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This article was written by Vathryn21. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
- "Abominations are nothing new, Im just the latest"
- ―Vathryn to Melding Teridax
Vathryn is the unintentional reincarnation of Gorast.
Vathryn started out as a Onu Matoran scavenger looking for tools, weapons, and masks to take back to his village refuge of un-enslaved Matorans hiding in the ruins of Voya Nui in hopes of protection from Teridax's endless swarms of Rahi . While skimming the energy storm infested swamps of Karda Nui he fished out several broken masks one of which was a relatively intact [1] . Not knowing what or whos mask it was he put it on only to be overtaken by the memories of the fallen Makuta. Vathryn passed out and awoke to the sight of a new body
Vathryn fled Karda Nui heading straight for his village only to be attacked by a Visorak which he killed and took its mandible as a weapon. nine days of walking later he arrived at his village gate only to be fired upon with spears and nets and then captured. Vathryn Spent much of his time explaining who he is only to be ignored and sentenced to execution. roughly four hours after his capture a group of rakshi attacked the village giving him time to escape he then armed himself with a shoddy Zamor Launcher and the Visorak blade joined the fight wounding several rahksi and killing two. the matorans then realized that there was a possibility of truth with his claims and un shakled his wings at which point he found out about them. taking two of his closet friends from the village (a Ta Matoran named haus "House" and a Le Matoran named lanwe "lawn weh") they journeyed to back to karda nui and retrieved several damaged masks, scrap from crashed vehicles and forging the remains into new masks and weapons they then turned themselves into the self dubbed "toa rahi" and fought back the hordes
when makuta flew to bara magna to fight Mata Nui the toa rahi evacuated the village to the Codrex. When makuta was slain they migrated to the surface and joind the rest of civilization on Spherus Magna, fearing their presense wasnt welcome they fled to the newly grown forests and encountered Melding Teridax and Mazeka Vathryn became outraged and attempted to murder who he thought was makuta in another body only to be brutalized by the alternate universe Teridax. Vathryn geting up surrendered and listened to Teridax's story remembering that he once was mistaken for a makuta.
Abilities and Traits[]
Vathryn is a Matoran at heart caring about the virtues but has the strength and will of a Makuta he has access to two of the 42 Rahkshi powers being limited invulnerability and Chain Lightning. he is capable of short term flight, his strength is great enough to crush proto steel in his hands, and he can take moderate damage with little consequence.
Mask and Tools[]
Vathryn wears the great kanohi felnas (Gorast's mask) in its un-mutated form it is devoid of color due to the previous wearer being disintegrated by Teridax's energy storms. He wields a sword made from a visorak mandible, a rifle made from vehicle scraps and a zamor launcher, and a shield made from vehicle scraps
- the build is a heavily modified hydraxon torso with new arms and legs
- I originally built it with the sole intent of triggering Ven from the ttv channel due to him complaining about blue pins and red axels