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Sidorak12814 Sidorak12814 1 June 2013

Hey! A Blog!

Salutations, all you web-browsing people!

For you who do not know, I am Sidorak12814, also known as Sidd. For those who do know, you are either quite observant, for which I congratulate you, or you are familiar with me, in which case, hello again!

It's funny. I look back at my last blog post and I see that it was a proposal for a new template. I was going to work on that, like, back in 2012.

Fail. XD

Anyway, so here I am with an update. First of all, part of the reason I've dropped in frequency of visits (code for "not been on in like more than half a year") is because right after the holidays and by birthday, my schoolwork picked up in pace, and then I got a full-time job.

The job part is exciting! Money -- good! The school part, not so much.


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Sidorak12814 Sidorak12814 14 November 2012

Proposal 42

This may or not be the forty-second proposal on the Wiki. I don't know. But it is a proposal that involves the number 42. And I wanted to make the political reference for comedic effect.

I would like to know, in the opinion of my fellow wiki-ers, if a template for putting the Makuta powers in an article easily would be appropriate. Such a template would obviously be a collapsible text, so that the whole dang page would not be consumed by this massive list of powers, but one could expand the list to see the whole power list of they so desired. The first parameter of the template would be the character's name, and the second would be a gender-specific pronoun.


Nothing entered in Parameters 1 and 2.

  • Accuracy: ]] 22:29, November 14, 2012 …
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Sidorak12814 Sidorak12814 8 November 2012

Ten Chapters of Green

I love that moment when you've got ten installments in a story that you never expected to make it to ten installments.

Do you love that moment, too, or is it just me?

Whether you do or not, I have indeed posted a tenth chapter to Kanahka's Chronicle! I'm like totally spazzed out, man! It's so wicked groovy!

Does anyone else like the word "groovy," or is it just me?

Whether you do or not, I do. And I have something actually worthwhile to say, as well. I can officially announce that Kanahka's Chronicle has officially started its first true preplanned story arc. I plan to not only answer questions that one may have as far as the continuity between the Chronicle and Island of Power, but also enrich the history of the Avenging Alliance by adding a (…

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Sidorak12814 Sidorak12814 16 October 2012

Unreleased Images 19

The title really says that. I'm finally doing another of these. It's true.

And this is actually going to be kind of a small one, but still. I think these images deserve a blog.

So here we go. First we have a random image, specifically aimed to be an article image. Here I have my three currently built Crynok MOCs all standing together. Not too dramatic, but still cool, at least in my opinion.

And here we have some pics of Matu and Hoka. I wasn't sure I liked the original MOCs as much as I could, so I went with a tried and true tactic. When all else fails, accessorize!

I gave Matu all this stuff one day a while ago.

But then I decided to give Hoka a shield.

It fits with her being a sharpshooter and all, and it is also a bit of nostalgia for me, be…

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Sidorak12814 Sidorak12814 28 September 2012

New MOC the upteenth

Greetings, fellow users, userettes, and gender-neautral userbots to my blog! Once again I host a blog post for the purpose of revealing an MOC. I only do one at a time these days because I spend less time working on them, partly because I have already built most of my story characters, and partly because all my video games aren't going to play themselves.

Well, on to the meat and potatoes, so to speak. Here we have Vaturi, seen for the first time as she originally was, as an ebon-armored Crynok of Dark Matter.

This marks an unusual milestone for me. This is the first female MOC of mine, and the second in the Altronia Continuity to contain no blue whatsoever (well, there are two blue connectors in her back, but that doesn't count). Odd, huh? …

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