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"They are the true fighters for the slow and lazy Glea."-Makarray talking to Sala about mutated matoran.

Mutated matoran

Mutated matoran are different matoran with Vayk poison in them.


Coming to Terith Ruw[]

On Terith Ruw, Rack had most of the matoran there gather, then Kaylar, who arrived with the Glea, infected them with it, Ned was the first. Not all the matoran got it though, because the Glea needed more armor. So they got that job, and Makarray being one of them. After the all that was done Kaylar left, taking Vayk with her. And the mutated matoran become the elites of the Glea horde.

Knights of Fear[]

Mutated matoran of Terith Ruw very quickly became the elites of the Glea horde, and earned the name, Knights of Fear. Rack even sent Ned after Eltru, but that was the only mission Ned did that ended with failure. Other mutated matoran also earned there keep, but not even close to Ned's record.


Mutated matoran obey the leader without question, and can learn things quicker then other matoran which makes them very good fighters trained by hundreds of Glea and Rack.

-See Vayk poison-


  • The mutated matoran on Terith Ruw know the Glea language.
  • If you want to create a mutated matoran of Terith Ruw, then you most talk to me