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Mask of Healing
Exceptional healing powers
Component Kanoka

The Kanohi Olunma was a powerful legendary mask with exceptional healing powers. If used it was capable to cure any ailment of those its power affected.


It is not known how exactly the mask came into being or where it was created. It was, however, one of the many legendary masks which ended up in the hands of Makuta Lanudos.

With Nuva's reawakening the city of Rhagard's leader Lorani was greatly injured and in need of the mask's greta healing powers. Lanudos, however, was unable to use the mask himself or find anyone able to do so, so the Makuta gave it to one of his last Paladrova team, namely Dorvan, as he hoped he would learn to utilize the mask's powers in his time in the wilderness next to the Farside Village.
This plan ultimately failed, however, when Dorvan's life force was used by the Kanohi Tilira and the mask and his body were left at the village. Thus Lanudos tasked his Toa-friend Berwak to take a few of ther former Patriots team with him to retrieve it from the far-out settlement.

The Kanohi Olunma was eventually found and brought back to Laundos, who gave the mask to his final Paladrova, Glonor. With the assistance of Vorred he managed to successfully heal both Lorani and two Forgotten Warriors.


The Kanohi Olunma was able to manipulate the structure of any living being and restore the systems and mechanics of it. As such, it was able to fully regrow lost limbs, for example, as well as healing any internal damage one migh have suffered.
The mask is not able to restore any body parts that have already been replaced, as was the case with Lorani: With her right arm being mechanical, the mask did not have any structure to restore.
Similarly, the mask also does not remove any structure that might be alien to one's body, as seen with the Forgotten Warriors. While it stopped the virus' effect of degrading their body structure and permanently made the black outgrowths harmless, it wasn't able to remove or alter structures deeply affected by it.



