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This article is about the Toa in the Chalkaverse-1. You may be looking for the Toa in the Spellgear Universe. |
Vilya was a female Le-Toa in the Chalkaverse-1.
Early Life[]
Like most other Matoran, Vilya was created on Spherus Magna, where she aided in the construction of the Matoran Universe. Upon its completion, Vilya was among the Matoran chosen by Chalka to inhabit Chalkis Nui. As there was no region associated with Air, Vilya chose to take residence in Su-Chalkis.
Chalkis Nui[]
Soon after taking residence in Su-Chalkis, Vilya joined the Guard, and was given a position in a special group tasked with guarding the more forested areas of the region. After a new species of small, bird-like Rahi was discovered, Vilya requested the formation of a squad of mounted guards. The request was fulfilled, and she became the captain of the Su-Chalkis Galeforce.
Siege of Ta-Chalkis[]
To Be Filled In Later
Traits, Abilities, and Equipment[]
To Be Filled In Later
•Elemental Energy: Vilya's elemental affiliation of Air allows her to create, control, and absorb air, and gave her increased athleticism and nimbleness as a Matoran. She also is able to unleash an Air Nova Blast. Her main limitation is that her elemental energy must be recharged after use.
•Combat Training: A large part of Vilya's life was devoted to training, which has turned her into a highly capable combatant.
- •Specialization: Swordsmanship: Vilya specializes in swordsmanship, and trains in swordplay using both hands, despite being left-handed.
•Leadership: Vilya has developed leadership skills throughout multiple scenarios in her life, allowing her to effectively bring beings together and lead them in combat.
•Sword: Vilya possesses a one-handed sword, her preferred weapon. Its main use was close-quarters combat, but it could also channel her elemental powers.
•Kanohi: Vilya wears a Great Kanohi Tyr, the Great Mask of Glory, given to her by Artakha. The mask stores up energy as she battles, and allows her to utilize the energy at will.
In chronological order:
- Chalkis
- Dawn and Dusk
- The Su-Chalkis Galeforce is named after the Galeforce skill from Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates. The skill could be obtained from the Pegasus Knight class tree, a mounted flying class like the members of the Su-Chalkis Galeforce.