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Wairakka is part of BIONICLE Generations.
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The Wairakka are a gargantuan species from the far southern chains of the Matoran Universe.


The Wairakka were created by the Great Spirit Mata Nui to inhabit his universe. They were originally intended to be powerful forces of ecological change, altering landscapes as necessary to both the Great Spirit's needs and the ever-changing landscape of the universe. However, early in their physical development, exposure to leaking Zhion particle cells mutated their cellular makeup. Sometime after their creation, this mutation burgeoned into powerful teleportation abilities. This unexpected mobility allowed them to reach further across the universe and at greater speeds than they should have been able to, giving them access to knowledge, tools and ideas that might previously have been inaccessible.

It was not long before the physical imposing Wairakka started carving up much of the southern third of the Matoran Universe into territories, and only a series of well-placed natural disasters by the Great Spirit himself prevented the Wairakka from dividing up more of the universe. Their numbers almost depleted, they retreated to the southern island chains, in particular to a harsh jungle island called Waira Nui.

One of their number, a Dark Hunter known as Shadow Stealer, was subjected to a hideous transformation at the hands of another Wairakka warlord. As a result, Shadow Stealer was shrunk to a humiliating size, and his powers warped to limit him to teleporting only in areas of shadow.

Abilities and Traits[]

All Wairakka are powerful teleporters, able to move themselves and others across vast distances, though seemingly only within the bounds of the Matoran Universe. Though they can travel to places they have not previously seen, they tend not to; strategically, it makes little sense for them to visit a new location unprepared.

Besides their teleportation abilities, Wairakka are exceptionally strong and almost invulnerable. Few other races can match their strength, and even a Toa using a Kanohi Pakari would struggle to do so.

Wairakka can wear Kanohi themselves, though seldom do, seeing them as a sign of "Matoran weakness".

Known Wairakka[]


  • The meek, cunning Huwnaui often act as viziers or emissaries for Wairakka warlords.

See Also[]
