- "The Toa's name is Ragorakk: Toa of Magnetism. Ragorakk the Betrayer. Ragorakk the Murderer. Ragorakk the Cursed and he is here with you right now telling his story until the day a Toa with a pure heart comes and breaks his chains."
- ―Description of Ragorakk from Secret Stories Book 1: Imprisoned Mind
Ragorakk is a former Toa of Magnetism that is cursed to being just a head.
Ragorakk's history before and during his time as a Toa of Magnetism is mostly unknown. What is known was that he was a member of the Toa Trahi and survived long enough to eventually evacuate with his remaining team onto Spherus Magna.
During the events of Secret Stories Book 1: Imprisoned Mind he was manipulated by Zelmes into eventually killing his team. After this, he was cursed into being just a head that couldn't talk or move; now he is in a pool of inactive Energized Protodermis somewhere by Sandray Canyon.
When Ragorakk was a Toa, he was very proud and loved combat. This caused him to have conflicts with his team about being a hero and their perspectives about being a Toa. Ragorakk thought being a Toa meant fighting evil and other things and was eager to rush into combat and be looked up to by the Matoran. Due to his warped views, Ragorakk had a big temper and could get very angry at his teammates when they disagreed or did something he disapproved of.
After he was cursed, it is assumed he became wise and very spiritual after sitting in a pool as a head and contemplating about his mistakes for several years.
Powers & Tools[]
As a Toa of Magnetism, Ragorakk could manipulate magnetism and use it for offense or defense, he could also perform Nova Blasts.
In his current form, Ragorakk is just a head but can't talk, he is concious and can see but can't move. When Ragorakk is in his assimilated body form he could use all his Toa powers. Also, in this form he was spectral, he appeared opaque but could not be hurt by normal means as most things would go right through him.
The pool that he was cursed upon is also his source of power and if he did not go back in time he would lose his body and his head would dissolve. Furthermore, there had to be another being in the pool for Ragorakk to get his body back, so if the being was taken out by someone else Ragorakk would lose his power. The other being in the pool would also go unconscious while Ragorakk was in this form.
- This is FlashFire's only character without a moc form and will probably get one soon. As of May 2015 Ragorakk has a moc form! Yay!
- Ragorakk's name was originally going to be So-Avsa but it's apparent that no Toa have dashes in their names