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This article was written by DarthVorath. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
The Hand of Artakha
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Date Set
Six months AGC
Media Information
May 25, 2015

The Hand of Artakha is a story by DarthVorath and the third installment in the Empire of Makuta Saga.



These days, venturing out to sea was not the wisest thing to do. The Brotherhood of Makuta were conquering lands one by one, Dark Hunters were plundering ships that came anywhere near their waters, and storms were becoming more common with the fall of Mata Nui.

None of these things concerned the solitary Toa that wandered the Silver Sea. He had braved several terrors in his life; few things could be worse than most of them. As such, he was aware of the risk he was taking by striding into the land of Xia without a passport.

He had not made it far into the main industrial sector before three native Vortixx accosted him. Two of them-- both male-- grabbed him by the shoulders while the sole female of the group came forward to address him.

"You are bold, even for a Toa," she hissed. "You may think you're high and mighty just because you're the defenders of Mata Nui's precious Matoran, but even the Great Spirit himself would need a passport to enter here."

The Toa stared back at her, not the least bit intimidated. "I apologize for being an intrusion. Will you accept my business as compensation for lack of passport?"

The Vortixx sneered at him. "What business would a Toa have here in Xia?"

"I'm not what you'd consider an average Toa," he said darkly. "In fact, I've long since abandoned the title."

The Vortixx regarded him carefully before saying, "Is that right? What is it you wish to procure then?"

"Weapons. The most efficient you've got."

The black-armored titan smirked. "Efficiency is a requirement for all Xian inventions. Come; I shall show you our inventory."

He was led by the three Vortixx to a workshop owned by the female. Inside, he found a wide array of weapons and tools resting on the shelves, ranging from blades to blasters.

"The Hagah Plasma Cannon can certainly pack a punch, even if it is a bit unwieldy," the Vortixx said, gesturing to a large yellow and purple turret. She reached into a metal crate and brought out a gangly bladed arm attachment. "The Energy Siphon Blade; now this is a tool that can be incredibly useful when fighting other Toa. Then there's the Vortixx Rhotuka Battle Axe and... ah."

From one of the shelves, she brought down a six-barreled gatling gun, loaded with six red mini-rockets.

"The Cordak Blaster. Fires explosives rockets. And when I say explosive, I mean extremely."

"Cordak, you say?" A dark expression crossed the Toa's lime green mask. "How many widgets?"

The Vortixx scoffed. "Those pathetic things are worthless here. I am open to a trade, though. Have you anything valuable on your person?"

"Only my Kanohi mask and my sword, neither which I'm willing to part with."

She shrugged. "Too bad. I guess you will be leaving empty-handed then."

"I beg to differ."

Moving quickly, the Toa released a gust of wind from his palm, knocking the Vortixx off-balance and causing her to drop the Cordak Blaster. He quickly dived for the weapon and swung it at the other Vortixx, knocking them out cold. He then bolted out of the workshop, already hearing alarms ringing and orders being shouted out. He did not worry about either.

His name was Lesovikk. And revenge was all he sought.

Chapter One[]

"Thank you for coming here on such short notice, my liege."

"This had better be worth my time, Sidorak," growled Makuta Nathuz as he stepped off of the Brotherhood ship. Clad in silver and red armor, the Makuta of Stelt was considerably taller than Sidorak, but most of that height was lost in Nathuz's hunched-over position. Scarlet eyes gleamed behind his silver mask, striking fear in the hearts of many. Having been long in the Makuta's service, Sidorak was not among the many.

"I assure you that it will, my liege," the Steltian said as the two began to walk side by side. "My forces have found something that may interest you."

"Where at, and how did it escape destruction?"

"It was found in a De-Matoran village. Roodaka was present for the invasion and, needless to say, it caught her eye."

"Show it to me."

Sidorak led Nathuz to the Brotherhood campsite, where the Visorak Horde and other servants of the Makuta were preparing for their next raid. Entering the main tent, the two of them found the Vortixx Viceroy Roodaka standing at a table. Place on top of it was the item they had discovered: a stone fragment with the details of a map sculpted in.

Nathuz tilted his head, eying the tablet skeptically. "Is that a map of... oh, Great Beings, it cannot be."

Roodaka was smirking. "The writing below it says it all. This is a map to Artakha, the Great Refuge."

The Makuta of Stelt shook his head, not ready to believe this. "It's impossible. Every last map was destroyed after Makuta Kojol's raid. How could this have survived the purge?"

"We captured the Matoran who was keeping it hidden," Sidorak said, a plotting smile crossing his face. "We were hoping you would be able to get answers out of him."

Malice glinted in Nathuz's eyes. "Take me to him-- now."

Krakua sat alone in darkness, humming a soft little tune to himself. It was what he did to keep himself calm, lest he break down into a nervous wreck. All he could think of was what had led him to this predicament.

A week ago, the leader of De-Koro had begun acting nervously, murmuring to himself while pacing back and forth. Concerned of his well-being, the other villagers had approached him to discern the matter. That was when he snapped.

Bolting out of his hut, the Matoran of Sonics had dashed through the village, going door to door before finally reaching Krakua's residence. Without a word, the De-Matoran leader thrust a stone tablet into Krakua's arms before fleeing the village. A day later, the Visorak Horde attacked.

Krakua had stood by while his friends fell to the horde's wrath, helpless to do anything. Had it not been for the tablet which he held, he would have joined them. For that he reason, he despised the object; he would rather have died with his brothers than be forced to live with that haunting memory.

"You are afraid," a voice suddenly spoke from the darkness, starling Krakua. "And you are angry. That is good. Such emotions are fundamental in life."

Krakua shot to his feet, searching for the source of the voice. "Who's there?"

"You are in no position to be asking questions of me, Matoran," the voice snapped. "If you wish to see the light of day again, you will answer my queries. Are we clear on that?"

The De-Matoran crossed his arms as he reluctantly sat back down. "Yes," he grudgingly replied.

"Excellent." A dark shape moved in the shadows. Krakua could not make out much details, other than that the being was very tall, more so than a Toa.

"The tablet that was found in your possession; do you know of its origins?"

"No," Krakua quietly replied. "It was given to me by the leader of our village, Darrus."

"Do you know how long he had it?"

"No. I didn't even know of its existence until he gave it to me."

The figure shifted again the shadows. This time, Krakua could see a pair of red eyes glaring at him.

"Did you ever get the chance to examine the tablet before... the horde arrived?"

"Yes," Krakua murmured. "It looked like a map, but I couldn't tell of what. The writing on it was too archaic for me."

"Is that right?" the being hissed. "Anything else you care to share about it?"

The De-Matoran shook his head. "That's all I know."

"Then you have outlived your usefulness to me." The being finally came into view, revealing a frightening form of silver and red. "I promised you the light of day. Perhaps I should have said oblivion instead."

A crimson vortex opened up in the Makuta's chest, birthing a mighty hand of shadow. Knowing that there was no escape, Krakua closed his eyes and braced himself for the end.

"Airships inbound!"

At the sound of the cry, Krakua's would-be murderer ceased his attack and looked up towards the ceiling. Before either of them knew it, it was quickly torn apart by rockets.

As he loaded up his Nynrah Ghost Blasters-- modified to launch projectiles instead of simply controlling machines-- Trinuma looked over the balcony of the Muaka's Fang to the land below. Dozens of Visorak were gathered at the Brotherhood campsite, scattering about in alarm upon the airship's clamorous arrival. The commanders of the horde-- Sidorak and Roodaka-- could be seen giving out orders.

After affixing his blaster to his arm, Trinuma glanced at his combat partner Tobduk. The Korvis assassin-- a good foot taller than Trinuma-- was firmly grasping his staff, white-hot energy burning at its tip and in his eyes.

Many in the Order were aware of Tobduk's story; years ago, his homeland was invaded by Visorak and his village destroyed. After fleeing to Stelt, Tobduk was recruited by the Order of Mata Nui as an assassin. Since then, he had sworn vengeance on the Visorak and their Makuta creators.

Trinuma had no doubt his fellow agent was looking forward to the upcoming slaughter.

Turning towards the cockpit of the airship, the Tirivon saw nothing but a steering wheel turning by itself. He knew that this was not necessarily the case, but it was an amusing sight to behold nonetheless.

"Jerbraz," he called to the invisible warrior. "We're ready to be dropped off."

"Are you?" a haughty voice replied. "And what if I'm not ready to drop off?"

Trinuma smirked. "Then my mask and I may need to do some persuading."

"We don't have time for this," Tobduk growled. "Just drop us down already."

"As you wish." Jerbraz suddenly brought the airship into a nose dive, swooping in low enough for its two passengers to jump off.

Rhotuka spinners were instantly launching off from the Visorak's backs, shooting past the Order agents' heads. As Trinuma fired his Nynrah Ghost Blaster at the spider-like Rahi, Tobduk lunged at a red Vohtarak specimen and impaled the tip of his staff into the Visorak's carapace. A green Keelerak then leaped at him but a dagger thrust into its under-section permanently impeded its assault.

While Tobduk continued to unleash his anger on the arachnids, Trinuma turned his attention towards a red-armored Steltian, directing his horde from afar. Knowing this being to be the so-called "King" Sidorak, Trinuma took aim with his blaster and fired.

The projectile never reached its target, for out of nowhere came twin beams of energy, turning the missile to ash. Trinuma spun to see a tall, fearsome being approaching him, eyes burning with hatred.

"I am terribly sorry," Makuta Nathuz growled, "but I may have to kill you for this intrusion."

Before Trinuma knew it, a Shadow Hand was shooting out from the Makuta's chest and heading straight for him....

Chapter Two[]

Disregarding the sounds of battle outside, Roodaka busied herself about the tent, making sure she had everything before she left: Catcher Claws, Rhotuka launcher, the tablet....

She had not been planning on abandoning Sidorak this early on, especially after being made Viceroy of the Visorak Horde, but with the discovery of this map to Artakha, she could now ditch the arrogant airhead and earn herself a higher rank in the Brotherhood's hierarchy... perhaps even become a lieutenant to Makuta Teridax himself.

At the sound of scuttling feet, Roodaka turned to see a lonesome Keelerak enter the tent. She knew this particular Visorak was a personal favorite of Sidorak's and had even earned itself a personal name: Kollorak.

Roodaka looked down at the Keelerak with disdain, wondering what it was doing away from the rest of the horde. Then, it dawned on her.

"Sidorak sent you to find me, didn't he?"

Kollorak hissed an affirmation in its native tongue, which Roodaka had come to understand over the past few centuries.

The Vortixx's blue eyes narrowed. "Is he concerned for my well-being? If so, tell him not to fret; I am perfectly capable of looking after myself."

The green spider clicked its mandibles together fiercely, glaring at her in irritation.

Roodaka laughed heartlessly. "Why am I not taking part in the battle? Because, vermin, I have things better worth my time. You and your kind do not need my help to get rid of these intruders."

Kollorak shrieked in objection. In response, Roodaka slammed her foot down on the Visorak's carapace, shoving it into the ground.

"Listen here, bug," she hissed. "As long as I'm Viceroy, you do not question my actions. Instead, you obey the orders given to you and keep your filthy pincers out of others' business. Are we clear?"

Kollorak managed a whiny assent.

"Good." She removed her foot from the spider's shell. "Now get out of my sight and return to the battle. Sidorak is probably missing you more than he does me."

The Keelerak grunted before picking itself up and leaving the tent. Left alone once again, Roodaka continued preparation for her leave.

Trinuma moved quickly to avoid the Shadow Hand's grasp. Diving to the side, he aimed his blaster and fired a rocket at the Makuta. Retracting the Shadow Hand back into his chest, Nathuz activated his mask power, repelling the projectile away from him and sending it to the ground at Trinuma's feet. The following explosion sent the Tirivon flying.

After landing hard on his back, Trinuma quickly regained his stance just as a Visorak Oohnorak lunged at him. He easily bashed it aside with his shield before charging towards Nathuz. The Makuta of Stelt easily brought him down with his gravity powers.

"I have absolutely no idea who you are or who you think you are, invading our territory," Nathuz growled, "but I am going to destroy you."

Trinuma simply smirked at him. "Good luck with that."

A look of bafflement crossed the Makuta's mask, which was soon replaced by shock as a Protosteel dagger suddenly went into his back. As Nathuz crumpled to his knees, Antidermis energies leaking from the newly-made crevice in his armor, Tobduk approached him from behind.

"It's never a wise idea to have your back turned to me," the Korvis warrior growled as he held his staff aloft. "You never know what you might find in it."

He then brought the staff down, releasing a blast of energy from it. In mere seconds, the Makuta was obliterated.

As he was pulled to his feet by the taller being, Trinuma said to Tobduk, "Think this will give Sidorak and his pets second thoughts about fighting us?"

The moment he said this, a Rhotuka spinner zipped past his head.

Tobduk snorted. "I wouldn't hold my breath."

Krakua ran as fast as his small legs could carry him. He wasn't sure if he should have been grateful for this timely attack or scared for his life, but he would not be able to decide while standing in a battlefield.

Luckily for him, the Visorak had not paid him much heed so far, instead focusing their efforts on the two large beings who had just executed his Makuta interrogators. This left him free to take one of the boats the Brotherhood forces had arrived in.

The farthest he got was the shoreline where the boats and ships were docked. What-- or rather, who he found there was enough to bring him to a halt.

Clad in green armor, the Toa warrior stood on the shore, armed with a razor-edged blade and a six-barreled blaster. The grim expression on their Kanohi Faxon left Krakua unsure whether he should have been relieved or afraid.

Catching the De-Matoran's gaze, the Toa of Air gave him a curt nod of greeting. "Hello there. Are you a villager here?"

"Y-yes, but not for much longer," Krakua said nervously. "Wh-why are you here, mighty Toa?"

"I'm searching for someone called Amath. Do you know anyone by that name?"

"N-no, I don't. If they're a villager though, I'm sure they're already dead; the Visorak have massacred everyone in De-Koro."

The Toa grimaced. "Ah, so that explains the massive ships. Well then, thank you for your time, villager. If I were you, I'd get as far away from here as possible."

Krakua nodded. "Yes, Toa--"

"Don't call me that," was the sharp reply. "My name is simply Lesovikk. No one has called me Toa in a very long time."

With that, the green warrior headed for the village, pure vengeance on his mind.

Sidorak was not liking his chances.

Makuta Nathuz had been killed, Roodaka was still missing, and his Visorak horde had been decimated so far. And it was all thanks to two barbaric titans, their reasons for fighting against the Brotherhood a complete mystery to him.

Although he was no coward, Sidorak was also no fool. He knew that there would be no victory in this battle, especially with Nathuz dead, and there would be no honor in throwing away his life instead of facing the other Makuta's wrathful disappointment.

Raising his Herding Blade, he sent out a summons to the Visorak and in an instant, the hordes were turning their backs on the battle and returning to him. At his beckoning, the spider Rahi piled back onto the ships which they had arrived in. After giving the command for the ships to leave the shore, Sidorak gave the two titans one last look before departing for his own vessel.

Tobduk grunted out of disappointment as he watched the Brotherhood forces flee. "Just when I was starting to enjoy this, too."

Trinuma slapped him on the back, an act which would have earned him a swift death had he been anyone else. "Keep your chin up, my friend. There'll be more after this, trust me."

"Excuse me."

The two titans turned to see a Toa of Air standing before them, clad in lime-green armor and with a Great Mask of Kindred on his face.

"I'm here to meet someone called Amath," Lesovikk said. "Do you happen to know him?"

Trinuma exchanged a knowing look with Tobduk before nodding at the Toa. "Indeed we do."

At that, the Toa of Air suddenly lurched forward as something invisible struck him in the back of the head. He then fell to the unceremoniously to the ground.

"I love doing that," Jerbraz said.

Chapter Three[]

"You knew this was coming."

Sidorak screamed as he laid on the stone floor, clutching his head in pain-- which he was imagining. Makuta Icarax regarded him with cold disdain as he used his fear powers mentally on the Steltian.

"Still, I admire your courage-- what little you have, that is-- and I do understand that the decision you made in retreating was a logical one. Unfortunately, having one of our own die inadvertently at your actions is something we Makuta do not take kindly."

"It-- it wasn't my fault!" Sidorak cried. "I had no idea we would be attacked--"

Regardless of the circumstances, the results are the same: Makuta Nathuz is dead. The Northern Continent is lost. And thus is your punishment."

Sidorak started screaming again as a pair of Rahkshi came in to carry off to the dungeons. As Icarax returned to his throne, a figure stepped out of the shadows of the throne room, having waited his chance for an audience with the regent.

"While Sidorak and his horde may have failed," Makuta Antroz said, "it may interest you to know that his Viceroy succeeded in procuring this."

He held up a stone tablet and Icarax took it with mild interest. The Makuta of Karzahni began to scan its contents, his eyes widening each time they went over it.

"Is this... what I think it is?"

Antroz nodded. "A map to Artakha."

"Impossible," Icarax murmured. "I thought they had all been destroyed. Kojol was even executed."

"Apparently they weren't as thorough as they though."

Icarax could hardly believe it, yet at the same time he was very pleased. A smile grew on his mask as he said, "How did Sidorak's Viceroy managed to obtain this?"

"Trade secret," Antroz said. "Though I don't suppose it really matters, does it?"

"No, not at all." Meeting his fellow Makuta's gaze, Icarax said, "Tell Tridax to prepare the teleportation device. We are going to pay a certain legend a visit."

His dreams were dark. They always were; always had been, ever since that day....

There he was on that island-- that desolate island he could never recall the name of. So many of his teammates were dead and those wretched creatures were standing over them triumphantly.

He looked down to the person he cradled in his arms, a corrosive wound on her chest that was beginning to spread throughout her entire body. The lights of her eyes dimming, she raised a hand to his mask and touched it.

"It's not your fault," she whispered to him. "It's not your fault...."

He almost believed her.

Her heartlight went out and she was dead. The Zyglak were closing in, their acidic spears brandished. Anger pulsed in his chest. He began gathering up all of his energy, absorbing as much of it as he could contain, before unleashing it in a destructive wave....

Lesovikk awoke with a scream, panting heavily. Once he had calmed down, he cleared his eyes of bleariness and looked around to observe his surroundings. He was in a dark, stone chamber devoid of any furniture, save for the slab of rock which he laid on. Across the room was an iron door, which suddenly swung open not long after he noticed it.

Standing in the doorway, nearly filling the entire frame, was a four-armed giant clad in gold armor. Folding his upper set of arms, the being said, "You're awake."

"And you're observant," Lesovikk replied. "Can you tell me where I am?"

"No," the being grunted before motioning with his head. "Come. You are needed."

Left with no option, Lesovikk got up and followed the stranger out of the chamber. They went through a bizarre system of corridors, no doubt deliberately designed to make it hard for newcomers to navigate. They eventually reached another iron door, guarded by two heavily armored beings who allowed them entrance.

As the door closed behind them, Lesovikk and his escort were plunged into darkness. That soon changed when two torches lit up, revealing three beings standing before them. One of them was a female Toa older than any Lesovikk had ever met, bearing scarred and pitted blue armor.

"Toa Lesovikk, I presume?" she said to him in a voice that could freeze a furnace.

"Not 'Toa,'" he bitterly replied. "Not anymore. Not after what I've done."

"Yes, we are well aware of your actions. Normally, a Toa who had broken the code would have been sent to the Pit. But we have made an exception for you."


"Because unlike those other Toa, you have not truly fallen off the path Mata Nui set you on," she replied. "You may not think that, of course, and you may continue to deny it. But I believe you are out for redemption."

"Revenge is what I'm after," Lesovikk muttered.

"Sometimes the two go hand-in-hand. How would you like for a chance to fulfill both?"

Lesovikk tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"It just so happens that we need Karzahni-- the object of your vengeance-- for the knowledge he has on his brother Artakha. If you help us in capturing him, your record will be wiped clean."

The Toa of Air considered the offer. Though he doubt he would ever consider himself a full-fledged Toa, even after performing this task, it was one he did not wish to back out on; after so many failed attempts to enter Karzahni's realm, this was his chance to finally do so.

"I accept," he firmly said. "When do I leave?"

"Oh, you won't be doing this alone," she said. "After all, you're not the only Toa striving for redemption."

Lesovikk frowned, knowing where this was going. "I'm not leading another team of Toa again. The last time I did, all of my comrades died."

"I know. Which is why this is your chance to set things right this time." She turned to one of the beings standing next to her and gave the giant titan a nod. "Bring them in."

The titan was gone in a flash before returning in a similar fashion, this time accompanied by five other Toa.

"Lesovikk, meet the Toa Tenebrae," the ancient Toa said. "All six of you have swayed towards the path of darkness, whether by violating the Toa Code or utilizing unorthodox methods that straddle the line or simply because the universe hates you for some reason. You have all been offered a chance to redeem yourselves. If you succeed, then consider yourselves vindicated. If you don't... well, you probably would have ended up in prison anyway."

Krakua had long decided that today was not a good day.

He had not gotten far from the Northern Continent before his boat was taken by a winged being. He was then promptly knocked out only to wake up in a dark chamber. A being in silver and red had then greeted him and questioned him on the tablet Darrus had given him-- just like the Makuta had. He gave the same answered he had then and, much to his relief, was not executed.

He was still frightened nonetheless. There was nothing he wished more than to be back in a cozy hut, returning to his daily life. But with De-Koro gone, he knew that was not to be.

He had no idea how much time had passed, but when the door opened again, it was a winged female who entered-- the same being who had knocked him out. As such, he instinctively backed up against the wall.

"Don't worry," she said in a soothing tone. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm sorry I had to knock you out, but I was only following orders."

"What do you want from me?" Krakua asked, trembling slightly. "I've already told you about that cursed tablet. I don't have anything else to give you-- not even a home."

"Daxia can be your home," she told him. "That is, if you're willing to accept my offer."

"What could you possibly give me?"

"A new life. A better life." She offered him her hand. "I know you have potential, Krakua. We can help you realize it."

Krakua stared at her for a moment. Then, after some contemplation, he took her hand.

Chapter Four[]

"So. You're the survivor."

Lesovikk turned away briefly from packing the Toa Tenebrae's boat with supplies to glance at one of his new teammates. He had not taken the time yet to learn each member's names, preferring to take the time to know them first. The one he was speaking to now was a purple and black Toa of Gravity, wearing an ebony mask of a design he did not recognize.

"Yes," he muttered, returning to his work. "I am."

The Toa of Gravity seated himself on a nearby crate and studied Lesovikk carefully. "As a Matoran, I was a bit of a historian-- a self-proclaimed Chronicler, if you would. I traveled from island to island, looking for information on famous heroes like the Toa Valmai and the Toa Dagor. But the one that always eluded me... were the Toa Cordak."

Lesovikk snorted. "You wouldn't have found much. We lasted no longer than half a year before we were slaughtered by Zyglak."

"But you held the distinction of being the first Toa team ever assembled. That's a Protosteel mine for historical facts! Like, how did you first meet? Who gave you your Toa stones? How well did you work together?"

Lesovikk sighed. "It's a subject I'm not comfortable talking about."

The other Toa's face fell. "Oh. Okay. No problem. I... I understand. I'm sorry if I hit a nerve, I was just--"

"It's fine. Go join the others; we'll be setting off soon."

The Toa of Gravity nodded silently as he left to board the ship. Lesovikk then picked up the crate he had been sitting on and loaded it onto their vessel.

"You shouldn't have bothered him like that, Arctur."

The violet-armored Toa sighed as he sat down next to two of his teammates, one a Toa of Psionics, the other one of Plasma. "I know, Zaria, I know. I guess I just wasn't thinking straight."

The Toa of Iron across from him smirked. "You never do."

"I take it you two have worked together before?" asked a Lightning Toa sitting next to Zaria.

Arctur opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the Psionics Toa. "Yes, they worked together on a Toa team that operated at Xia."

Arctur scowled at him. "Nice mind reading powers. Now do me a favor and keep out of my head."

"Well, since we're gonna be stuck here on this stupid mission, we might as well take the time to know each other." The Toa of Lightning leaned forward in her seat. "My name is Chiara. The Makuta have put a price on my head for killing fifty of their Visorak."

"Arctur. Looted from Vortixx and sold their items on the black market."

"Seldaan," the Toa of Plasma said. "Killed a Skakdi for murdering the Turaga of my homeland."

"Zaria. I killed a Makuta."

The others stared at the Toa of Iron incredulously, though the Psionics Toa looked considerably less surprised.

"Seriously?" Chiara said. "How did you manage to do that?"

"Well, they're pretty much all armor, so I just used my powers and... yeah." Zaria coughed awkwardly. "Now you know why there aren't too many Toa of Iron in the universe; the Makuta aren't all too fond of them."

"Wow," Arctur murmured. "I never knew that about you." Clearing his throat, he then turned to the Toa of Psionics. "And you, mind reader?"

The gold and blue warrior shifted in his seat. "Orde. I... agitated some Zyglak and... made them angrier than usual."

"Ooh, better not let our leader hear about that," Seldaan chuckled. "You know how he is about Zyglak--"

"Shut up." Orde nudged him hard with his elbow. "He's right behind us."

"How can you--" Seldaan turned around and looked up. His expression fell when he saw Lesovikk standing over him. "Oh."

The Toa of Air glared down at him but said nothing as he stepped onto the boat. Standing at the bow, he turned to address his new team.

"You all know who I am," he said. "Lesovikk, leader of the Toa Cordak and their sole surviving member. I don't know who any of you are-- yet, anyway-- but I'd rather not waste time with introductions. We have a tyrant to capture, and you must know that he is insane and evil and will not be an easy target--"

"We know," Orde said dryly. "Or at least, I know. I'm pretty sure everyone else does, too."

Lesovikk massaged his forehead. "Whatever. Let's just go."

This is going to be a long journey....

"The messenger has arrived."

Flanked by Fortaan and Banteras, Mallake stepped out of the mountain cave that served as the Hand of Artakha's base of operations on the Tren Krom Peninsula. In the sky above was a large bird-like Rahi with mighty wings. In the clutches of its talons was a black and white Matoran of a hideous design, holding a stone tablet.

Once the Nivawk had dropped the Matoran off before the gathered Hand members, he walked up to Mallake, shaking nervously.

"Um, greetings, Lord Mallake. I am, er, Kanan, messenger of Makuta Krika."

Mallake glared down at him. "I was expecting Krika himself to come."

Kanan cleared his throat. "Yes, well, he's rather busy and it can be difficult for him to spare the time to personally visit you-- even more so since he's not really supposed to be in contact with--"

"Enough," Mallake interjected. "What news have you brought to us?"

"The... the Brotherhood of Makuta are sending their forces to Artakha. Makuta Krika tells me that they've found a tablet that leads to the Great Refuge--"

Mallake's eyes flared and he was suddenly holding the Matoran by the neck, lifting him up from the ground. "Where did they find it?" he snarled.

"Akk! Here... on the Peninsula, in a-- in a De-Matoran... village!"

"That would explain the ships I spotted on my scout mission earlier," said Banteras. "They were already headed for the mainland when I reached them. They left behind quite a few corpses...."

Mallake's grip lessened as he released Kanan, but his anger did not. "One of the villagers there must have betrayed his trust."

"Er... beg your pardon, my liege?" Kanan said meekly.

Mallake dismissed him with a sharp wave of the hand. "Run back to your master. You are no longer needed here."

Kanan hastily bowed before returning to his Nivawk ride. As the Rahi bird flew off with the Matoran, Mallake turned to address his subordinates.

"Prepare whatever vessels we have. We're making a premature visit to the Great Refuge."

"Transportation is successful, master. We have arrived."

"Excellent." Makuta Tridax waved off his Shadow Matoran servant as he stepped out of the Brotherhood fortress. Off the coast of Destral, he could spot the island of Artakha, surpassing the Makuta homeland in size and technology. Whereas Destral had a more industrial look to it, Artakha was more streamlined and efficient, mirroring Metru Nui in terms of architecture.

Redirecting his attention to the Rahkshi and Visorak awaiting forces, Tridax allowed himself a cruel smirk as he spread his arms.

"Let the invasion... begin!"

Chapter Five[]

"So... why aren't you female?"

Orde saw the question coming from a mile away and didn't need mind reading abilities to know that Chiara would ask it. The others were either giving the Toa of Lightning appalled looks or taking interest in something besides the awkward conversation.

"Stars alive, Chiara," Arctur murmured. "You can't just ask someone why they aren't female."

"All Psionics Matoran, Toa, and Turaga are female," Chiara said, undeterred while keeping her eyes on Orde. "But you're male. Why?"

"Chiara, you might want to just leave him be," Zaria whispered to her. "It might be a touchy subject for him."

"No, Zaria, it's fine," Orde said. "I've been asked this enough times that it's no longer a big deal."

Meeting Chiara's eyes, the Toa of Psionics then said, "I was never born as a Matoran. I was one of the first Toa ever created and the first task given to me was to test my powers on the Zyglak."

Chiara slowly nodded. "That's when you agitated them further...."

"Correct. I was aggressive with m powers and pushed them over the edge. After that fiasco, all Ce-Matoran were created female, probably to achieve a gentler touch."

"You've obviously never met a female Skakdi," Seldaan said. "They make the Makuta look nice."

"Hey, like I said, that's just my guess. I could very well be wrong."

Zaria glanced from Orde to Lesovikk at the helm. If the Toa of Air had overheard any of the conversation, he did not show it.

"So," the Toa of Iron whispered, "does that kind of make you... indirectly responsible for his team's demise?"

Orde sighed, hanging his head. "It's hardly something I'm proud of...."

The Toa's vessel continued to traverse the Silver Sea in silence. After several hours had passed and night was beginning to fall, Lesovikk turned to address his crew.

"We'll be making a stop at Stelt to spend the rest of the night," he told them. "I have a Fa-Matoran accomplice there who'll provide for us."

"Stelt, eh?" Seldaan smirked. "I've been there before. Hope the place we're staying at doesn't get knocked down by jealous neighbors."

"My friend runs an in which are safe from the ruling class' disputes," Lesovikk said. "As long as you don't make any deals with the locals, we should be good."

"Ah, but we're Toa, aren't we?" Zaria said. "Wherever we go, danger is usually not far behind."

The Ga-Matoran ran as fast as her small legs could carry her, her footsteps echoing throughout the corridors of the fortress. She hated having to abandon her work-- it was her life, after all-- but if word of what was coming didn't get to certain beings' ears soon, she would shortly be deprived of such work.


The Matoran of Water skidded to a halt as soon as she had reached her destination. Two Matoran stood guard at the large door which she had been headed for. One of them, a Ko-Matoran, gave Hayai a stern look.

"And just what gives you the allowance to run through the esteemed Artakha's fortress like a Le-Matoran at a playground?"

Catching her breath, Hayai gave the Ko-Matoran a sharp look. "How about the fact that we're about to be invaded?"

The Ko-Matoran guard shared a glance with his partner, a Matoran of Earth. The latter then looked at Hayai with a look of disapproval.

"Neither of us has time for your nonsense, Hayai. You know as well as anyone that no one in the universe knows the Great Refuge's location."

"Tell that to the Rahkshi and Makuta starting to wash ashore."

Eyes wide, the guards looked at each other again, this time in genuine alarm. Then, the Ko-Matoran said, "I'll sound the alarms. Tiber, you alert the master."

As the Onu-Matoran entered Artakha's chambers, the Ko-Matoran beckoned for Hayai to follow him.

"We need to get our defenses back up," he said. "Did you see if it's a single fleet we're dealing with?"

"Try the entire Brotherhood," she murmured.

"The invasion is underway," Makuta Tridax said to Icarax, standing in the throne room with fellow Makuta Antroz, Gorast, and Chirox. "If only Kojol was still around; I would have loved to see his face when he saw us succeed where he failed."

"I still don't like this," Gorast hissed. "The repercussions of Kojol's raid were... intimidating enough. If we lose here, what will it mean for our entire race?"

Icarax scoffed, dismissing his sister's fear with a wave of the hand. "It's not like Mata Nui can strike us with lightning now."

Gorast sneered. "I wasn't referring to Mata Nui."

All five Makuta looked over to the large vat in the corner of the room, the essence of Makuta Teridax floating within. Despite being a gaseous cloud of green, they could still feel the anger radiation from him.

"Unnerving, isn't it?" Chirox commented. "Having him in the same room as us, yet not taking part in the conversation. Watching us, waiting...."

Icarax merely sniffed as he turned his back to the vat. "I don't see what you're worried about, Gorast. Invading Artakha hardly affects the Plan in any way. In fact, it might just give us an advantage."

"How so?" Antroz asked, a skeptical look on his mask.

Icarax smirked. "Think about it: Artakha is supposed to be as old as the stars themselves, perhaps even as old as Mata Nui. The secrets he must have... they would be valuable to our building empire."

"And you think it'll be that easy to pry the secrets from his head?" Chirox asked.

"I never said it would be easy. But I'm sure it's possible."

"It's all a matter of capturing him, though," Tridax muttered.

"I'll leave that task to you, brother," Icarax said as he seated himself on his throne. "Serve me well at this endeavor and I promise that your reward will be grand."

While the Makuta of Nynrah was visible pleased by this, Antroz and the others scowled silently. As they were dismissed from the throne room, Antroz spared one last glance at the vat containing Teridax's essence, vowing to himself that Icarax would not be sitting on the throne for much longer.

"I can't thank you enough for your hospitality, Forron, especially on such short notice this late at night."

"Eh, business is business," the Fa-Matoran said as he passed a cup of liquid Protodermis to Lesovikk. "Though I'll admit, I was surprised to see you with other Toa. What happened to the whole 'don't-call-me-a-Toa' thing?"

Lesovikk grimaced as he sipped his beverage. "It was something I was talked into."

"Given an offer you couldn't refuse?"

"Something like that."

Silence fell between the two for a moment. The rest of the Toa Tenebrae had retired to their rooms and the streets outside were quiet for the most part, though Lesovikk could swear he heard some sort of brawl going on.

After a moment, Forron said, "It's Karzahni, isn't it?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"What else could it be? Last time I saw you, you were bent on tracking down Karzahni and getting payback for what he had done to your friends."

"Our friends. You knew Sarda and Idris as well as I did."

Forron shook his head. "No. Not as well as you did. I was just a trader passing through and they happened to be frequent customers. But I understand how you feel; if it were me, I'd be ticked at my Turaga for shipping all of my friends to a lunatic like Karzahni, and even more so at Karzahni himself for making such shoddy 'repairs'... but that doesn't mean he deserves execution."

"What makes you think I want to kill him?"

"I can see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice. You have all of this anger bottled up within you: anger at the Zyglak for slaughtering your teammates; anger at Turaga Orlan for sending Sarda, Idris, and everyone to that forsaken land; anger at Karzahni for making their lives even more miserable. You're mere inches away from going over the edge."

Lesovikk sighed. "Okay, you're right; I want to see Karzahni dead. My orders were to simply turn him in, but... I'm not sure if I would be able to restrain myself."

"In that case, ask yourself this: if she was still alive... what would Nikila want you to do?"

The Toa of Air stiffened. "Why her?"

"Because when it comes down to it," Forron said, "she was all that ever really mattered to you."

Lesovikk was silent for a long time.

Chapter Six[]

"How many do you see, Darik?"

The Po-Matoran watchguard grimaced as he looked through his telescope. "At least three dozen Rahkshi... twice as many Visorak... and quite a few Makuta."

Samuii cursed under his breath. "Rally as much of your Matoran as you can, Hayai, spread the word to the workers. Tell them we'll need as much of their tools as they can provide."

Hayai nodded and ran off. Once the Ga-Matoran was gone, Darik turned to Samuii with a grave look.

"Fifteen hundred years was too long of a wait, it seems."

The Ko-Matoran sighed. "And for us... it wasn't long enough."

Makuta Bitil watched with baleful eyes as a pair of Rahkshi Guurahk used their Staffs of Disintegration to break down the outer wall of Artakha's stronghold. Matoran in watchtowers up above were firing energy launchers down at the invaders, but many were forced to retreat when the Visorak began launching their Rhotuka spinners.

Bitil scoffed at them as they ran. How pathetic, he thought, that Artakha relied on Matoran to defend his island. No wonder Kojol's attack had frightened him to the point of such reclusion and secrecy.

Eventually, the Guurahk had succeeded in bringing down the outer wall. As Rahkshi, Visorak, and Exo-Toa made their charge into the Great Refuge, Bitil activated his Mask of Time Duplication, summoning past and future incarnations of himself.

The Kanohi Mohtrek was as much a blessing as it was a curse. Here, he would make sure it would fulfill its proper use.

Arctur awoke to the sound of a snap.

The Toa of Gravity jolted up out of bed, suddenly alert. The others were doing the same by the sounds of it, though he could not see them in the pitch-black darkness.

"So I wasn't the only one who heard that?" he said.

"Obviously not," Chiara said dryly. "Could we get some light in here?"

"Already on it," Seldaan said as his hand began to glow with superheated gas, illuminating the room.

The five Toa began scouring every inch of the room. At one point Seldaan commented how silly it was of them to overreact like this due to a single, probably insignificant sound. He was promptly silenced by a second snap, louder than the first.

"Vermin, you think?" Zaria murmured.

"I don't think so," Orde replied. "Most inns are tidy enough to not attract vermin. No, I think we have some unwanted company."

The Toa fell silent at the sound of a third snap, this time coming from the door. Gripping her Lightning Spear tightly, Chiara slowly inched towards the door before throwing it open and aiming her spear at the intruder.

Said intruder was an old Bo-Matoran carrying a bowl full of bula berries.

"Um... room service?" the Matoran of Plant Life said weakly.

All five Toa stared at him, some blankly, others with their mouths agape. Breaking the awkward silence, Zaria said, "Er, none of us requested any room service."

"Oh? That's too bad."

Suddenly, before the Toa's eyes, the Bo-Matoran began to change shape, eventually forming into a tall, fearsome figure armed with a Rhotuka launcher. The being flashed them a dangerous grin.

"Consider it free of charge then."

"What was that?" Lesovikk asked, turning at the sound of thumping.

"Probably just rowdy guests," Forron said with a shrug. "I'll send someone to deal with it."

"It came from our room," the Toa of Air said, rising from his seat. "I'd better check on them."

"I'm sure it's nothing."

"Regardless, it's getting late, so I'd better turn myself in for the night."

Forron sighed. "I'm sorry, then."

Lesovikk turned to look at him. "What for--?"

The Toa of Air was cut off as a wheel of energy struck him square in the chest. He fell down to the floor, completely paralyzed.

As he laid there, he heard Forron say, "Apologies, old friend. It's nothing personal, but when the Dark Hunters are in town, you have to put your widgets on the side that's going to win."

Lesovikk struggled to get up but such attempts were in vain. The sound of another Rhotuka hissed in his ear.

"And, I'm sad to say, that just isn't you."

He saw another wheel of light shoot towards him before he was consumed by darkness.

"Makuta Tridax!" A black and red Shadow Matoran came rushing up to the Makuta of Nynrah, waving his arms frantically. "Unidentified ships approaching!"

Tridax glanced at the Matoran before looking out to the sea. In the distance, he could see a trio of ships headed towards the island. None of them appeared to be armed, but their passengers certainly were if the sword-wielding, nine-foot-tall Tirivon at the lead ship's helm was any indication.

Turning to a group of Rahkshi awaiting orders, Tridax said, "Take care of them, will you?"

The Rahkshi screeched in acknowledgment as they converted to their flight position and took for the ships. Tridax turned his back to return his focus to the invasion... only for something sharp to slash across his back.

Eyes widening, Tridax spun around to see the Tirivon standing behind him, a sparkling blade jutting from his arm.

"You," the Makuta snarled. "How did you--"

The Tirivon said nothing as he lunged at Tridax, swinging his blade to behead him. The Makuta of Nynrah dodged the attack before retaliating with his acid spear. The weapon's tip grazed the Tirivon's side and his armor began to dissolve.

Unfazed by this, the Tirivon met Tridax's eye. "At least we're even now."

The Makuta sneered at him. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

His opponent responded by slashing at Tridax's abdomen with his blade, creating a gash in his armor. As his Antidermis energies began to leak out, Tridax panicked and was about to attack again until the Tirivon grabbed a hold of his mask and tore it off, allowing all of his essence to pour out.

The Tirivon paid no further heed to it, for at that moment, the ships carrying his followers arrived at Destral's shores, having easily dealt with the Rahkshi. From one of the vessels came Fortaan, carrying the Kanohi Olmak they had acquired on Voya Nui.

"Shall we strike Artakha now, my liege?" the Ankorian asked.

"Not yet," Mallake said. "We must deal with the nuisance here first. You and the others deal with the forces here. I shall handle their commander."

Fortaan nodded in assent as his master used his mask power to travel through shadows, slowly making his way for the central fortress.

Chapter Seven[]

Lesovikk awoke to feel himself moving, even though he was tied and bound to the floor. It took a few seconds for him to realize that he was on a moving boat-- different from the one he and his team had been traveling in. Just as he was starting to recall what had happened before he had blacked out, a metal boot came into view.

"Awake, are you?"

Lesovikk was turned onto his back and he found himself staring up at a fearsome looking being. Said stranger flashed him a wicked grin.

"Nice friend you had, that Fa-Matoran. Knew how to keep to his word."

Lesovikk scowled. "He's no friend of mine anymore."

"Well, what else do you expect? A true friend always stabs you in the back." The stranger let out a harsh laugh, which Lesovikk cringed at.

"Who are you?" the Toa of Air asked.

"My fellow Dark Hunters call me Triglax. I was never much one for code names." He gave another hideous grin. "And you're the one they call Lesovikk, correct?"

"How do you know my name?"

"One of your comrades was kind enough to provide it," Triglax said, motioning his head to a restrained Arctur. "For a Toa, he's a bit cowardly."

Lesovikk glanced at the Toa of Gravity, who briefly met his gaze before looking away in shame. Returning his focus to Triglax, the Air Toa said, "What do you want from us?"

"Arctur, for the most part. The Vortixx do not like seeing their 'masterpieces' out on the black market, and since the Shadowed One has good relations with them, he was willing to send us to capture one of the biggest offenders."

"So we're just bonuses," Lesovikk muttered.

"Exactly. Guess you're smarter than you look." Chuckling to himself, Triglax stepped up to the ship's helm, where a red-armored Dark Hunter steered the vessel. "How much longer now, Lurker?"

"Shouldn't be much," Lurker grunted. Sure enough, no more than ten minutes later, the island of Odina came into view. As the boat began to approach the Dark Hunter homeland, Triglax turned to Lesovikk with a sneer.

"I hope you enjoyed the trip, because for you, it's all gonna go downhill from here."

"They're through the walls!" Samuii heard a Matoran sentry cry.

The Ko-Matoran turned around in time to see hordes of Rahkshi, Visorak, and Rahi swarm in from the ruins of the outer wall. Matoran were firing at them from all sides, but it did little to impede their assault.

For the first time in his career, Samuii panicked. When the Makuta had raided the Great Refuge fifteen hundred years ago, he had been a mere lieutenant, serving under the then-Captain of the Guard. Even when the Makuta broke through their defenses and stole the Kanohi Avohkii, Samuii's superior never dropped his mask of resolve. Of course, back then they had only been attacked by one Makuta and his army-- not the entire Brotherhood.

Despite the fear he felt, Samuii continued giving out orders, hoping to buy enough time before Artakha himself decided to show.

Which might as well have been never.

Icarax could hear screaming.

While he was used to such sounds in the Makuta Fortress, this was no ordinary screaming. No, it was the screams of the six Rahkshi he had left outside to guard his throne room.

Just as the Makuta of Karzahni shot up to his feet, the front door came down and a nine-foot-tall being in dark armor stormed in, wielding a sparking blade built into his arm. In his trail were six dead Rahkshi.

"For someone who managed to fell the Great Spirit, I can't say I'm impressed by what you have for an army," the being hissed.

Eyes flaring, Icarax brandished his Twin Blade and Rotating Shadow Blades. "Who are you? How come you here?"

"I am Mallake, leader of the Hand of Artakha and protector of Mata Nui. My followers and I have come to Artakha to take the Great Refuge... but your legions happen to be in the way."

Icarax barked out a laugh. "Protector of Mata Nui? You haven't been doing your job very well, then."

"I have been absent from the world for several millennia. And I am appalled by what has befallen it."

"Get used to it; it's only going to get worse." The Makuta of Karzahni spun his Twin Blade around in his hand. "Now then, do you intend to just stand there, or do you plan on fighting me?"

"Neither." Red eyes flared behind Mallake's mask. "I plan to kill you."

Not practical, but it'll have to do.

Flexing the arms of the Exo-Toa which he had taken to inhabiting, Makuta Tridax returned to the fight. These mysterious invaders-- which numbered no more than twenty-- appeared to be formidable combatants. To one side, a Kanohi Garai-wearing Morcian was taking on Vamprah and Gorast while a Vortixx clashed with Chirox. To the other side, an Ankorian clashed blades with Antroz while Mutran dealt with a Skakdi.

Of his fighting brethren, Tridax noticed a jarring absence; Bitil of course was leading the assault on Artakha, and Icarax was at the main fortress... but where was Krika?

Before Tridax could search for his missing brother, he was suddenly jumped on from behind by a six-legged creature, gibbering nonsense as it clawed at him. It came to Tridax's quick realization that the Exo-Toa provided very limited mobility, as he tried to take aim at the creature with his Electro-Rocket.

A bolt of lightning from Antroz rid him of this situation.

Still struggling with the Ankorian, the Makuta of Xia growled, "I saved your hide, now you save mine."

If he still had an expressive face, Tridax would have smirked as he fired his Electro-Rocket. Upon contact with the Ankorian, the projectile exploded into electrical energy, causing him to size up. This allowed Antroz to strike the Ankorian with his claws, knocking the being out unconscious.

As Tridax walked up to join his brother, Antroz turned to him and said, "Continue to fight these invaders off. I must see Icarax."

Tridax grunted. "Now? You won't be getting him to fight."

Antroz simply chuckled. "That's what I'm counting on."

Before Tridax could ask for clarification, the Makuta of Xia was already headed for the fortress.

"Master, the invaders have broken through our defenses. They are swarming in."

Although he could not see the ancient being in the blinding light of the Forge, Tiber could still hear Artakha's mighty footsteps as the legendary creator moved away from whatever he had been doing.

"How many?" Artakha asked.

"Legions, master. The entire Brotherhood of Makuta is invading."

Silence at first. Then, a large shadow cast itself over the Matoran.

"Stay here where it is safe. I shall deal with these spawn of shadows."

For the briefest of seconds, Tiber caught his first glimpse of the being he had served for thousands of years before Artakha left the chamber, toting the warhammer that would soon deliver justice.

Chapter Eight[]

Lesovikk kept his gaze to the floor as he and the other Toa were forced onto their knees before the seated Shadowed One, leader of the Dark Hunters. Off to the left sat a twisted creature holding a tablet, while to the right was a hideous being that looked to be in a state between life and death.

Leaning forward slightly in his seat, the Shadowed One rested his chin on his hand. "How interesting. I sent Triglax out to capture one Toa and here I am with five extra. What to do, what to do...."

He shifted his gaze to Triglax, who stood behind the captured Toa with Lurker and Savage. "You know I don't appreciate it when others make my life complicated."

Lesovikk heard Triglax clear his throat, followed by the shifting of feet. "My apologies, master. I just thought you would like a few more... trophies."

"Trophies?" the Shadowed One repeated, his red eyes flaring. "What use have I anymore for trophies when I was denied my greatest prize? And, more to the point, what use have I for you anymore, Triglax?"

The shape-shifting Dark Hunter backed away. "M-master?"

"You were one of my greatest operatives, Triglax. Truly. But after quite the number of failed operations-- between the incident with the Nynrah Ghosts and now this-- I'm afraid to say that you've lost your touch."

"Master, please--"

"I'm sorry, Triglax, but we can't all have what we want in life."

Over the shape-shifter's protests, the Shadowed One fired a pair of energy beams from his eyes. Upon contact, Triglax exploded in a flash of light, leaving behind nothing but dust. Lurker and Savage stared in shock at where their comrade had once been until the Shadowed One spoke.

"Let this be a lesson to you. Now, leave us."

As the two Dark Hunters eagerly followed this dismissal, the Shadowed One returned his attention to the Toa.

"As I said before, I am left with a dilemma. Here I am with six Toa whom I have no use for. Now, I could just kill you all and be done with it, but you do not deserve that honor. No, no... I think we shall play a game."

"What kind of game?" Chiara spat.

The Shadowed One ignored her as he flicked a hand to the hulking monstrosity that stood nearby.

"Sentrakh, take our guests to the training arena."

"Training?" Seldaan said. "Why would we want any training from you?"

"I never said you were going to receive training there," the Shadowed One said with a sadistic grin. "The six of you shall instead face my Dark Hunters to the death. The surviving Toa-- if there are any-- will be free to leave Odina with their lives."

Lesovikk glared at him as he and the others were escorted away by Sentrakh. "You're nothing but a bunch of savages."

The Shadowed One shrugged nonchalantly at the remark. "What can I say? It's a living."

Icarax released a primal roar as he lunged at Mallake again, swinging his rotating blades at the Tirivon's head, only for his opponent to use that infuriating mask power of his and transport himself through shadows.

"It's sad, really, when you think about it," Mallake said as he emerged behind Icarax. "You Makuta see the shadows as your ally, and yet I'm still able to use them against you."

Icarax snarled as he swung his twin blade at Mallake. The Tirivon easily blocked it with his own.

"I still do not see why the Great Spirit would create such an easily corruptible species and expect Helryx and her followers to keep watch over them. The more I think about it, the more I think that Mata Nui deliberately set up for his own fall."

The two continued to parry blades. Mallake traveled between shadows again and dropped from the ceiling, his sword pointed downwards. Icarax quickly dodged the attack before striking Mallake's back with his rotating blades. The Tirivon snarled as he whirled on him and slashed the Makuta across the mask, nearly dislodging the serpentine Kanohi Kraahkan.

"I'm sure he had his reasons," Mallake went on. "Perhaps he thought the Matoran would be able to thrive without him. Or perhaps they had wronged him in some way that had led him to spite us all."

Icarax attacked again and tried to stab Mallake with his Twin Blade. The Makuta narrowly missed his opponent's abdomen by inches as the Tirivon twisted his body aside and seized Icarax's arm. Before the Makuta could react, Mallake forced his blade into Icarax's shoulder, causing him to scream out in pain and fall to his knees.

"Either way," Mallake said coldly as he stood over the beaten Makuta of Karzahni, "I intend to make sure the universe is run the way it was meant to be. And if that means eradicating an entire species...."

He raised his blade, its tip sparking with energy.

"Then so be it."

Weakened by the wound dealt to him, Icarax did not have time to react as Mallake brought his blade down.

He was soon given plenty of time when a beam of energy struck Mallake's arm, breaking off his attack. The Tirivon snarled as he spun on his heel, coming face-to-face with Makuta Antroz.

"Well," Mallake said, "that's something new: a Makuta coming to the rescue of his brother. How... strangely compassionate of you."

Antroz said nothing as he stepped into the room, claws bared, and began circling Mallake.

The Tirivon scoffed at this. "Do you expect me to be intimidated? Your pathetic Fear powers have no effect on me."

The silence continued. Icarax stared at Antroz in utter bewilderment. He attempted to read his brother's mind but could not gather anything of the other Makuta's intentions. He could, however, sense that something was off about him....

After a long moment without action, Mallake broke the silence. "Well? Are we not going to have this pointless battle?"

"Oh, we are. Trust me." While the voice was Antroz's own, there was something about it that set Icarax at unease. "It shall be over with before you know it."

"In that case...." Mallake readied his blade again and assumed a battle stance. "Let us begin."

Antroz was true to his word. Moving faster than Icarax could comprehend, the Makuta of Xia spun like a bat out of chaos and bashed Mallake with his claws. Disoriented from this attack, the Tirivon had barely enough time to block Antroz's next strike before losing his blade from a fierce slash. The Makuta then grabbed each side of Mallake's mask and wrenched it off. This caused the Tirivon to stumble back and fall to one knee. He then watched with fearful eyes as Antroz dropped the mask to the floor and shattered it with his foot.

As the Makuta of Xia approached him, Mallake found himself at a loss for words, sputtering as he fumbled for a response. Never before had he been so easily beaten.

"Im-impossible," he finally managed to spit out. "You're... you're just a Makuta."

"Correction, old fool," Antroz hissed-- and this time, the voice was definitely not his. "I am the Makuta."

He raised a clawed hand and Mallake braced himself for the killing blow. He was not granted such a fate however, instead being cast into a coma by the mere flick of a wrist.

Turning away from the slumbering Tirivon's body, Antroz's eyes fell on Icarax, who felt his leaking essence churn.

"Now then... I believe you have something which belongs to me."

Chapter Nine[]

"Anyone got any bright ideas?"

No one answered Arctur as the six Toa Tenebrae faced a dozen Dark Hunters, all itching for new practice targets.

"Didn't think so."

"Come on, guys, we're Toa," Zaria said, gripping his Toa Tool. "Not just any Toa, but daring Toa. We've faced Visorak, Makuta, Zyglak--"

"That's more than I can say," Arctur muttered.

"--So are we just going to let a bunch of mercenaries scare us?"

"Some of those guys have teeth a size I didn't know teeth were allowed to be," Seldaan said. "That guy over there could gorge a Tahtorak in one go."

Zaria sighed. "Are you guys with me or not?"

"Oh, we're with you," Arctur said. "But I think you should take the lead."

The Toa of Iron shook his head. "I should have stayed solo."

"That makes two of us," Chiara muttered.

From a cliff edge which oversaw the training grounds, an ancient being in blue and gold armor stepped forward and gestured with his hand. As one, the twelve Dark Hunters which the Toa faced brandished their weapons. Lesovikk and the others had barely enough time to prepare themselves when Ancient gave the order.


The Dark Hunters came charging and the Toa did the first thing that crossed their minds, prompted by a mental message sent from Orde.

Divide and conquer.

As soon as the mercenaries came within five feet of them, the Toa Tenebrae split up, with only Zaria remaining in place. Using his elemental power, the Toa of Iron caused a row of steel bars to sprout out of the ground, surrounding the Hunters in an unfinished cage. Before any of them could react, Seldaan came running at them at full speed, shooting beams of plasma from his hands.

One of the Dark Hunters let out a raged cry as he smashed the bars with his axe before charging at the Toa of Plasma. Seldaan quickly activated his Kanohi Kakama and sped away, with Charger in close pursuit.

Realizing the Toa's strategy, the Dark Hunters split up as well, with two going after each Toa. While a heavily armored being followed Charger and the other eight went after the rest of the Toa, Lurker and his four-legged companion stayed to take on Zaria.

"Say, Seeker," Lurker said, sharpening a simple blade he held in his claws. "What kind of scream you reckon he'll make when we snap him in two?"

"Are you saying there's more than one kind of scream?" Seeker asked.

"Well, yeah, especially when it comes to Toa. Fire types tend to be louder, Air ones are a bit more shrill...."

"I never really noticed."

"Yeah, it's kind of funny once you notice--" Lurker was cut off as Zaria hurled a metal disk he had made while the two Hunters were speaking. Lurker easily caught it in his hand and tossed it aside.

"You know," he said to the Toa of Iron, "I was honestly hoping you'd cook up something better than that in that span of time."

Zaria smirked. "Oh, don't worry. I have."

The two Dark Hunters stared at him for a moment, expecting him to throw something else at them. When he didn't, Lurker moved to attack first... only to immediately stop as his began suddenly seized up.

"What the...?" he muttered. "What's happening?"

Zaria narrowed his eyes as he concentrated on the Dark Hunter's crimson armor, tightening it around Lurker's form to keep him rooted in place. It was the same trick he had used on the Makuta whom he had killed not long ago, and it was because of such powers that he was among the last of his kind.

Distracted by these dark thoughts, Zaria had nearly forgotten about Lurker's partner until Seeker thrust his staff into the ground, creating a seismic shock that sent the Toa of Iron flying....

Ancient watched with little interest as the six Toa fought their Dark Hunter opponents. He supposed it was somewhat amusing watching the Toa try to use their elemental and mask powers, only to be outmatched by brute strength and crude weapons. And to think, these were the Matoran's protectors.

Movement in the hazy sky above directed Ancient's attention towards a group of bat-like Rahi flying over Odina. They flew in a pattern that no one on the island but him recognized and he could instantly tell from their formation what message they were conveying.

It was an order he had been awaiting for months, ever since word spread of the Makuta having conquered Metru Nui. It was only a matter of time before the Dark Hunters would have to become involved in the greater conflict.

Without hesitation, Ancient turned his back to the arena and headed back for the Shadowed One's fortress. Had he stayed for another minute or two, he would have soon discovered that he wasn't the only double agent on Odina.

"I'm calling dibs on his mask," the shrill-voiced Dark Hunter known as Screamer said as she pinned Lesovikk down with her dual blades. "You can have the sword, if you like, but I get the mask. That sound fair to you?"

Her partner said nothing, having since lost interest in the fight. Instead, his eyes were focused on a wolf-like Rahi perched on a nearby cliff side. Kavinika were a rare sight on Odina; as such, when it let out a loud howl, it caught the notice of everyone out on the training grounds, Dark Hunter and Toa alike.

"What in the blazes is that doing here?" exclaimed one of the hunters.

With the Rahi distracting them, no one noticed as Shadow Stealer slipped into the darkness and made his way towards his objective.

As he cursed to himself in a dozen languages as he tried to maneuver his Exo-Toa body, it took Makuta Tridax a minute or so to realize that something was off.

The fighting had stopped.

Or, rather, the fighting on Destral had stopped. The battle at Artakha was still very much underway, but those who called themselves the Hand of Artakha had suddenly dropped their weapons and were now on their knees, facing towards the Great Refuge in a dazed wonder.

Tridax followed their gaze... and cursed to himself again.

Indeed, the battle for the Great Refuge was still being waged, but the tide had turned dramatically. Hordes of Rahkshi, Visorak, and duplicates of Makuta Bitil were now in full retreat. Behind them was a titan who stood ten feet tall, clad in gray-green armor that was rusted with age and decorated in archaic symbols, swinging a massive hammer at the invaders.

Artakha himself had arrived. And he was not the least bit amused.

As the ancient being came closer and closer towards the boarder between Destral and the Great Refuge, Tridax let out a very loud string of curses that would silence a Skakdi. Not waiting for Bitil and his forces to return, he moved as fast as his Exo-Toa form would allow towards the facility which housed the island's teleportation device.

Right now, he told himself, anywhere in the universe was better than here.

"No! Tridax, wait!"

Makuta Bitil flew at full speed towards the island of Destral, his army of Rahkshi and Visorak behind him and facing the wrath of Artakha. Had it not been for damage done to his wings that one of his time duplicates had sustained, he would have already been back at the Makuta Fortress.

"TRIDAX! WAIT! I'M NOT--" The yellow-armored Makuta then screamed as one of the Matoran's energy launchers struck his right wing, felling him. As he landed hard on his back, Bitil looked up to see that Artakha was fast approaching him, smashing any Rahkshi that got in his way.

His mind racing, Bitil activated his mask power, not thinking of which incarnation of himself-- past or future-- he summoned.

It was just his luck that he summoned one from a minute ago. He never got the chance to correct this mistake.

The last thing he saw before blinking out of existence was Artakha's hammer coming down on his replica.

Chapter Ten[]

Things were not looking up.

To the left, Arctur saw Lesovikk being pinned down by his Dark Hunter opponents and Chiara battling two twice her size. To the right, Zaria had just been sent flying and Orde was locked in a battle of wills with a hypnotizing being. And stars knew where Seldaan was running around.

As for himself, Arctur had managed to defeat one of his two opponents but had ended up being cornered by the other one. Covered in black and red armor, the Dark Hunter looked like a Rahkshi in some respects, only with wings, a tail, and a lot more mass. In one hand he wielded a flaming sword while he carried a Kanoka Launcher in the other.

While Arctur observed these details, Kraata-Kal merely stood there, his red eyes boring into the Toa's. The faint smile on the Hunter's serpentine face gave Arctur the impression that he was waiting for him to make the first move; for Arctur to attack so that Kraata-Kal could kill him in "self-defense."

Why a Dark Hunter would pull such a strategy, he did not know. But he refused to give him the satisfaction.

The two of them stood stock-still for a long time, each waiting for the other to act first. Impatience started to creep into Arctur and the Toa of Gravity tightened his grip on his energy blade. Kraata-Kal simply smiled further, silently challenging him.

At that moment, a loud howl broke though the air and everyone looked to see a Kavinika standing on a cliff. With Kraata-Kal momentarily distracted, Arctur allowed his impulse to take over and seized his opportunity. As he lunged at the transformed Rahkshi with his blade held high, the latter quickly spun around again and slammed Arctur with his Kanoka Launcher. The Toa of Gravity lost his grip on his tool and ended up landing on his back.

Struggling to pick himself back up, Arctur saw Kraata-Kal approaching him menacingly, his mirthless smile having vanished and his flame sword blazing more than ever. As the Dark Hunter raised his blade, Arctur did the only thing he could think of.

He used his powers.

For any other Toa-- particularly those of any other element-- this was hardly something worth noting. But among Gravity Toa, there was an unwritten rule to keep use of their elemental powers to a minimum. Out of all the elements, Gravity was one of the most fundamental to the universe and thus manipulating it was seen as messing with the world.

But Arctur was still a novice Toa compared to most and still relied a lot on his instinct. And that instinct was to use his powers when most would find it wiser to not.

Even so, the sight of Kraata-Kal flailing about as he floated away from the ground was still an amusing one.

Entering the Shadowed One's chamber, Ancient found the leader of the Dark Hunters standing before the stasis tube placed in the corner. As the Shadowed One observed the Toa which the tube contained, Darkness hung in the shadows over him, watching him intently. The Dark Hunter briefly flicked his gaze at Ancient but paid him no further heed.

As the silence dragged on, Ancient became unsure if the Shadowed One had even noticed his entrance. Just as he was about to speak, the Shadowed One did so before he could.

"Sometimes I wonder why I even hold on to such things. Trophies, I mean." He ran a hand down the stasis tube's casing. "All of these Kanohi, weapons, armor... even a living Toa. And for what? To show that I'm a sentimental fool? To show that I have attachments to worthless pieces of junk?"

"What brought this up?" Ancient asked.

"You already know the answer to that."

"Metru Nui?"

"Twice, Ancient," the Shadowed One said, turning to face his old partner. "Twice has my pride been wounded by events surrounding that forsaken land. First was the war with the Toa, which we lost. Then, the encounter with Makuta, which I lost.

"These trophies... all they do for me now is show me that I could have won. I could have taken Metru Nui for my one had I dealt with Lhikan and his Toa first. I could have defeated Makuta had I been prepared for his 'empire.'

"I could have ruled the world had I simply swallowed my pride."

While the Shadowed One spoke, Ancient kept an eye on Darkness. The twisted being tensed at several points but remained where he was, waiting for the Shadowed One to display a more certain sign of weakness.

The leader of the Dark Hunters fell silent for a moment, looking again at the stasis tube. When he spoke again, his voice was close to a whisper. "I want revenge, of course."

"Certainly," Ancient replied.

"I want Makuta to stand where I stood then, watching his plans come crashing down on him, watching his empire crumble. I want him to feel pain."

"And so he shall."

The Shadowed One paused for a moment, contemplating. "But do we even have the numbers to fight back Makuta's? We already lost plenty of Hunters to the Toa."

"I'm sure we can find the reinforcements," Ancient said. "After all, we're not the only ones who oppose Makuta."

The Shadowed One glanced at him. "You know of others?"

"I have my contacts," Ancient said simply. "Perhaps if we ally with them, we could strike back at the Makuta in full force."

"Ally with them?" The Shadowed One turned fully to face him. "And would this alliance be beneficial to us?"

"Undoubtedly. I understand that they pay well."

"Then why have I not heard of these contacts before? Why have they not recruited our services?"

"They prefer to keep out of external affairs. It's only because of the Makuta have they come out of their shells."

"I see. And how long have you known them?"

"Long enough," Ancient said.

The Shadowed One scratched his chin as he considered this. Finally, he said, "In that case, I would like to meet with them. Would it be possible for you to arrange a meeting?"

Ancient nodded.

"In that case, I suggest you do so immediately. The sooner I get my revenge on Makuta, the bet--"

Before the Shadowed One could finish speaking, the chamber was suddenly plunged into darkness. Ancient heard what sounded like scuffling, followed by glass breaking and then a strange sound.

When the lights came back on, Ancient and the Shadowed One found Darkness laying beaten on the floor... and a shattered opening in the now empty stasis tube.

During the span of time that had taken Tridax to reach the island's teleportation device, several events happened in quick succession:

First, the Hand of Artakha's forces had started to retreat from Destral and headed for the Great Refuge itself, running towards Artakha as if he was some sort of idol. The ancient titan immediately rejected their worship, already aware of their motives to seize his realm, and turned his hammer on them. Then, seconds before Destral teleported away, a giant being appeared out of thin air before vanishing again, taking the Hand of Artakha with him.

After Destral had re-materialized in a different location, all of the Makuta were summoned to the main fortress, where they found Antroz sitting atop the throne... only it was not Antroz, as they learned, but Makuta Teridax in his body.

Having long suspected of Icarax being responsible for Teridax's present condition, Antroz had sneaked into the throne room and swapped his essence with Teridax's in the vat, allowing the leader of the Makuta to take his throne back from Icarax, as well as reclaim his Mask of Shadows. The Makuta of Karzahni was then sent to the dungeons with the former Hand of Artakha leader Mallake. When asked why he had spared Icarax, Teridax simply said that he still had further use for him.

Now, the Makuta of Metru Nui sat alone in his throne room, holding his recovered Mask of Shadows in his hands. Tridax had recently sent orders to the Nynrah Ghosts to craft a new set of armor for Teridax, so that he could return Antroz's body.

Until then, he would have plenty of time to plot. And while the attack on Artakha was an unwise and premature act on Icarax's part, Teridax still had plans for the Great Refuge. In time, even the ancient creator would kneel before him, or otherwise be destroyed.

A cruel smile crossed the Kanohi Jutlin that was not his own and the Makuta laughed.


When Ancient returned to the training grounds, alarmed by the recent breach in security, he was only given further unease by what he found there.

All of the Dark Hunters were looking around in utter confusion; Lurker was rooted in place, Kraata-Kal was picking himself up from the ground, and the six Toa they had all been fighting were gone.

Gritting his teeth, Ancient jumped down into the arena and stormed up to a baffled Seeker. "What just happened?" he snarled.

"We're not sure," Seeker murmured. "First there was this Kavinika howling on the cliff edge, then this... titan appeared out of nowhere and teleported the Toa away."

"Do you have any idea who he was?"

"None at all."

Ancient grimaced as he looked off into the distance. It was already apparent to him that there was far more afoot than he knew....

Toa Varian screamed the second she awoke. Had she even fallen asleep in the first place? The last thing she remembered was....

Varian took a deep breath to calm herself down. Memories started to resurface: Norik, the mission, "Grey", the Dark Hunters, the Shadowed One, then nothing. She had no idea how long she had been in stasis, but what mattered now was that she was free and definitely not on Odina.

As she got to her feet, Varian caught movement in the corner of her eye and she turned to see an old, hunched-over being standing before her, staring at her intently.

Clearing her throat, Varian said, "Um, who are you?"

"An accomplice," he said in a soft hiss. "Do you know why you are here?"

"No. I don't even know where 'here' is."

"The name of this place is not important. What is important is what you are meant to do here."

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"You are a Psionics Toa, correct?"

"Um, yeah?"

"Your powers are required," the being said. "Only those with your abilities can break through the barrier."

"What barrier? I don't know what you're talking about."

The being turned his back to her and started walking away. "Your answers await you. Come."

"Wait!" Varian called as she ran after him. "Couldn't you at least tell me your name?"

The being stopped to look over his shoulder at her. After a moment's pause, he said, "For most of my life, I've been known as Shadow Stealer. But for now... you may call me Amath."

To be continued




Order of Mata Nui[]

Hand of Artakha[]

Empire of Makuta[]



Dark Hunters[]

