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This article was written by DeltaStriker. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
PakaMahri 01
Mahri Nui Sentinels
Paka (Afterverse) contains spoilers.

This article contains spoilers for Rock Bottom: Remastered. Continue reading at your own risk.

"The two stared each other down, neither wavering. Paka did not cower under the enormity of the creature; he looked it in the face without fear.
Then it bit his head off.
Rock Bottom

Paka was a Le-Matoran woodworker and guard who lived in Mahri Nui.


Paka was one of the first to settle in the coastal town of Mahri Nui after the Great Cataclysm. Having never settled anywhere while he lived on the Southern Continent prior to the Cataclysm, he chose to do so out of necessity, as Voya Nui was not an environment that lent itself to the life of a nomadic hermit. After the city sank into the Voya Nui Bay, Paka joined the Mahri Nui Sentinels.

Paka contributed to the reconstruction of the city with his skills as a woodworker, helping to reinforce the structures still standing and helping to build new huts. At some point, he restored a wooden desk that survived the plunge for Kyros. The experience was apparently long an grueling, with Kyros micromanaging the entire process.

Rock Bottom[]

Paka was one of the Sentinels rallied by Idris to defend the city from the Gadunka. He was one of the sharpshooters given a solidified air Zamor Sphere Launcher and ordered to fire on the creature. However, Paka's launcher malfunctioned and he has unable to fire. He struggled fix fix it while his partner Aescela guarded him. By the time he had gotten it functional, the Sentinels were in full retreat. Rather than join them, he and Aescela decided to distract the creature so the others could make their escape.

During their initial attack, Aescela was injured, leaving Paka alone against the Gadunka. He fired another shot, disconnecting one of the creature's claws, but was unable to hold it off for long. The Gadunka grabbed Paka and lifted him up to it's face. Paka stared the creature down, and it promptly bit his head off.

After the battle, Paka's body was recovered and returned to Mahri Nui, where he was given a funeral along with the rest of the Matoran who had perished within the last two days.

Personality and Traits[]

Paka always strove to accept his lot in life regardless of the circumstances. Matoran that knew him considered him a reasonable and pleasant matoran, always willing to help out in a pinch. He was determined and worked to make a difference in whatever small ways he could.

Powers and Equipment[]

As a Le-Matoran, Paka had the potential to control the element of Air, though he was unable to access these abilities. He was, however, naturally more agile and quicker when in air, and was able to tell the direction and speed of the wind with ease.

He wore a green Kanohi Hau to match his armor. He wielded twin electro-blades and later a solidified air Zamor Sphere Launcher. After Mahri Nui sunk into the Voya Nui Bay, the small amount of mutagen Paka was exposed to gave him a stronger, sleeker form more suited to his new environment and partially resembled his original body.




  • Paka was originally conceived by DeltaStriker years before his appearance in Rock Bottom. He was planned to appear in several stories, and was used in the incomplete story Rebel Lines.