The Emperor is the main antagonist in the YouTube series The Empire (created by DragoStudios/Dragomatic). He loves abusing the residents of Galla City, and has frequent executions, just for the purpose of making the citizens fearful. He controls everything in the empire, government, military, construction, trade, even the cities main industrial company, Takadine Industries.
Not much information has been released on the past of 'The Emperor', but it is known that he was some kind of scientist at Takadine Industries before The Fall of The Lord. But after this, his history becomes much clearer. He controls the Makuta (previously the old king's guards, they joined the Emperor as soon as he attacked the old King), the skrall army, all of the Empire, and is CEO for Takadine Industries. Since he tookover, he has had to constantly send his army out to fight against the Rebel Union. Thanks to many mutagenic experiments, The Emperor and Takadine Ind. has made a number of biomechanical creatures and servants, such as WEAPON and ASSASSIN. One of his creations, Teeran, was declared a failure and left in the Between Lands to die, but a number of years later, Teeran returned and now harasses the Makuta frequently. Thanks to multiple T.I. experiments and the M.A.M. (Mask Absorbtion Machine), the Emperor has many powers, too many to list all of them, but here are a few:
- Darkness control
- Light control
- Mind reading
- Mind destruction (only for the weak-minded)
- Flight
- Heat vision
- Dimensional transport
This is but a small portion of his power, which was shown to the citizens of Galla City when after his takeover, he proved his power by completley obliterating the only other BIONICLE Empire city Unhen City, effectivley killing over 200 innocent BIONICLE at once.
- Tor was created by YouTube member DragoStudios/Dragomatic.
- The Emperor's true name and apperance is not scheduled to be revealed until The Empire, Season 2.
- The Emperor is also known as the Twilight Lord, because of his mastery over both light and shadow.