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This article was written by ChineseLegolas. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Seras, Toa of Time  Pron: SEHR-ras


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Like all other Matoran on Xeno Nui, she does not exist. However, she does play a role with the Madness Series. Below is her recordable history.

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True History
Seras. Yeah, this gal. She's... interesting, alright. Here is her history, according to my observations. ~Infernum

Ok, well, first thing's first. Seras is a Re-Matoran, a Matoran of Time. Like Av-Matoran, they are able to appear as Matoran of other elements. Re-Matoran, however, have no control over what colours they bear, and they only do it once in their lifetime. So once they change their appearance, they're stuck. Re-Matoran lose their natural colours, bronze and black, when they join a large group of Matoran. That is, they join the "timestream". You have to realize that Re-Matoran are more of a force of nature than anything else. They transcend our timestream. And if they die, there is no record of them, ever, since they were technically never part of our timestream in the first place. I'm a Great Being so I managed to collect some scraps of Seras' past but let me tell you, it was a bit more than difficult.

Anyways. Back to Seras. She appears as a Ga-Matoran, lived on Xeno Nui her whole life. A marine botanist. Teaches advanced genetics at the Haven labs and organic chemistry in the schools. Smart girl. She likes long walks in forests, candy, and messing in the biology labs with her students. Her best friends are an Agori of Fire, a Le-Matoran, and a Ta-Matoran. Their names escape me. They're really not that important, don't worry. I think one of them, however, may be an acquaintance of one of the Toa.

So, she meets Xaedan one day, gives him a flower. Not many Toa visit the island, might as well make friends with them. Xaedan completely forgets about her, and Seras completely forgets about Xaedan. Isn't that the most touching story you've ever clapped eyes on? Wait. It gets better. When Xaedan's group of Toa return from their two-day vacation in Faxis Beach, the fire-spitter chances upon Seras and they re-introduce themselves. The Ga-Matoran/Re-Matoran asks Xaedan to find a stick. Not just any old piece of wood, a walking stick, carved by her friends during a hike. Xaedan agrees.

They begin their long trek to the southern hills. The lengthy walk brings Seras closer to the Toa and they share some fond times together.

After a day or so of hiking, the Toa reach the hills, which in fact is a misnomer. They are mountains, albeit old and not all that tall. Despite this, they easily reach a thousand feet or more. In a freak accident, Seras gets separated from the group and falls to her death.

Her story continues in Madness: Paradox.

The Nameless Team

Xaedan, Toa of Fire ??? Mary, Infernum Fiend Tsukumi, Toa of Water Caine, Toa of Air Kaixin, Toa of Ice Anzix, Toa of Plasma Amea, Toa of Sonics Kaede, Toa of Shadow Vyander, Toa of Stone Elantra, Toa of Psionics Nexor, Toa of Magnetism Longinus, Toa of Light Valaryx, Toa of Plantlife Korvald, Toa of Iron Mirai, Toa of Lightning Formosa, Toa of Gravity Kavalus, Toa of Earth Seras, Toa of Time
