This article was written by Jaggedthorn. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
- "So your telling me your a... form of this Mata Nui character, but your not telling me exactly Who IS Mata Nui."
- ―Vutresp to Mata Nui
Vutresp was a Bio-Mechanical being created by the Great Beings, in order to fend off what they call the Great Terrors. Incidentally, he lost his memory of the task and is now part of the Dark Hunters, under the name of "Tactician".
There was a time where the Great Beings fled their world in order to escape their Neighbors, whom they call the Great Terrors. But as time continued, the Great Terrors later on found them. Using one of the Solis Magna System's Moons as a base of operations to toy with the Great Beings. Of course they were prepared for something like this, if they ever found them. They created a biomechanical being whom shared the same innovative qualities as the great terrors but also shared the mind of the great beings, only modified for military use. They called him, VU-71359, or Vutresp. They programmed him where he would only single mindedly find the Great terrors to kill them. But there was an explosion as a Great Terror infiltrated. Vutresp was sent off like a rocket, hurdling back down to Spherus Magna, the Impact into the planet's Wetlands made him forget his mission. Only to be later picked up a by a strange water user who was not exactly a Toa. Instinctly Vutresp tried to attack him, only to find himself being attacked by a Gapawok. The being saved him, with Vutresp apoligizing for his rash behavior. The being accept his apology, guiding him to his Agori/Matoran village for him to rest in.
Vutresp, going to his programming examined everything in the village, he was brought to a traveling Vortixx who seemed to have strange weapons, analyzing one of them, he quickly learned how to make one of his pistols even more efficiently. The Vortixx tried to convince him to buy one of his products but Vutresp declined. The Water user and the Vortixx argued what to do about Vutresp. The robot finally decided for himself, saying he'll scour what they called Spherus Magna to find out what to do for himself, to find out a purpose that would be better than trying to kill Great Terrors, at least in his book.
- Vutresp was the first candidate of Jaggedthorn's to be his Self-MOC but the idea was discarded.
- Vutresp is one of two of Jaggedthorn's only fully mechanical MOC he have ever made.