Hitting the Dusty Old Trail
Surprise! I'm leaving. Probably should have done it a couple of years ago.
I don't want to write some nostalgic post about why I'm leaving (probably will end up doing that anyway) and I'm not prewriting this on a word document and I don't plan on editing it very much, so I guess I'll just write it as a go along and see where I end up. Always preferred winging it, as a lot of my work indicates.
I guess I should start with why I'm leaving in the first place. Two years ago, some really explosive drama involving myself, SM, Bond, and Josh, as well as several other people occurred, the specifics of which I'm not going to get into. At this point, apologies have been made and more or less everyone involved has reconciled, but at the time it really …
UPDATE OF IMPORTANCE: Where is the chat?
Hello gentlemen, there has been some confusion concerning what exactly happened to the live chat, so I'll put it all to rest and explain. Following repeated criticisms of the Wiki Chat and the forums chat, the staff has decided to move the chat to the Mibbit IRC client, one we're familiar with. You can access it by clicking "Chat" on the top bar of the forums or by following this link: http://custombionicle.shivtr.com/pages/chat
That should alleviate any confusion as to what happened to the chat. Thanks for reading.
April Hupdate
Greetings, peasants good people of CBW, it is I, your benevolent chat moderator, Jareroden97, with the first Hupdate this year. (And the first blog in over a year.) You may say, "But Matt, you've hardly even done anything in the past year," which is quite true. So, I figured it was about time to really sit down and tell you guys why exactly I've hardly been around for the past two years.
- 2 Quick Tip Quickie
- 3 Upcoming Collaborative Story
- 4 MOCs
So basically after some stuff happened in 2011 that I'd rather not get into detail about, I felt myself kind of drained of energy to do things around here, not to mention the fact that I was spending more and more time live chatting with people from around here, so all that amounted to me doing b…
January Hupdate
So, uh, hey. It turns out I'm alive and stuff. I've just been kind of MOCing and playing Mass Effect 3 for the past however long it's been. But don't worry, as I bring offerings in the form of MOCs and much-loved updates. And everyone else is doing the monthly update stuff so I might as well jump in too.
- First, as some of you know, Coalition is cancelled, since looking back on it, I see that it was kind of shamelessly ripped off from Mass Effect. However, I am going to be incorporating many of its characters and ideas into my main storyline, so hooray.
- Secondly, I'm running pretty low on technic parts (liftarms mostly), so that makes MOCing rather difficult. I'm hoping to make a bricklink order in the near future to get some more soon, but I'm al…