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Skull Scorpio contains canon BIONICLE info.

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Skull Scorpio
Skull scorpio
Skull Creatures
Skull Creatures
Scouts, Guards
Energy Absorption
Bull Skull Mask, Golden Mask of Stone (formerly)
Hook Blades, Bone Spikes, Gripping Pincers, Stingers

Skull Scorpios are Skull Creatures reanimated to serve Skull Grinder as scouts.


Originally, Skull Scorpios begin their lives as Scorpios, dwelling usually in the Region of Stone or the Region of Earth. They are very territorial and do not like other creatures, usually attacking them if they come to close.

On their journey to find the Golden Mask of Earth, a Scorpio attacked Onua and Korgot in an underground cavern. They fought with the beast, but it proved to be a match for the two. Eventually Onua threw the beast into the wall and brought the cavern down upon the creature, killing it.

Skull Scorpio Concept Art

Another Scorpio attacked a village in the Region of Stone when Pohatu was traveling to the City of the Mask Makers. The Toa fought with the beast, and aided by some villagers, brought down the Scorpio, but left the Master of Stone with a burning hatred for them.

Kulta, the Skull Grinder, used Makuta's dark power to revive several dead Scorpios for his Skull Army, the reanimated becoming Skull Scorpios.

Skull Grinder put two in front of Ekimu's tomb to guard it from the Toa who had entered the city to awaken the Mask Maker.

When the six got there, the Skull Scorpios attacked and managed to claim Pohatu's Golden Mask of Stone. The one who took it then put it on and gained power over his element and fought against the Toa with it. However, Lewa lured them into a trap and brought a sculpture of the Mask of Creation down upon them, killing them and reclaiming the Mask of Stone.

Their bodies were later disposed of by the Toa once Kulta had been defeated and the city reclaimed.

Abilities and Traits[]

Like all Skull Creatures, Skull Scorpios have the ability to drain the elemental energy from a Mask of Power and use against their opponents. The power also goes to their master, Skull Grinder.

Mask and Tools[]

Skull Scorpios have large tails with Hook Blades on them that can be used to steal a Mask of Power, or attack an opponent.

Skull Scorpios wear Bull Skull Masks, similar to Skull Basher. However, when one of the Scorpios stole Pohatu's Mask of Power, it instantly gained control over Stone.



  • Although originally poorly received, Skull Scorpio had become popular amongst the community, mainly because of its tail function.
