Custom BIONICLE Wiki

BobTheDoctor27 BobTheDoctor27 3 April 2015


So, you fine chaps may recall this fine addition to my Fifth New MOCs Blog:

It seems the grand reveal of Tollubo’s new Kanohi was met with mixed reactions, some people accepting it with open arms, others (mainly DeltaStriker) being rather vocal with their opposition to the Kanohi choice.

Well, good sirs, you will be very pleased to hear that the whole thing was an elaborate ruse. Part of a grand master plan that I concocted some weeks prior to April Fools.

I decided to announce Tollubo’s newest form shortly before the Big Day, only with one of the most controversial Kanohi at my disposal. The Kraahkan was intentionally selected because it would make Tollubo entirely OP and would thus incite a complex emotional reaction.

Come on? A Toa controll…

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BobTheDoctor27 BobTheDoctor27 29 March 2015

New MOCs: 05

Good day, ladies and gentlemen of the Custom BIONICLE Community. Welcome, one and all, to my fifth MOC Blog.

It's been quite some time since I did a MOC blog for a whole host of reasons. Partly because of laziness, partly because I've taken to Tumblr to post my MOCs, but mostly because I've just been revealing new MOCs in chat rather than creating blogs for them.

Anyway, there's a whole plethora of new and old creations here. Some of them you will have seen already, but do bear with me in spite of the fact it may seem as though I'm releasing content that is potentially several months old. Because there are some absolute gems in the pile.

  • 1 Tollubo
  • 2 Nelvik
  • 3 Tourik
  • 4 Theran
  • 5 Other Toa
    • 5.1 2015 Gali
    • 5.2 Master of ???
  • 6 Collab Toa
    • 6.1 Toa of Lightning
    • 6.2 Toa of P…

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BobTheDoctor27 BobTheDoctor27 26 December 2014

Parts Exchange With Vorred - 2014

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BobTheDoctor27 BobTheDoctor27 27 November 2014

Leave of Absence

Ladies and germs of the Custom BIONICLE Wiki, it is with great sadness that I must announce I will be taking a short leave of absence, effective immediately.

I have my end of semester exams looming far too near on the horizon and I want to make the best possible use of my time up until then. I want to properly study without the temptation of online obligations and, thus, I need to make a brief departure. Total inactivity is the only way I feel I can ensure the best possible exam grades.

That being said, I'll be back in mid-December.

During my inactivity Echo 1 will temporarily take my position as administrator so the team isn't under-handed.

Have a good Thanksgiving, wish Vorred a Happy Birthday, and behave.

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BobTheDoctor27 BobTheDoctor27 9 November 2014

Administrative Reshuffling

Good day, gentlemen of the Custom BIONICLE community.

I speak to you, today, to address a number of concerns and proposed updates that have arisen in discussion over the past week.

As many of you may know, the unfortunate retirement of Jman98 in July earlier this year had a profound and lasting impact on the site. Jman handled the overwhelming majority of Custom BIONICLE's social media outlets and his abrupt departure has left the administrative staff juggling a number of collective balls. Since summer, the admin team has been struggling along on damage control, which explains the lack of a highly-anticipated continuation in the writing contest tradition.

Well, it is my pleasure to finally cut the cord and declare that we are no longer living…

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