It's nice to finally see our advertising pay off. (I think Varkanax39 is going to like this)
Today (October 14th) I have seen a group of brand new users starting to appear and add their own material, among these are SpikeyDragon, Mysushi2, and AuRon the champion, plus more that might be appearing soon. I think we deserve a pat on the back for our advertising.
This does not mean that we should stop advertising, however, in fact, we should be working to promote ourselves even more if we want to get noticed by more people.
This is starting to work out well for the wiki, and I think we will really benefit from our advertising.
Another big part we also have to do is welcoming the newbies, if we do that, they'll start to think "hey, there are some friendly users here that can help me if I need it", and they will stay with us for longer.
Anyway, nice job with promoting the wiki, everyone should be proud of their efforts.