Muaka contains canon BIONICLE info.
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- "Hunting Muaka? Don't. Odds are the whole time you think you are stalking it, it is stalking you — and it's a lot better at the job."
- ―Rahaga Pouks, Rahi Beasts.
The Muaka were a species of territorial tiger-Rahi known to live in tundra regions.
The Muaka species were originally created by Makuta Antroz using viruses and Liquid Protodermis to be one of the species to inhabit the Matoran Universe.
In Metru Nui, Muaka typically took up residence in the less developed regions of Ko-Metru. As the gaps in the Metru Nui map closed up and processes of modernization saw the expansion of urban areas into Muaka grazing territory, the species began venturing into populated areas, often coming into conflict with Ko-Matoran runners and couriers. Across the island, hunting practices were considered illegal and unproductive, thereby allowing the Muaka population to flourish.
A source of constant academic curiosity, Muaka were featured prominently in the Archives, though the species' curious immunity to Stasis made it impossible for Muaka to be held in captivity. Onu-Matoran Archivists often spoke of the Muaka as having a biology best suited to open roaming. A number of Muaka that escaped captivity were known to roam the Fikou's Web beneath the Archives. Whilst searching for Tehutti in the lower regions of the Archives, Toa Whenua notably released a Muaka from a Stasis Tube in order to distract a Rahkshi of Heat Vision that had been stalking the pair, allowing them to escape.
In the years after the Great Cataclysm, the Muaka population of Ko-Metru emerged from hiding, damaging a number of Matoran dwellings and toppling Knowledge Towers across the district. With the arrival of the Visorak Horde upon the island, however, the overwhelming majority of Muaka specimens migrated to the island of Mata Nui through the Great Barrier, pursuing a less hostile habitat in the darker regions of the island, principally inhabiting the colder climes of Ko-Wahi.
Following the arrival of Makuta Teridax on the island, the Muaka of Mata Nui were refitted with Infected Kanohi and stationed as the guardians of the island's tundra and jungle plains, intended to keep Matoran in their villages. Undergoing extensive behavioral changes during this time, the Muaka became more confrontational as a result, earning the species a reputation as one of the island's apex predators.
During this time, an Av-Matoran named Takua would disturb a Nui-Jaga, prompting the creature to stalk him across the jungle floors of Le-Wahi. Afraid to turn back and bring the Rahi back to Ta-Koro, Takua instead led the Nui-Jaga to the den of a Muaka, leaving the two predators to battle each other over the contested breach of territory.
Having completed his quest to locate the Kanohi masks of power scattered around Ko-Wahi, Toa Kopaka notably came into conflict with an adult Muaka on the outskirts of Ko-Koro. After a brief confrontation, the Toa of Ice was known to have combated the Rahi in the Drifts, rescuing Matoro and Takua in the process.
After 1000 years of opposing the Matoran at the behest of Makuta Teridax, this Muaka colony was liberated from Makuta's control by the efforts of the Toa Mata and Matoran of Mata Nui.
When the Great Spirit Robot suffered critical damage, the surviving members of the Muaka populations emigrated to Spherus Magna. Many have chosen the Great Barren as their primary habitat, though the Po-Metru populations seem to have migrated to the Black Spike Mountains in pursuit of larger prey.
Abilities and Traits[]
Muaka were ferocious and solitary predators inhabiting the rural tundra of the Matoran Universe. Conventionally, they lived above the tree line on mountainous meadows and in rocky regions at high altitudes. Muaka preferred rocky, broken terrain, and could travel without difficulty in snow, though they tended to use existing trails made by other Rahi. They mostly rested near cliffs and ridges that provided vantage points and shade.
Identified by their compact gray and yellow fur, the species was adept at insulating itself and could easily camouflage in sparse stretches. Unlike most Rahi, Muaka were fitted with a tread-like mechanism in place of hindlegs, enabling them to accelerate forward in sand or snow.
Muaka were a carnivore species that actively hunted its prey. Conventionally, a Muaka would ambush prey from above, using broken terrain to conceal its approach, then pursue their quarry down steep mountainsides, using the momentum of their initial leap to chase Rahi great distances. Using their powerful necks and sharp teeth, Muaka kill with a bite to the neck, then drag the prey to a safe location before feeding. As apex predators, Muaka were capable of killing most Rahi in its territory, with the exception of the Fusa.