one last look at what he had called home for his entire life, where his family called home, Narmoto crossed the threshold.
Now he was on his way towards Shion. It was a small, yet heavily fortified, settlement towards the southern part of the island. They usually kept to themselves, not bothering in the affairs of the other villages. He personally had never visited it. Mainly he knew about it through stories and the occasional traveler who journeyed from there.
It was a bit of a shortcoming on his part, since he believed that a Protector should know all peoples of his Region. They were the ones that it was his job to defend against the dark. And while he was now traveling to Shion, it wasn’t under ideal circumstances.
As he walked, dark clouds rolled in overhead. They flashed with lightning and crackled with thunder. He titled his head down as rain began to pour from them, his armor glistening as it became soaked.
Steam rose from the ground as rain fell into the streams of lava that flowed through the Region of Fire from the super massive volcanoes. The steam continued to grow, becoming like fog.
The rain continued as he pressed on. He held his hand over the slits in his Mask, trying to keep the water from flooding his eyes.
“All part of the job...” he muttered to himself, sloshing through a heated puddle of water.
It was nearing dusk when he arrived at the outskirts of the village. Even through the haze he could see the destruction.
Passing through the broken gate situated in the wall, he entered the village of Shion. As he did, he witnessed several Okotans tending to others, treating their wounds. They barely noticed as he walked through the desolation when the elder saw him. He nearly dropped what he had been carrying as he ran towards the Protector.
“Narmoto, Protector of Fire!” he exclaimed, coming to a stop in front of him and bowing. The other villagers turned, wide-eyed at their defender.
“What happened here?” the warrior looked around, seeing the destroyed building surrounding them.
The elder’s eyes turned somber. “What always happens, Protector: the Skull Spiders.”
“How many villagers did they take?”
“Thirteen,” he replied.
Narmoto nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” he replied. “But, I believe I know why they are attacking our villages.”
“I believe that they are looking for something.”
His eyes widened. “How? How do you know?”
“Because there was something with them. Something different from them,” the elder said. “A creature, one born from the shadows.”
“What was it?”
He looked at the Protector. “The Lord of Skull Spiders.”
“The Lord of Skull Spiders is a myth, elder. It couldn’t have been him.”
The villager shook his head. “I know, Protector, and I wouldn’t be saying it if I hadn’t seen him with my own eyes.”
Narmoto stroked his chin. “If it was indeed the Lord of Skull Spiders, I fear we have a much bigger problem on our hands.”
Turning, he looked around at the devastation, the remaining fires that burned and the wounded villagers being tended to by others. Looking away, he sighed. He returned to the elder.
“Do you have any messengers I can send?”
“Of course,” he nodded. “Why do you need them?”
“I need to gather the other Protectors.”
A soft, warm, glow came from the golden mask. The beast watched it float above the pedestal, rotating slowly as energy flickered around it. One of the last creations of Makuta before the Battle of the Mask Makers, the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders was one of the more powerful Masks of Power on Okoto.
Imbued with the ability to grant the wearer complete control over passive Skull Spiders, this mask was a perfect tool for his task. With it, he could command the creatures from anywhere on the island, and organize attacks across the land.
Reaching out his front claws, he snatched the mask from its pedestal and held it in front of its many eyes. The inside glowed as he held it closer.
It was an incredible thing, the Golden Mask of Skull Spiders. Already he could feel the minds of the thousands of Skull Spiders in his own, ready to do his bidding. This feeling was addicting. Having the power to command a legion of creatures in his claws; it was intoxicating.
Complete control.
Turning his mind to his true task, he commanded the spiders to find the nearest village and raid it. He was looking for the three Legendary Masks of Power, the three that had been lost in the Battle of the Mask Makers.
Find the Masks of Power and bring them to me, he commanded.
The sensation of the Skull Spiders obeying his orders washed over him. Satisfied, he set the mask back down the pedestal, the golden object continuing to float as it had before. The only downside to the Mask was that its commands needed to be renewed every few hours.
Crawling away, he skittered back into the shadows, the beast’s six red eyes glowed in the dark, like torches. From the black he watched, waiting to make his next move.
The sky above the ancient City of the Mask Makers was dark and foreboding. The city below wasn’t much different. No one had stepped foot in the ancient city since the Great Cataclysm thousands of years ago. Legend had it that, even though the Protectors of the time had evacuated the villagers from the city, that beings of darkness still lingered there, waiting for the first Okotan to cross the threshold of the ancient gate.
Wind blasted through the forest, rustling leaves. He looked out over the cliff at the once-great city. His father had told him the stories that had been passed down through the generations of the Golden Age of the Mask Makers, when all peoples of Okoto had lived in harmony and when the island had been in balance.
Of course, with Makuta’s betrayal, the island had been thrown out of balance, and darkness had covered the land. Things had never been the same since.
But there was hope: the six Elemental Toa, heroes of Okoto, were prophesied to come in the island’s darkest hour.
Maybe that’s now, Narmoto thought to himself.
The crunch of leaves behind him made him turn to see Nilkuu, the Protector of Stone, emerging from the brush. While easily the youngest of the six, Nilkuu was the naturally the bravest. He assumed that it had something to do with him being from the Region of Stone, but nonetheless he was a welcome addition to the Protectors.
“Nilkuu,” he greeted.
“Narmoto,” the Protector of Stone nodded.
To the left, they looked to see Izotor, Protector of Ice, and Kivoda, Protector of Water, emerge from the jungle. They nodded to their fellow Protectors as they arrived. The elder of the Region of Water brushed himself off after they arrived, pulling mud from between the gaps in his armor.
“What happened, brother?” Nilkuu smiled. “Fall in a puddle?”
“Yes, yes I did,” he replied, obviously irritated. “Why do we have to meet on some cliff overlooking the ancient city anyway? Kind of puts salt in the wound, in my opinion.”
“The Protectors have met here for thousands of years, Kivoda,” said Izotor. “It would break tradition to do it elsewhere.”
“Yeah but I hate the jungle.”
“Are you serious?” a new, upbeat voice came from the other side of the clearing. Pushing away the bushes, Vizuna, Protector of Jungle, and Korgot, Protector of Earth, emerged.
“The jungle is the best place on Okoto!” he smiled at the Protector of Water.
“For you, maybe,” Kivoda picked the last bit of mud from his mask. “But I’ve always found it very... dirty.”
“Crazy talk,” he chuckled.
“We’re all a little crazy,” Korgot said.
Izotor cleared his throat. “While this is all well and good, I doubt this banter is why we are here.”
They nodded. “Yes,” Vizuna replied, turning to Narmoto. “Why are we here?”
“We have a problem.”
“Yeah we know,” Kivoda rolled his eyes. “There are Skull Spiders rampaging across the island.”
The Protector of Fire shook his head. “No. A bigger problem.”
“A bigger problem than the hordes of Skull Spiders?” Korgot raised an eyebrow.
“Shion village was attacked a few days ago,” Narmoto began. “And when I got there, the elder of the village said that the Skull Spiders had attacked with another beast. A stronger beast.”
“What was it?” Vizuna asked.
“The Lord of Skull Spiders.”
The six fell silent. A moment later Kivoda chuckled.
“Are you serious? He’s folklore. The Lord of Skull Spiders isn’t real.”
“That’s what I thought,” the Protector of Fire replied. “But the village chief insisted that he was there. That he was leading the Skull Spiders.”
“How could this be?” Nilkuu said. “And how could he be controlling the Skull Spiders?”
“I don’t know,” Narmoto shook his head. “But somehow he’s doing it.”
Obviously, this didn’t convince the five.
Izotor turned towards him. “Are you sure? I don’t doubt that the elder thinks he saw the Lord of Skull Spiders, but I need more evidence than that.”
“It would explain why the Skull Spiders have suddenly turned against us and are gathering to decimate villages,” the Protector of Fire argued.
“Perhaps,” Kivoda crossed his arms. “But I’m gonna need more evidence too.”
“And how am I supposed to get that?” Narmoto threw his arms out. “I know the Lord of Skull Spiders is out there, and we have track him down and stop him.”
“I know, brother,” Korgot said. “But we can’t just leave our regions on a wild goose chase. Our villages are getting attacked almost daily, and we can’t just leave them alone.”
“Believe me, I know the stakes,” the Protector of Fire replied. “But if the Lord of Skull Spiders is truly out there, he is responsible for those attacks, and must be stopped.”
The Protector of Water shook his head. “I’m sorry, Narmoto, but I’m going to have to say no.”
“Me too,” Vizuna said.
“Me as well,” Izotor nodded.
“And me,” Nilkuu looked down.
Korgot sighed. “I’m sorry.”
Crushed, Narmoto turned away from the five, looking over the ancient City of the Mask Makers. The wind shot through the valley, swaying him slightly. He watched as a pillar in the city was upturned by the gust and crashed to the ground, shattering. He closed his eyes.
“Alright. You can go back to your Regions now,” he said.
“Narmoto...” the Protector of Earth began.
“Go,” he snapped.
Sighing, she turned away, along with her brothers, and disappeared back into the forest, back to their Regions, their homes. They had come all this way only to turn right back around, leaving him alone once again.
Inside of him, emotions tossed and turned like the waves in a tempest. His brothers and sister, his comrades, hadn’t believed him, despite him believing them at every turn.
He knew he had no proof, but deep down, he knew for a fact that the Lord of Skull Spiders was indeed real, and that he was the one commanding the hordes. He was the one laying waste to their villages night after night.
Exhaling deeply, he looked from the city to the city gate. His eyes trailed down the ancient bridge. Long ago, villagers would come from every Region to come and see a game of Hammer Flush in the arena or come to see the Mask Makers themselves. It was a different time, of course, and one that would probably never be restored.
Turning away from the view, he made his way through the forest towards the gate.
Something was wrong.
The creature’s spine tingled as he pulled himself from his resting place and scurried across the underside of the structure. Dust fell as he did so, sprinkling into the endless abyss below. Lightning flashed overhead, shaking the bridge further.
He had felt someone coming towards the bridge, something that had not happened in a very long time. Most likely a curious villager, having heard the stories of old, wanting to see what the City of the Mask Makers was all about.
Fool, the beast thought. The city was abandoned for good reason.
Crawling to the topside of the structure, he came to a pedestal in the middle of the bridge where the glistening Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders hovered. Reaching out with his front claws, the creature took it from the pedestal and looked inside of it. As he did, the Mask of Power began to glow, tethering itself with his mind.
A moment later, he was in the treetops of the jungle, looking through the eyes of a Skull Spider. Looking around, the creature turned as it heard something coming through the forest. Below, it saw the form of the Protector of Fire emerged from the bushes, unaware that he was being watched.
So, the Lord of Skull Spiders thought. One of the elders draws near. I suppose even he needs to be taught a lesson.
Severing his connection with the Skull Spider, he set the Mask back on the pedestal, where it resumed floating, and he turned towards the end of the bridge, fog obscuring the edge of the jungle.
Come, little Okotan, he said to himself. Come and meet your end.
At last, he broke through the jungle and came to the bridge to the City of the Mask Makers.
Wind whistled through the arches of the crossing. Dust blew from the cracks in the stone and over the broken segments. The bridge itself swayed slightly in the rushing wind, a soft creaking echoing through the air.
In the dark sky above, lightning flickered and thundered, seemingly shaking everything below.
Narmoto stood at the threshold, nothing but a rough line between him and the bridge.
Should he cross it? No one had entered the City of the Mask Makers since the time of Ekimu. It was almost an unspoken tradition not to cross into that once-great city. Why should he be the first to do so? Who was he to be named the first Okotan to enter the city in thousands of years?
Just as he was debating, he caught a glimpse something glimmering out of the corner of his eye as the fog shifted. Looking up, he saw that a pedestal stood in the middle of the bridge. Above it, however, was the thing of interest.
Floating in the air was a golden Mask of Power, energy flickering around it.
He could hardly believe his eyes. A Mask of Power? Sitting in the open? Just to make sure, he rubbed his eyes, and found that it was no trick. At least, not one of the eyes.
Taken by curiosity and a flush of adrenaline, he crossed the threshold onto the bridge. At first, the structure shifted ever-so-slightly as he stepped foot on it, but it evened out. Breathing deeply, he continued across.
As he drew closer, the shape of the Mask came into view. His eyes widened as he realized that it was forged in the same shape as a Skull Spider. Energy flickered around it, as if power radiated from it
Coming up to it, he reached out his hands. Gently, he pulled it from the air, the energy ceasing as he did so. Studying it, he saw that it was indeed carved exactly like the body of a Skull Spider. Holding it, he found that it was crafted differently from a lot of Masks he had seen, even his own. As he continued to study it, he saw that there were a few defects in its design, and he realized that it must have been the work of the treacherous brother.
Makuta, the Mask Hoarder.
Looking on the inside, he saw a small inscription written near the top. Squinting, he read The Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders.
This was it. This was how the Lord of Skull Spiders was commanding the Skull Spiders to attack the Regions. The elder of Shion did see him, and now he had proof.
But, his excitement was not to last. Because just as he found how the Mask was being to control the Skull Spiders, he realized that there was something very wrong in this picture.
If the Mask that controlled the Skull Spiders was here, then where was its owner?
Subconsciously, his Elemental Fire Blaster unfolded from his back and onto his shoulder. Narmoto tucked the Mask under one arm and ignited a flame blade in his opposite hand. He looked around, ready for an attack.
Namroto’s senses flared as he heard something shift behind him. Swinging around, he unleashed a barrage of elemental fire blasts in the direction of the noise. Smoke and rubble shot into the air as the Protector continued his assault, the bridge itself trembling from the viciousness of the attack.
A moment later, he ceased and stood upright, looking into the veil. He could see nothing in the dense wall of smoke, and could hear nothing, for that matter. Seconds later, the smoke cleared and he saw nothing but the scorched stone.
He smiled when suddenly something struck him from behind and he was flung forward. The Protector hit the ground and the wind was knocked out of him as the Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders bounced a few feet away.
Rolling over, he was met with a massive beast with six legs and six blazing red eyes crawling towards him. Its mandibles clicked while saliva hung from its mouth, which hosted razor sharp teeth.
“The Lord of Skull Spiders!” he exclaimed as the creature brought up one of its claws.
Bringing up his own blade, he met the attack. His arm shook as he struggled to hold off the beast’s attack. An instant later it was knocked from his hand and hit the ground, extinguishing instantly. Narmoto looked up into its six glaring eyes before a horde of Skull Spiders came out of nowhere and engulfed him.
“Well, this is where we part ways,” Izotor said as they reached the beaten path.
“As always, it’s been a pleasure,” Vizuna replied.
Kivoda crossed his arms. “Hopefully the next time we’ll meet is under more.. favorable circumstances.”
The Protector of Earth was looking at the ground. Nilkuu saw this.
“Are you okay, Korgot?”
“I feel bad for the way we treated Narmoto back there,” she said, looking at her brothers. “Just because he couldn’t support his claim doesn’t mean we just abandon him.”
“Yeah but he has nothing,” the Protector of Water replied. “I don’t want to risk my villagers’ safety on a wild goose chase.”
The Protector of Stone turned to him. “He is our leader, though.”
“I know, and I respect Narmoto,” Kivoda said. “But our villages are being attacked by the day. We’re losing villagers all the time. We simply can’t investigate this.”
“Let’s at least go back and hear him out,” Izotor suggested. “It can’t hurt to listen to him. We’ve come all this way anyway.”
After a moment’s hesitation, the Protector of Water sighed. “Fine.”
“Plus,” Vizuna smiled. “He’s probably still there.”
And that he was. Well, exactly.
His vision coming back into focus, he found that he was hanging upside down, looking into an endless abyss. Craning his head upwards, he saw that he seemed to be underneath the city bridge, and the great chasm was below him. He also saw that he was wrapped in a cocoon, like an insect caught by a spider.
Looking around, he saw several cocoons just like his own dangling from the roof. Dozens of them. They swayed gently the breeze, the webs creaking slightly. As he studied, he realized what they were.
“Villagers!” he gasped.
Something moved to his left. Looking around, as best he could, he saw the gigantic form of the Lord of Skull Spiders emerging from the shadows. Its mandibles clicked and its mouth hung open, razor sharp teeth within. This caused his fast-beating heart to beat faster.
As it approached him, he saw a charred, damaged Mask of Power in one of its claws. He struggled against his bonds as the beast reached out the Mask towards him. Trying to resist, he attempted to knock the Mask from its claw. Despite his efforts, the creature managed to slam the object over his own Mask of Power.
Feeling the magnetic claps attach, he shuddered as a rush of strange energy coursed through him. As it subsided, he looked at the beast. It glared at him with its six red eyes before it opened its mouth to speak.
“There. Now we can talk.”
He was shocked. “What? Who is that?”
“Me, you idiot,” it replied.
Narmoto stared at the Lord of Skull Spiders.
“That Mask is the Mask of Translation. It was forged by Ekimu thousands of years ago.”
“So… it’s translating your words so I can understand?”
“I can’t believe you have intelligent thoughts,” the Protector said.
“Says the one who walked right into an obvious trap,” the beast retorted.
“Fair point.”
He struggled against his bonds again. “Why am I here?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.”
Narmoto decided it would be best if he kept talking. “I was looking for answers.”
“Answers? Answers about what?” the beast inquired.
“Answers about you.”
The beast crawled around him, clicking its mandibles. “And why would you be looking for answers about me?”
“Because you’re the one raiding our villages,” he said, trying to keep the terror from bleeding into his voice. “You’re the one taking our villagers and destroying our homes.”
“They stand in the way,” the sharp voice rang in his ears. “I am on a quest, and I cannot be impeded by idiotic peasants.”
“My people are not peasants!” Narmoto pulled against the webbing, a soft creaking sending chills down his spine. “You cannot treat them that way!”
“And who are you to tell me that I cannot?”
“I am Narmoto, the Protector of Fire,” he replied.
The Lord of Skull Spiders stopped its circling in front of him. Slowly turning, it looked at him six narrowed eyes. Its jaws lowered and its mandibles clicked. Inside its mouth, the rows of razor sharp teeth glistened.
“I know who you are. But even so, the honor is mine,” it bowed in a fashion that could only be described as mockery. “I have never had the pleasure to meet one of the six Protectors.”
“If you wanted to meet one of us, you could’ve just came and said hi,” he looked at his bonds. “You didn’t have to kidnap me.”
“Oh, but you’ve come to close to my operation,” it replied. “I mean, you did grab my Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders.”
“How did you even get that Mask?”
“It was given to me by a close ally.”
“That is not important,” the beast continued its circling of the Protector. “But it was crafted by Makuta just before the Fall.”
“And you’re using it to control the Skull Spiders and torment villages and steal Okotans. Why?”
“There’s something I’m looking for,” the Lord of Skull Spiders faced him again. “Something in one of the Regions I need to find.”
He raised an eyebrow behind the two Masks of Power he was wearing. “And if you found it, you would leave my people alone?”
“Most likely.”
“Tell me what it is, and I’ll help you find it.”
“The Mask of Creation.”
Narmoto’s eyes widened as he jerked in his bonds, swinging slightly as he did so. The Mask of Creation? That’s what this was all about? Of course! Why hadn’t he seen it sooner?
“You… you serve Makuta, don’t you?” he said. “That’s how you got the Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders.”
“In a way, yes,” the beast skittered around. “My ally and I have been tasked with bringing him the three Legendary Masks of the Mask Makers.”
“Is it not obvious? He wants to return to Okoto.”
He pulled against his cocoon. “I have to warn the others!”
To his surprise, the beast laughed, which was not unlike a blade being dragged across a stone floor. He winced as the noise assaulted his ears. A moment later it stopped and looked at him again.
“You’re not going to tell anyone what you’ve learned here today,” it crawled towards him. “In fact, you won’t even be alive much longer.”
“They’ll come looking for me!” he retorted.
“Perhaps,” the creature clicked its mandibles again. “But by that point, you’ll be long dead. I will gladly accept their offering of themselves, however.”
The Protector pulled against his restraints once more. His elemental Mask of Fire activated and a glow came from inside his bonds. Heat began to snap the webs and his body jerked as the strands holding him to the underside of the bridge broke. Realizing this, he quickly ceased his power. The beast laughed again.
“If you want to be dropped into the abyss, all you have to do is ask,” it said mockingly.
“You will not get away with this,” Narmoto narrowed his eyes. “And neither will Makuta. You will be stopped.”
“While you may believe that, I will destroy you and your comrades time and time again until I get what I came here for.”
He glared at the beast behind the two Mask of Powers clamped to his face. The beast flexed its mouth again before approaching him.
“Now, it’s time to have some fun...” it said before dozens of Skull Spiders crawled from the shadows all around him. He panicked as they came closer, and closer, and closer...
Part Two[]
The five Protectors, on the urging of Korgot, had returned to the peak they had met Narmoto on. Assuming he was still there, they had ventured back to talk to him. However, upon their arrival, they found that he was nowhere to be found.
“Great,” Kivoda threw up his hands. “We come back, and he’s gone. Great.”
“He can’t be far,” Nilkuu said. “I mean, we were gone for what, half an hour?”
“Yeah but that’s valuable time we’re wasting,” the Protector of Water replied. “I have to get back to my village within the next few days!”
“Calm down, brother,” Izotor put his hand on his shoulder. “Take a deep breath.”
“I don’t want to deal with this, frostbite,” he snapped.
“Hey guys,” Vizuna said, kneeling down on the right-hand side. “I think I found his tracks.”
They all gathered around the Protector of Jungle, looking at the prints in the dirt. They were heading east through the forest.
“Ugh,” Kivoda groaned. “He’s gone.”
“If we follow his trail, we’ll be able to find him,” Korgot said.
The Protector of Water rolled his eyes as they readied to follow the trail. They pushed through the bushes when suddenly they heard a pain-filled cry come from the ancient city.
Collectively, they turned and looked at each other.
“Narmoto,” the five said in unison.
And together, they were off towards the City of the Mask Makers.
He cried in pain as the swarm of Skull Spiders consuming him jabbed their razor sharp legs into him. All around him was black, due to the constriction of the damaged Mask of Power and, of course, the dozens of creatures crawling all over him.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get worse, he winced as the Lord of Skull Spiders’ razor-sharp voice broke against his ears.
“You’re going to regret ever crossing that bridge, Protector.”
Narmoto tried to respond, but was stopped by the searing pain coming from all over his body. Instead, he merely yelled his anguish. The beast chuckled laughed again, the horrible noise piercing his ears.
“Don’t worry, your pain won’t last too much longer,” it taunted. “You’ll be dead shor-.”
As they scurried over him, one of the little beasts managed to knock the Mask of Translation loose. The already-weak magnetic clamps gave way and it detached from his face. It slipped through a crack in their swarm and fell into the abyss. The final part of the Lord of Skull Spiders’ sentence was cut off, being replaced by its screeching voice.
Roaring, the beast struck the Skull Spider that had lost the Mask off from the swarm. It screamed as it fell into the darkness below. The other creatures didn’t seem fazed by this, and continued assaulting the Protector.
“You...” he managed to mutter. “...Will never win… Nor will Makuta...”
The beast simply screeched its laughter. Around him his body screamed in pain as the Skull Spiders swarming him continued to pierce him with this claws. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to endure much more of this, and he knew it wouldn’t be long until he was dead.
I’m sorry, Naiya, he thought, closing his eyes, tears streaming down his face. And I’m sorry, Reuan. I failed both of you.
Flexing its mouth and mandibles, the Lord of Skull Spiders waved one of its front claws. A second later, the swarm of spiders crawled from the Protector, leaving him hanging there, weak and wounded. His vision blurring, he looked up at the beast. Its eyes blazed as it began to crawl towards him. Coming closer, it reached out with its claw towards him…
Even though he was barely conscious at this point, he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. The Lord of Skull Spiders saw it, too.
A moment later, a very familiar voice cried out.
“Narmoto!” Kivoda, Protector of Water, yelled.
Managing to crane his neck, he saw his five fellow Protectors on the edge of the cliff next to the bridge. Their weapons glowed as their eyes darted from the Protector of Fire to the massive beast next to him.
“The Lord of Skull Spiders,” Nilkuu said breathlessly.
“He’s real. He’s really real,” Izotor gasped.
Eyes igniting once again, the Lord of Skull Spiders let out an ear-splitting roar that almost shook the bridge above him and Narmoto. The Protectors trained their weapons on it, energy crackling around the ends of them.
A moment later their attention was caught by a rustling in the bushes behind them. They turned to see several Skull Spiders of all variations coming towards them. Their mandibles snapped as their eyes blazed red. Again, their attention was drawn as they noticed more coming up onto the edge from the chasm below. Korgot and Vizuna spun around, back to back with the other three.
“Well, at least my ‘getting cornered by a horde of evil beasts’ fantasy is finally coming true,” Nilkuu quipped.
“Now is not the time,” Korgot replied.
“I mean, if we die,” the Protector of Stone said. “Then I would’ve died before I could’ve.”
“That doesn’t make it better.”
Crouching down, the beasts sprung at the five Protectors from both sides. Activating their weapons, they unleashed a barrage of elemental energy on them. The glare was blinding, submerging them in swirling flashes of different colors as the Skull Spiders screamed. On both sides, the creatures were launched from the blinding light, either into the chasm or into the brush around them.
Back underneath the bridge, the Lord of Skull Spiders looked back at Narmoto before crawling towards the flashing light where the Protectors were battling the Skull Spiders.
Realizing that his fellow Protectors would be no match against the beast, he struggled against his bonds. His entire body ached from the multiple stab wounds that had been inflicted by the Skull Spiders. The webs encasing him were already stained in some places with blood, and he felt dizzy and faint.
He knew, however, that he had to get free of his prison and bring aid to his fellow Protectors. But, he had no way of breaking his bonds, except…
Knowing what he had to do, he closed his eyes, and concentrated. Inside of him, he felt a fire welling up, reaching to every part of his body. Smoke began to billow from his cocoon as strands began to snap.
Opening his eyes, twin blades of flame ignited in his hands. Thrusting them outwards, they cut clean through the webs. An instant later, the entire cocoon gave way. With nothing holding him anymore, Narmoto fell towards the chasm below.
Glancing over his shoulder at his Elemental Fire Blaster, he saw that it was pointing downwards. He smiled. Activating it, a massive jet of fire shot from it. It propelled him upwards, flying towards the bridge.
Passing it, he cut the blast, and fell back down. His knees buckled as he landed on the bridge, the structure shifting slightly. Looking up, he saw that several Skull Spiders were coming towards him, their pincers snapping.
Calling upon his cannon, it slid into position on his shoulder. It glowed as it began to spin. A smile crept across his face. A second later, he unleashed his blaster. Blasts of elemental fire shot from the cannon. They cleared away the beasts in an instant, sending them flying into the chasm below.
The rotating barrels coming to a stop, it ceased to glow as he stopped his attack. Looking towards his fellow Protectors, he found that they had cleared away most of their opponents. But, they were oblivious to the massive beast crawling up the cliff-face.
“Watch out!” he yelled to them.
Vizuna blasted the last Skull Spider with his bow. He turned towards Narmoto as he called to them. He raised an eyebrow before something moved out of the corner of his eye. A second later, a massive beast jumped up from over the cliff. The five could barely react before they were knocked to the ground by the creature.
Looking up, they saw the Lord of Skull Spiders standing before them, its eyes blazing brightly. It clicked its mandibles before letting our an ear-splitting roar.
Behind it on the bridge, the Protector of Fire, still in pain, ran towards them. His body screamed in agony with each step, but he tried to push past it. The others needed his help. However, as he ran, his right knee gave out, and he came crashing to the floor.
Across the way, the massive beast was crawling towards the other five. It snarled as they crawled backwards. Izotor, raising his blaster, tried to shoot the creature. Opening its mouth, a ball of webs launched from it. It struck his blaster, knocking it from his hand.
Similarly, the others tried to get off shots, but their weapons were quickly disabled by the creature. Even Korgot’s chest-mounted blaster was rendered useless as it was covered in webbing. Defenseless, the five attempted to get up to run, but were knocked back to the ground by a swiping blow.
“No!” Narmoto cried.
Hearing this, the Lord of Skull Spiders turned towards him, eyes blazing. It roared at him, and moved to turn back towards the other Protectors.
Then his mistake made itself manifest.
With taking his eyes off the Protectors, the beast had given them an advantage. As he turned around, he was met with Korgot’s Star Drill being rammed into his face. The beast screamed as the weapon spun, cutting its flesh.
It stumbled away, crying in agony. Swiftly following, Izotor revved his saw blade, slicing upwards. The blade slashed one of the beast’s front legs. The cries of pain coming from it increased. The other Protectors got up, walking towards it while it continued to retreat.
The Lord of Skull Spiders reached the edge of the cliff, one of his hind legs slipping off. It looked over the side and back at the Protectors, who were still approaching. Turning, he saw Narmoto watching the scene from the bridge. It clicked it mandibles before jumping into the air. It soared over the chasm to the bridge, landing roughly. The structure shifted again.
Narmoto, pushing himself up, looking to the face of the beast. Its eyes blazed as it flexed its mouth. It roared again. And despite having lost the Mask of Translation, he knew perfectly well what it meant.
This ends here.
A smile broke across the Protector’s face.
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Standing up, his blaster slid onto his shoulder. The weapon began to spin, red energy glowing in each barrel. A second later dozens of blasts of fire shot from it, directly at the beast. Unable to dodge it in time, they struck it dead on. It skidded backwards across the bridge, screaming in pain. However, it swung around, using its natural armor to absorb to blow.
Cutting off his attack, he ignited his twin flame blades and charged at the beast. Raising its claws, it blocked his blades. Fire sparked as they pressed against each other.
On the other side of the chasm, the other Protectors were busy pulling the webs off their weapons.
“Hurry up!” Korgot said. “We have to help Narmoto!”
“This stuff is impossible to get off!” Nilkuu tugged at the substance covering his blaster.
“Just do it!” Vizuna said, managing to tear the webbing from inside of the barrels of his weapon. “He’s not going to last long against the Lord of Skull Spiders!”
“Let’s go, then!” Kivoda lifted his torpedo blaster, which glowed brightly.
Managing to get their weapons functioning again, they turned to scene on the bridge. Narmoto was barely holding his ground against the beast. It struck at him from the right, and he used both his blades to block the blow. Using this against him, it raised its left claw and swung at the Protector. He turned just as it struck him in the face, knocking him to the ground.
Growling, the Lord of Skull Spiders crawled towards him when it was bombarded by a barrage of elemental blasts. Across the way, the other five Protectors were discharging their elemental blasters on the beast.
Sparks flew as it dug its claws into the stone in an attempt to keep itself from skidding backwards. However, the sheer force of the combined elemental powers sent it sliding back. It roared in rage, desperate to stop itself.
The Protector of Fire, getting up, slid his blaster back onto his shoulder and joined the attack. Screeching, the Lord of Skull Spiders stumbled backwards, unable to withstand the force of their attacks. It crashed into the pedestal, the golden Mask of Power hovering above it shaking.
“It’s over, you wretched beast!” Narmoto yelled. “No longer shall you torment Okoto!”
The wave of energy striking the creature was intense. He felt his armor melting and its flesh burning. Sooner or later, it would give out, and he would be sent into the chasm below. Something had to be done, and quick.
At that moment, his eyes drifted over to the Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders. Clicking his mandibles, the beast swung his claw at it. Sweeping it up, he turned to the Protectors and raised it into the air with his front claws. Calling upon its power, the eyes of the Mask lit up.
Despite this, they continued their attack when they saw movement out of the corners of their eyes. Turning their attention to it, they saw dozens and dozens of Skull Spiders emerging from the edge of the forest, the chasm below, and from the City of the Mask Makers, their small forms crossing the bridge through the fog.
Releasing the triggers of their weapons, they looked at each other. Korgot looked to Narmoto.
“Narmoto! We have to go!” she called. “Now!”
He himself had seen the beasts, and deactivating his elemental blaster, turned to run when his knee screamed in agony and sent him sprawling to the ground again. Hitting the ground, the pain coming from his various wounds intensified.
The Skull Spiders were drawing nearer.
Kivoda jumped into action. “Nilkuu, with me. We have to get him out of there!”
Nodding, the Protector of Stone followed after the Protector of Water as he ran towards the bridge. The others activated their weapons again and unleashed their elemental power on the approaching Skull Spiders. Dust flew into the air as they were blasted into the chasm.
Reaching the bridge, Nilkuu and Kivoda charged forth. The ancient structure shifted slightly underneath them as they ran, but they couldn’t be concerned with such things right now. All that mattered was saving Narmoto.
The Protector of Fire was already pushing himself off the ground when they arrived. Helping him up, they slung his arms over their shoulders, holding him between them. The Lord of Skull Spiders unleashed a deafening roar that stung their ears. Behind it, the horde of Skull Spiders drew closer.
“Run!” Kivoda yelled.
As best they could, the three of them ran for the other Protectors, who were now at the foot of the bridge. Narmoto could barely keep up, but the army pursuing them was motivation enough for him to try his hardest.
Crossing the threshold, they joined the other three Protectors, who were clearing away the advancing herd. Raising their own blasters, Kivoda and Nilkuu blasted the first few rows of Skull Spiders coming at them from the bridge. They flew screeching into the chasm, lost in the fog below. The Protector of Water turned to the others.
“We have to go! There’s no way we’ll be able to take them all on!”
“Obviously!” Korgot shouted back, rays of purple energy streaking from her chest-mounted cannon.
“Then what are we waiting for?” Izotor used his saw shield to cut clear through a blue scorpion Skull Spider before unleashing another blast from his elemental ice gun.
Getting off a few more shots, the group turned and charged into the forest, Narmoto still between his two brothers. Korgot and Izotor led the way, while Vizuna hung in back, firing his flame bow at the still-advancing horde.
“They’re going to catch up!” he yelled.
“We just need to get far enough away from them!” Nilkuu replied, striking a green Skull Spider that sprung at them from the treetops with his Sandstone Blaster.
“I don’t think that’ll be possible,” Kivoda said, looking back at the herd as it closed in on them.
“Keep going!” Narmoto urged. “I know we can outrun them!”
He hoped.
Back on the bridge, the Lord of Skull Spiders was watching the scene, using the Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders to see through the eyes of the creatures. They were close now. Soon, he would have the six Protectors, and the villagers would be completely defenseless, and they would have their prize.
“What is happening?” said a deep voice behind him.
Turning around, he saw a massive figure approaching him from the forest the Protectors had just run into. The bridge shook slightly with each step, dust falling from the underside. As he walked, his armor glowed sickly orange. The horns protruding from the sides of his Skull Mask glinted in the light. His large three-bladed staff swung with his hand as he walked towards the beast.
The Lord of Skull Spiders spoke in his native language. He listened.
“The Protectors?” he raised an eyebrow. “What were they doing here?”
The beast replied.
“’Looking for answers’? What does that mean?”
He shrugged before continuing.
“You’re chasing them?” the being looked up at the dark sky. “Why?”
The creature’s mandibles clicked as he answered.
“You had the Protector of Fire in your grasp? And you let them rescue him? And you lost the Mask of Translation?”
Reluctantly, he nodded.
Letting out a sigh, he buried his face in his hand. “Leave them.”
Shocked, the Lord of Skull Spiders let out an almost audible ‘What?’.
“They are of no concern to us,” he replied. “We have bigger fish to catch.”
Reaching into a bag on his back, he pulled something out. The beast’s eyes widened as he saw what it was. Its golden form glistened in the dull light, shining like a star in the night. Its ancient runes flickered with raw power, energy radiating from it like heat from a fire. An artifact crafted from solid gold with precision and timeless skill, the Mask of Creation was a thing of beauty.
Sensing the Lord of Skull Spider’s question, the being answered.
“I found it in an ancient temple in the Region of Ice. It had been resting there since the Cataclysm.”
Eyes fixed on the Mask, the beast managed to draw his attention away to look at his commander. Clicking his mandibles again, he replied.
“Well,” the being walked over to the pedestal at the center of the bridge. Holding the Mask over it and letting go, it began to float above it, just as the Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders had. Energy flickered around it.
“This is only one of three of the legendary Masks of Power. There are still two more out. And I still suspect there’s either in, or around, the villages of Okoto. We keep searching until we find them all.”
Bowing, the beast clicked his mandibles. He held up the golden mask between its claws. The Skull Spiders were very close to the Protectors now, just moments away from capturing them.
“Call them off,” the figure said. “They don’t matter.”
Looking at him with all six of his blazing red eyes, the creature reluctantly bowed. Lifting up the Mask, he used it to project a single thought into the horde.
Leave them.
Turning his attention back to the warrior, the Lord of Skull Spiders saw him nod.
“Do not fret,” Kulta, the Skull Grinder said. “The beginning is reaching its end.”
“We’re not going to make it!” Vizuna exclaimed as the Skull Spiders slashed at his heels.
And he was right. The Skull Spiders had caught up, and at any moment, they would slow down enough for them to grab them. They were losing the race. Soon it would be over, and they would be taken.
“Well,” Narmoto said, carrying his own weight now. “If this is the end; I want you all to know that it has been a pleasure serving with you.”
“And you,” Korgot nodded.
“Same here,” Izotor replied.
“Indeed,” Vizuna answered.
“It’s been an honor,” Nilkuu smiled.
Kivoda looked his leader in the eye. “It’s been a privilege, brother.”
Glancing at each other, the six Protectors readied to stop and fight for their lives. Readying their weapons, they nodded. Quitting their retreat, they skidded to a halt. Swinging around to face the horde, they were met with a very unexpected sight.
Just as they had, the Skull Spiders had come to a stop, simply standing and staring at the six. The Protectors were so shocked, they did the same as the horde was. The dozens of red eyes looked dead ahead before, as one, they turned and scurried back the way they had just come, leaving the Protectors behind.
They stood in silence for several moments, completely stunned.
“Okay,” the Protector of Water was the first to speak. “What?”
“I can’t believe it,” the Protector of Ice gaped. “They just… turned and walked away? Why did they do that?”
“Something called them away,” the Protector of Fire stepped forward, holding his side. “And I know what.”
“That golden Mask of Power?” the Protector Jungle raised an eyebrow. “What was it?”
“It was the Golden Mask of the Skull Spiders,” Narmoto explained. “It was forged by Makuta thousands of years ago before the Fall.”
“How did the Lord of Skull Spiders get it, then?” the Protector of Earth inquired.
“It’s not working alone. It mentioned having an alley that gave it the Mask,” he replied.
“Who?” Korgot asked. “I don’t know, but they’re working together to find the legendary Masks of Power. That’s why the Skull Spiders are raiding our villages. They’re looking for them.”
“Then this means we have to summon the Toa,” the Protector of Stone declared.
Vizuna turned to him. “Indeed, but we can’t right now.”
“Why not?”
“The incantation must be spoken on a Solstice, and the Summer Solstice, fortunately, is not too long away,” the defender of the Region of Jungle replied.
“And when that day comes, we will gather at the Temple of Time, and with the Prophecy of Heroes, we will summon the Toa,” Narmoto said.
“Until then, we must go back to our villages and defend our people,” Kivoda added. “That’s all we can do until it is time to summon the Toa.”
“I guess I’ll be seeing you all again at the Summer Solstice,” Izotor nodded.
“See you then,” they each said to each other.
As they walked away, Korgot came up to Narmoto.
“Are you going to be okay getting back home?” she asked worriedly.
He smiled. “I’ll be fine, sister. But thank you for your concern. And for believing in me.”
“I just wanted to help.”
“Yeah, but you convincing the others to come back saved my life. Without you, I would be dead, and my wife would be a widow, and my son would be fatherless.”
She put her hand on his shoulder.
“We became Protectors at the same time. We’re in this together.”
“Thank you.”
Clanking their fists together, they went their separate ways.
“Papa!” the boy exclaimed as he saw his father enter the village. He ran towards the wounded Protector.
“Hello, my son,” he smiled.
“Papa,” Reuan said, looking at his wounds. “Are you okay?”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” he replied, hugging his child.
Down the street, his wife had heard her son call out and had come to investigate.
“Narmoto!” she yelled, rushing towards her husband.
“Naiya!” he embraced her, hugging her tight. “I’m so glad to see you!”
“What happened?” she asked, tears of joy in her eyes. “I was so worried!”
“We ran into a little trouble,” he began. “We found what has been causing the Skull Spiders to attack us, and why. I got too close, hence my current appearance. But, the others rescued me, and we managed to escape.”
“So… what now?”
“Now,” Narmoto said. “I spend some time with my family.”
“Does that mean we can play Koli, papa?” Neuan asked, looking up at his parents.
A smile broke across the Protector’s face. “Of course, my son. Of course.”
“Yay!” he rejoiced, running back towards their home, leaving his mother and father behind.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Naiya asked sincerely. “Your wounds...”
He stopped her, holding her hands in his own and looking into his eyes. The setting sun illuminated her blowing hair brilliantly.
“I’m fine, my dear. I just need rest. You don’t need to worry about me.”
She nodded. “I know, I know. I just… can’t help it.”
“Of course,” he smiled. “And I don’t blame you.”
“My fault for marrying a Protector,” she smiled back. “But I’m lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one,” Narmoto replied. “I married someone who stays with me even though I’m gone so often. I’m with someone who is the greatest wife and mother I could hope to have. I don’t deserve you. You are the sunshine in my life; my light in the dark.”
Naiya had no words to respond to this, so she simply embraced him again, tears streaking down her face. He embraced her in return, never wanting to let go.
He was home.
- Protectors
- The Lord of Skull Spiders
- Naiya
- Reuan
- Jaller
- Elder of Shion
- Villagers
- Skull Spiders
- Web of Shadows serves as Invader39's entry into the Okoto Writing Contest.
- Obviously, the story was named after the third BIONICLE movie, BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows.
- The short story was inspired by Box Comic: 70790.
- The village of Shion was named after the village found in the second episode of RWBY Volume 4, Remembrance.
- Jaller belongs to BobTheDoctor27.
The Dark Trilogy (v|e) | |||
Main Story | Pushing Back the Dark | Lost in the Dark | Light in the Dark | ||
Short Stories | Web of Shadows | ||
Related | Lies in the Light |