Make your requests for the series here. Remember to provide a link to the article/MOC/image. Article's are preferred.
---Deus Vult! 21:46, July 25, 2012 (UTC)
- The Veridact ^^)b The Daylight Shadow 22:21, July 25, 2012 (UTC)
Could you maybe do Haunting in Shadows after you've read it? ODST! (talk) 17:35, July 26, 2012 (UTC)
Guardian of the Dead Souls, maybe? PepsiCola99 22:32, July 26, 2012 (UTC)
Any or all of the Xaterex stuff, if you have the chance. Maybe you could split the series review into two or three episodes, one with the early volumes, another with the middle, and a third with the end...just a suggestion.Just noticed you don't take story requests...still, hopefully you can take it under consideration. VarkanaxTalk 22:57,7/26/2012
@Grievous and Pepsi: If you remember, I don't take story requests. This prevents me from having to all the longest pages on the wiki. If you remember, reading takes a lot of time, and so I review stories I've read. WDYE was one I had read, and thus could readily review without taking much time. To do a new story, I have to read through at least half of it. You're stories will probably get reviewed, though, just not in the rather near future.
@Varkanax: I was considering it when I reviewed WDYE, as I'm trying to finally finish it since I started reading to find out exactly what the characters I was drawing should look like. I'll probably do it sometime after I finish Eternal Darkness (which I forsee in about three months at the most). I'm currently on The Final Prophecy).
---Deus Vult! 23:22, July 26, 2012 (UTC)
Maybe Skorr or Punishment if you feel up to it. The choice is yours to review them or not, and I don't mind either way. Welcome to the Fezpedia!
12:59, October 5, 2012 (UTC)
- Erevayx, (if you're up to it) since I feel a bit unsure to send him out quite yet, and I know that--as you said: Probably part of the 90% of crap. But I'd really like to cut of the excess fat, (and pack on more muscle). Thy Final Wendigo (talk) 01:40, January 1, 2013 (UTC)
- The Silence of the End --Kopakamata97 Has Arrived 02:13, May 8, 2013 (UTC)
I would like to request Sibling Issues for a review. I can see why you wouldn't like it since it is very early on in the story and the plot hasn't even been established but I am perfectly fine with this being a slam down on my story. I know you don't take story requests but this takes about a minute to read so can you make an exception for a tiny story? BZ, Custom Slizer Wiki admin (talk) 01:39, June 25, 2013 (UTC)
please do the article called Hapdop.
the happy has arrived!! (talk) 08:20, July 16, 2014 (UTC) from ciaranhappy!