Hi all. I’ve been dead for a long time, and the time has finally come to declare it so. The beaurucrats should demote me from rollback. While I enjoyed being in a position of trust, its time to step down and let others take over.
I may still be around occasionally, I’m not quitting. I might even publish a story sometime.
This really is a great place and I have fond memories of my history here.
Sorry I never got That torso design for you, Bob. I couldn’t remember how it was constructed anyways.
First Blog of 2018
Hey, it's been awhile, hasn't it? I haven't done much on the wiki or discord, life's been very busy lately. I've only been posting on Tumblr, but I've finally found the time to put up some mocs.
Also, I said a while back that I was putting my main story, Protectors Dawn, until I could practice my writing skills? Well I did: The first volume of Tales of the Sentinels is done! You can read it HERE. Be forewarned, it's pretty ramble-y, but that's the point of practice, huh?
Anyway, on to what you came here for: Mocs!
That's all I have. Hope you enjoyed it!
Fall 2017 Moc blog
It's been awhile but I'm still here. I have some stuff to share. Mocs mostly.
Storywise, my first actual story, Tales of the Sentinels, is nearly done. Fanfiction is the lifeblood of this wiki, after all.
Anyways, that's all I have for you, thanks for viewing!
5 Month Intermission Blog
Hey howdy hey. It's a less-than-peppy windfall, coming at you.
So, School just ended for the moment. School is hard. I lost access to CBW at school. I took a break. And I'm back. Hopefully, you're glad I kept things concise.
I have some stuff for you. First. I've made progress (real progress this time) on 'Tales of the Sentinels', which you may or may not remember. The first chapter is focusing on an incredibly obscure background character, mentioned only as a name on some page. Second. I have mocs. I've taken a break from bionicle as whole, so some are a bit old, but some are new. But I haven't posted anything here recently, so I don't think that matters much
Thanks for clicking on this, hopefully looking at it, and hopefully enjoying it.
Miscellaneous December Blog
Hey everybody. Welcome to the last blog I'll be making this year! Fun, huh? Anyways, right before making this, I've completed my first story, Rising Revelations, the third chapter of which you can view HERE. Other than that, I've got many other things to share with you.
Aaand, GO!
Well, I hope you enjoyed! Sorry for me not being on here more, but I'm still working on it!