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This article was written by BIONICLEToa. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Splinters Universe
Splinters Alternate Universe
Alternate Universe
Point of Divergence
Contrary events due to the battle of the League of Six Kingdoms.
The Chronicles of Fa

The Splinters Alternate Universe is an alternate universe revolved around the creation of the Toa Karhi as the Insurgents.

Key Differences[]

The Splinters Alternate Universe is said to have been created when a Kanohi Vahi was destroyed in a alternate universe. It's power ranged to around four universes and broke each apart, combining them again to create the Splinters Alternate Universe.

Historical Differences[]

Although the universe's history initially stayed the same as the Core BIONICLE universe's, it changed after the formation of the League of Six Kingdoms. Once the Barraki were defeated, Tagah went on different missions with Carika and Furtaan. However, he lost both friends, but not before Furtaan got a vision.

The Great Cataclysm and the events surrounding that have remained mostly the same, though the events for the rest of the universe have diverged slightly.

Character differences[]

~For more about the characters, check out the saga guide!~

In the Core BIONICLE universe, Tagah and the Toa Karhi never existed, and the 100 Matoran who left for Catrax never left Metru Nui. In fact, Fatorak never existed either.

Other Differences[]

There are other differences that help determine what makes this universe special.

Core Universe Splinters Universe
 The gender of matoran is limited to their elemental affiliation
  • Av-matoran and shadow matoran can be of any gender
  • Female matoran are either of water, psionics or lightning
  • Male matoran are all of the remaining types
 The gender of matoran is not limited to their elemental affiliation.
 Makuta are super-powerful beings who can possess all of the elemental powers of Rahkshi and control over the element of Shadow. Also has Kanohi Powers.  Makuta have more limited powers. Besides Teridax and Miserix, who have six Rahkshi powers to choose from, all Makuta have one. They also possess power over Kanohi and Shadows.
 Matoran are incapable of expressing platonic love Matoran are capable of expressing platonic love
  All species in the Matoran Universe are not able to procreate. Rahi are indeed able to pro-create.

Known Residents[]

  • Matoran
    • Fatorak -Chronicler
  • Toa
    • The Toa Karhi
      • Kylerak
      • Collerak
      • Viatra
      • Nuhi
      • Mikeku
      • Quiller
    • The Toa Metru
      • Vakama
      • Nokama
      • Matau
      • Onewa
      • Nuju
      • Whenua
  • Turaga
    • The Turaga of Metru Nui
      • Lhikan
      • Nihdiki
      • Tuyet
      • Naho
    • The Turaga of Karhi Nui
      • Tolunga
      • Gitu
      • Letagh
      • Komatri
      • Nupui
      • Guto
  • Makuta
    • Teridax
    • Tagah
    • Furtan
    • Gorast
    • Mutran
    • Chirox
    • Icarax


  • BIONICLEToa came up with this universe after being dissatisfied with his former story-line. As such, he put more thought into this one and planned out an outline of events.