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Skull Slicer contains canon BIONICLE info.

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Skull Slicer
Skull Slicer1
Skull Creature
Skull Creatures
Energy Absorption
Skull Spider Mask, Golden Mask of Jungle (formerly)
Razor Sharp Hook Blades, Mask Grabber, Bone Spikes

Skull Slicer was a Skull Creature. Once a famed champion on Okoto of the game Hammer Flush, he now is undead and serves Kulta the Skull Grinder.


Originally, Skull Slicer was a famed champion of Okoto, being the best at Hammer Flush and loved by all Okotans until his death.

Thousands of years later he was reanimated by Kulta's dark energy to serve in his army. He was given a Skull Spider Mask and was to guard the City of the Mask Makers from any intruder.

As the Toa passed through the city, Skull Slicer watched them from a distance. After Lewa parted ways with his Toa comrades, he followed the Toa. When the Master of Jungle landed at the Arena to examine the rules, Skull Slicer attacked him and stole his Mask of Power, instantly weakening the Toa.

Skull Slicer2

Skull Slicer wearing Lewa's Mask.

When the other Masters found Lewa, Skull Slicer lead them into the Arena where he activated the game of Hammer Flush. Once in he donned Lewa's Mask, giving him power over Jungle. Realizing that he was stealing the Toa's energy, the Toa quickly attacked him to try and regain the Mask.

Pohatu managed to pin him against a pillar while Kopaka and Tahu attacked him. Slicer grabbed a hold of Tahu, but Kopaka quickly freed him by punching Slicer in the face, dislodging the Mask.

Skull Slicer Concept Art

Onua then hit the lever to collapse the floor, causing Slicer to fall into the darkness below. After, the whole Arena fell from Onua hitting the lever to hard, sending the whole Arena, and the Toa, down after Skull Slicer.

His current status is unknown.

Abilities and Traits[]

Like all Skull Creatures, Skull Slicer has the ability to drain the elemental energy from a Mask of Power and use it against his opponents. The power also goes to his master Skull Grinder.

Skull Slicer has four arms which can wield four weapons.

Skull Slicer seems to be very mentally unstable, most likely due to his unnatural revival and slavery to the Lord of Skull Spiders.

Mask and Tools[]

Skull Slicer wields three Razor Sharp Hook Blades, which can cut through stone. They can also be used to grab a Mask of Power off of someone's face. He also carries a Mask Grabber claw, which is a pair of claws on a chain that can detach a Mask from a being.

Slicer's original Mask is unknown, but after he was reanimated, he bore a Skull Spider Mask. However, once he obtained Lewa's Mask of Power, he put it on and gained control over Jungle.


  • It is theorized that Skull Slicer was once a Protector of Jungle with a Toa-like form.
  • In a LEGO magazine, it was said that Slicer's hook-blades were bonded to his hands. However, in the 2015 animations, Slicer is seen to be opening his hands, and dropping his hookblades.

