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This article was written by BIONICLEToa. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
White and Gold... But usually found any color

 Power is the substance that is used to keep any living thing alive. Without power, everything would be dead. Everything runs on power, And different things run on different forms of power.

As an element[]

Power is a rare Matoran element, only given to a select few Matoran created by Viluu. Properties of the element are as followed:

  • The matoran in this element can have any color, however, they are primarily white and gold.
  • These type of Matoran can be either gender. However, most of them are male.
  • Matoran with this element are natural conductors; As such, if lightning strikes them, it will not hurt them.
  • Toa with this element can:
    • Create Energy.
    • Manipulate Energy.
    • Absorbing Energy.
    • Healing via Energy.



  • Fatorak
  • Unknown female Matoran of Power.
  • More unknown Matoran of Power.


  • Karhi (Aranu)

Power itself[]

Power runs everything in the Universe. Matorans run on Elemental Power, and other things run through other power sorces, like Electricity.

Types of Power[]

This is a list of Power in the Universe.

  • Elemental Power: All living things in the Matoran Universe live on this. For example, Ta-Matorans happen to be near Fire most often. It revives them. As shown with the Toa Nuva, they need Elemental Power, otherwise, they become weak.
  • Energy Power: Energy keeps things running. For example, eating food gives you Energy. Energy is a type of Power. Energu keeps things running. Humans and Matoran have found many ways Energy can power Machines. Also, there are multiple types of Energy
    • Kinetic Energy: Happens when something is moving freely.
    • Potential Energy: Charged-Up Energy, becomes Kenetic when released.
    • Mechanical
    • Electric
    • Magnetic
    • Radiant: Light is used for energy. Light is an elemental power... And is powered by Radiant Energy.
    • Heat
    • Nuclear
    • Ionization
    • Elastic
    • Sound
    • Gravitational
    • Thermal
  • Mask Power: A Power given by Kanohi Masks. These give the wearers amazing abilities in which most organisms can not do. For example, the Kanohi Kakama gives users amazing speed, faster than anything else. Power itself is a Mask Power, used in the Kanohi Karhi.
  • Dominion Power: An abstract form of power that leaders use to control their subjects. For example, the Turaga that run their villages have this form of power.

These types of Energy are found all over the Universe. The Universe runs on this. Mechanisms run on Energy, and so do Animals and Plants.


  • This is one of the most primary things in all the universe. It keeps everything alive and moving.
  • Only a few beings are known to possess this element.
  • This is a primary substance in the universe. Even planets are pulled in by Gravitational Energy by a Star, and they revolve around them.


  • This is BIONICLEToa's favorite element.
  • BIONICLEToa was surprized that this page had not been created before he made it.