This article was written by CapMARVELOUS. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
The Osarians are a race of automatons originating from the island of Osar.
Early History[]
To be written...
The Defect[]
To be written...
Abilities and Traits[]
Osarians are a bipedal, humanoid species clad in silver and black armor. Their faces resemble a Kanohi Volitak. They are one of the few species unable to actually wear or use Kanohi, however. Internally, they are completely mechanical, and lack a Heart.
Due to the lack of a Heart, Osarians are notably less lifelike than other species, with few emotions, and simple programming that only allows them to complete given tasks.
All Osarians are capable of performing heavy labor, understanding, and repairing complex machinery.
Known Osarians[]
Social Structure and Interactions[]
Osarians are notable for being one of the few species within the MARVELOUS-Verse to not have any semblance of an internal social structure. Being created solely as labor workers, they have no need for one. They willingly submit to those who own them, and diligently carry out the tasks that their masters set before them.
It is not uncommon for travelers to see Osarians laboring on many different islands. This is due to a trade system between Osar and the rest of the islands, where Osarians are traded for Hearts.
- No female Osarians are known to exist yet.