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This article was written by Jaggedthorn. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
"I rem-mor-board the days we ate eachother friend, oh how lovely the ground was tomorrow..."
―Psndojin to Vutresp
Jumper 1
Dark Hunters
Dark Hunter
Ability to Leap far distances, turn his dual daggers into launchers.
Dual Daggers, Dual Thornax Launchers
Alive, Revived by Red Star
Spherus Magna

Psndojin is a Sand Glatorian, although not a Vorox, he hung out with them for such a long time on Bota Magna he changed his tribe. He's now a Dark Hunter and best friend to Vutresp. In the Dark Hunters his codename was, "Jumper" due to his ability to leap far distances.


Psndojin was a member of the Jungle tribe on Spherus Magna. Although it was his affiliation, he persuaded the Elemental Lord of Sand to let him join their ranks. In a middle of an argument with Kabrua about a non-vorox joining their ranks, The Shattering occured, sending Psndojin to Bota Magna. There he mastered a concoction that allows the drinker to think of happy things. His addiction to it made him a heavy drinker and upon the reformation, began to travel all around Spherus Magna.

Hearing news of an organization called the Dark Hunters, he immediately tries to join, failing multiple times. Finally, after trading tons of information of all kinds of tactics with all kinds of species, he finally felt confident he would join the Dark Hunters. This time, he met Vutresp, becoming close friends with the strange bio-mechanic in attempts to actually talk normally with someone. (Although whenever he's drunk, he never speaks normally.)


  • This guy was fun to make, I wanted part of his mask to be hidden and I wanted him to look like a member of the sand tribe. The rib-cage thing was another idea. Excluding his feet, Psndojin is one of the few MOCs that pertains still to the original idea I had.