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Welcome to the official The Dark Temple Discussion Blog!

With the recent discontinuation of BIONICLE's second Generation, I have decided to embellish the more ambiguous aspects of the two-year story arc with my own supplementary content. With The Things We Bury marking my earliest interaction with the rebooted franchise's storyline, I have long-since wanted to write a story that legitimized G2 lore and reflected a potential story direction I would have preferred it to have gone.

The purpose of this blog is principally to discuss the content of the chapters as they are added weekly, but also to allow me to keep track of who is reading it on-release for reference with future stories.

So come one, come all. Post your feedback, constructive or critical, and let us engage in meaningful discussion and posit your theories about a story arc that has passed the point of relevance but is getting posted anyway.

Released Chapters[]