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This article was written by Redastrayzero. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Velika's Empire
Rule Spherus Magna

Velika's Empire was an malevolent dictatorship founded by Velika (Astray), as a means of conquering the planet of Spherus Magna.



Shortly before the destruction of Spherus Magna, the Great Being that would come to be known as Velika would transfer his consciousness into the body of a Matoran. He left his original body in suspended animation and ventured into the Matoran Universe, hoping to better observe how the Great Spirit Robot would perform its tasks.

During his time in the Matoran Universe, Velika concluded that the destruction of the planet was a result of poor leadership by the Great Beings. As such, he developed a plan to seize control of Spherus Magna for himself, believing that his rule would serve the planet better.

The first part of his plan involved the murder of powerful Matoran Universe inhabitants, who Velika assumed would become interfere with his ruling. To enact this, he used Lesovikk's Air Sword to kill Karzahni at Iron Canyon and later extracted Tren Krom from his prison before murdering him in Bota Magna. As part of his plan, he killed both in gruesome ways to inspire fear among the population of Spherus Magna.


Velika and his lieutenant, Daero.

Later, Velika was transformed into a Toa along with the other members of the Voya Nui Resistance, though he frequently left the team to fulfill the rest of his plan. Constructing a stronghold deep within the canyons, Velika began to create his empire, seeking to influence the planet. Around this time, he freed the Toa of Shadow Daero from stasis and resurrected the Makuta Daxos to bolster his ranks. Velika would leave his commanders in charge of his empire while he continued his Toa disguise; by manufacturing conflicts, he was able to convince the public of the Toa Voya's heroism.

Further efforts by Velika's Empire included attempts to recreate the Makuta species and repeated failure controlling the Battera robots.

To be added...


Name Species Equipment Role
Velika (Astray) Great Being, Toa of Stone Komau, Power Carvers Emperor
Daxos Makuta Tryna, Shadow Rapier, Broadsword Commander
Daero Toa of Shadow Jutlin, Broadsword Commander
Kabrua Vorox Twin-blade, Blaster Warrior
Perditus Glatorian Thornatus V9 Servant
Atakus Agori Skrall Tribal Blades Servant



  • Velika and his commanders each take inspiration from Star Wars Sith lords:
    • Velika himself is inspired by Sheev Palpatine, particularly his portrayal in the prequel trilogy.
    • Daxos is inspired by Count Dooku.
    • Daero is inspired by Darth Vader.
