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Spherus Magna Refuge
Spherus Magna (Bota Magna region)
None (unless in case of emergency)
SFEER-us Mag-nuh

The Spherus Magna Refuge was a massive structure created as an emergency measure to protect the population of Spherus Magna in the face of a catastrophe.

Secretly, the Refuge was also used for illegal operations in the kingdom of Xianori.


The Spherus Magna Refuge, constructed by the Metru Magna Military Engineering, was initially designed as a sanctuary to ensure the safety of the population of Metru Magna in the event of an emergency. However, influenced by its vested interests in the kingdom of Xianori, the Spherus Magna Council urged that the refuge be situated in closer proximity to Xianori rather than Metru Magna.

For an extended period, the refuge clandestinely served as a base for covert surveillance operations on Xianori, with certain Senators taking advantage of the vulnerable conditions faced by the kingdom's lower-class citizens.

When the Chorak invaded the city of Metru Magna, its desperate inhabitants sought refuge within its protective walls, although not all survived the journey.

Regrettably, the Chorak eventually uncovered the refuge's location and launched a devastating assault. In response, a self-destruct mechanism was activated, leaving the residents with mere moments to evacuate before the imminent explosion. Miraculously, all but one of the residents managed to escape the refuge's destruction, with Gryk sacrificing his life in the ensuing blast.

Many years later, as the kingdom of Xianori plunged into the depths of a bitter civil war, the disgruntled lower class, weary of their oppressive circumstances, prepared to rise up in rebellion. Sensing the urgency, Deriahk and Turaga Koved initiated a clandestine investigation to expose the corruption within the Council, eventually discovering the covert operations conducted at the Refuge. Seeking to avert the impending conflict, they revealed their findings to Toa Nugru.


The Spherus Magna Refuge, an imposing edifice concealed amidst the vast expanse of the Bota Magna region in Spherus Magna, stood as a testament to the intricate web of deceit woven by corrupt Senators of the Spherus Magna Council.

Driven by their vested interests, these unscrupulous beings contrived to construct the refuge in closer proximity to the kingdom of Xianori, despite its intended purpose solely for the protection of the inhabitants of Metru Magna. Veiled within its walls, a clandestine underworld thrived, encompassing illicit operations and harboring a cache of both treasured and perilous artifacts, among them the enigmatic Kanohi Trankerkokiskorniahk.

Within its fortified chambers, the refuge boasted meticulously partitioned sectors, with expansive rooms designed to accommodate multitudes of refugees simultaneously.

Guarding its secrets, the entire structure was enveloped in an impregnable deflector shield, augmented by a covert security system devised to obliterate the edifice in the face of any forcible intrusion. This clandestine mechanism sought to obfuscate the existence of the refuge's sinister undertakings, perpetuating the illusion of innocence.


  • The Alpha Beings knew that the Refuge had been built to keep Xianori under observation, but did not know about the illegal operations. Had he heard of the corruption, Vavakx would have detained the Senators involved.