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The Ruki were a species of temperate, freshwater Rahi.
The Ruki species were originally created in collaboration between Makuta Bitil and Makuta Kojol using viruses and Liquid Protodermis to be one of the species to inhabit the Matoran Universe.
Due to their tolerance for multiple environmental conditions, Ruki were widely distributed across the Matoran Universe in aquatic ecosystems. Over the course of several years, the species integrated itself into Matoran life, though Ruki were known to tear through fishing nets and disrupt Matoran labor on occasion. Sharing an ecosystem with various other aquatic species, the Tarakava developed into a natural predator of the Ruki.
In Metru Nui, the Ruki population was known to have taken up residence in the Silver Sea, sometimes drifting inland into the canals of Ga-Metru and frequently being exhibited in the Archives. Across the island, fishing practices were considered illegal and unproductive, thereby allowing the Ruki population to flourish.
Following the Great Cataclysm, several of the Ga-Metru waterways became polluted, forcing the Ruki population to migrate across the Silver Sea and into an ocean current that brought them to the island of Mata Nui, where they cohabitated with the Ga-Matoran for roughly 1000 years. During her quest to locate a Kanohi Rau, Toa Gali happened across a kelp belt being circled by a school of Ruki. Activating her Kanohi Komau, she commanded the Rahi to chew through the kelp, thereby granting her access to the mask.

Gali commanding a school of Ruki fish.
In the Southern Island Chain, many Matoran communities hunt Ruki fish in shallow inlets and lakes. Typically, this activity is undertaken with tribal spears.
In the Southern Continent, fishing is a popular past time of which Ruki are a frequent objective. Often being preserved by Freeze Kanoka once caught, Ruki can be roasted and ingested by Matoran much the same as Bula berries.
Abilities and Traits[]
The Ruki in its wild form is generally dull olive-grey in appearance, with orange stripes extending along the back and fins, accompanied with a lighter underbelly. Conventionally, members of the species swim through aquatic regions of the Matoran Universe, migrating in large schools consisting of several dozen specimens, sticking together in order to ward off larger predators, such as Tarakava and Takea Sharks.
The wild Ruki is generally tolerant of turbid, low-oxygen water and can most commonly be found in small lakes, ponds, and wetlands. The species can also be found in larger lakes, streams, and other habitats, as well.
Ruki typically feed on underwater plants, sifting through dirt and silt to find nutrience. On occasion, they will also feed on insects, crustaceans, other marine invertebrates, and Gadunka.
See Also[]
- Ruki Building Instructions (Page 17)