Custom BIONICLE Wiki

DeltaStriker DeltaStriker 2 April 2024

Big Announcement

It feels like a while since I wrote one of these, but weirdly enough it was less than 2 years ago, for my Ten-Year Anniversary of joining the wiki. If you haven’t checked that one out, you should, I think it was pretty neat.

I’m back today to mark another milestone, albeit a little farther in advance. This November will mark ten years since I completed the original version of Rock Bottom, the first larger-scale project I’d ever properly completed as a writer at that point in time. As I mentioned in my Anniversary Blog, you all seemed to like it enough to make it a Featured Story, and even award it the prestigious Best Page of the Year Award. So naturally, I did the only rational thing and failed to produce a complete sequel to the thing for …

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DeltaStriker DeltaStriker 2 August 2022

Ten Years

Ten years ago today, I finally made the decision to branch out from the Custom Hero Factory Wiki and join the Custom Bionicle Wiki. Since then, I’ve started dozens writing projects (and abandoned most of them), served as a Rollback and then as an Administrator for a time, and written (and completed!) a story you all seemed to like enough to award it the honor of Best Page of the Year. Even though I haven’t been consistently active for all ten years, I wanted to mark the anniversary in honor of the impact this site and this community have had on my adolescence and my creative development.

I’m going to start this off by saying this: Thank you, Custom BIONICLE Wiki, for being a place for me to grow as a person and a writer. It’s rare to find a…

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DeltaStriker DeltaStriker 22 May 2016

Spring 2016

So I feel the need to explain myself, for those of you who may be wondering what is going on. And I will also include the update blog I have been meaning to write for ages.

It is quite simple. As of 6:04 PM, on May 21st, 2016, I have officially stepped down from my position as Administrator. I have removed my administrative paraphernalia and modified all but a few (now tended to) pages that referred to me as such.

My reasoning is equally simple. I have not remained active enough to maintain the position. I have been busy with school, friends, and life in general, and am currently moving in the direction of pursuing other interests that will consume even more of my time, and it would be impractical and ignorant to assume I would be able to co…

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DeltaStriker DeltaStriker 24 April 2015

Character Swap Writing Contest Winners!

Well, April 23rd has coem and gone, and that means that the voting period for the Character Swap Writing Contenst is officially over! And as such it's time to congratulate the winners.

First Place: , Knocking on Heaven's Door

Second Place: , Shopping

Third Place: , Prey

Please join me in a round of applause for our winners! And don't forget to shower their Talk Pages with cookies and other treats!

Prizes will be announced as soon as the final discussions are had. Hang tight for those at some point over the weekend.

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DeltaStriker DeltaStriker 19 January 2015

MoC Blog I - Assorted Creations

So it's finally happening. At last, I've gotten my act together and uploaded a collection of MoCs for you all to feast your eyes upon. Enjoy it while it lasts, folks. In all likelihood it'll take me another two and a half years to make another one of these. -_-

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 MoCs
    • 2.1 Glace
    • 2.2 Protector of Shadow
    • 2.3 Toa Jern
    • 2.4 Skrall Warrior
      • 2.4.1 Skrall V2
    • 2.5 Toa Hordika
    • 2.6 Vortixx Assassin
    • 2.7 Gorast Revamp
    • 2.8 Vezon Revamp
    • 2.9 Fixed Mahritoran
    • 2.10 Miscellaneous
  • 3 In Conclusion

Now that my pessimistic ramblings are out of the way, we can move on to the good stuff.

First off, I'd like to officially thank everyone for voting Rock Bottom as the Best Page of the Year. It's a huge honor that you all hold the story in such high regard, and I hope I can deliver more…

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