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VelikaMahri 03
Velika (Afterverse) contains spoilers.

This article contains spoilers for 777. Continue reading at your own risk.

"But he was always hiding something, masking some piece of the truth from those around him. I never learned what it was."
Axonn describing Velika

Velika was a mysterious Po-Matoran who lived on Voya Nui until he sank into the Voya Nui Bay with the rest of the inhabitants of Mahri Nui.


Velika's past is shrouded in mystery, but it is known that at some point he suffered an accident that sent him to Karzahni for repair. He was rebuilt into a weaker form, and sent to the heart of the Southern Continent to hide Karzahni's failure. He settled in the region around Mount Valmai, and was there when the Great Cataclysm sent the island of Voya Nui hurtling to the surface of the Endless Ocean.

According to Iiliara, Velika descended the 777 Stairs and retrieved the Kanohi Ignika 300 to 400 years before the Great Cataclysm for an unknown purpose. When Sauti used his Mask of Psychometry in the Chamber of Death, he saw a vision of a part of Velika's trip back up the 777 Stairs after retrieving the Ignika. In the vision, Velika's appeared in his rebuilt form, indicating this took place after he was sent to Karzahni, and spoke to the voice in the Chamber of Death as if he knew the being it belonged to. Whatever he did with the Ignika, it was eventually returned to the Chamber of Life beneath Mount Valmai.

At some point while living on Voya Nui, Velika met Axonn, who had been sent by the Order of Mata Nui to guard the Ignika. Axonn was suspicious of Velika, but never learned that the Matoran had temporarily removed the Ignika from its resting place.

Velika was in Mahri Nui when it sank into the Voya Nui Bay. He survived the initial Plunge, and was alive to see the Ignika sink down toward Mahri Nui after Sauti threw it into the Bay.

Personality and Traits[]

Velika is notably eccentric, prone to speaking in riddles that often confound those around him. Multiple individuals, inducing Axonn and Iiliara, believe that he is hiding something from everyone, and that he is more than he appears to be.

Powers and Equipment[]

As a Po-Matoran, Velika possessed an innate affinity for stone, as well as heightened strength and durability over other Matoran. However, this advantage was lessened when he was rebuilt into a weaker form by Karzahni.

After sinking into the Voya Nui Bay, the small amount of mutagen Velika was exposed to gave him a stronger, sleeker form more suited to his new environment. He carried twin Power Carvers capable of carving away at rock and metal, and he wore a powerless Kanohi Komau, the Mask of Mind Control.


  • 777 (First appearance)

