A group of matoran, created by Pokall, in the Misplaced Alternate Universe who ran as a police/military force in Metru Nui under the guidance of the Turaga Council. It was also known as the M.M.F.
When all the toa, besides Takanuva, left with Toa Orde to Karda-Nui, Pokall worried that one toa was not enough to protect an entire city and that the Vahki would never return to the numbers they once possessed. So with the permission of Turaga Lhikan, Pokall created the Matoran Military Force to defend Metru-Nui when the Toa and remaining Vahki could not. Many matoran joined the newly formed organization such as Dephal, Kongu, and many more. Pokall, however, had to report to the Turaga Council for missions and for briefing.
Attack at the Coliseum[]
The M.M.F. were deployed to minimize the Rahkshi forced during Makuta Daraxan's attack of Coliseum. Pokall and his Group worked alongside the Toa Metru. Kongu ended up arresting Zepharious after the Toa of Sonics Surrendered.
Siege of Po-Metru[]
During the siege of Po-Meru, the Turaga Council assigned Pokall and the M.M.F. along the border of Po-Metru to guard it while the Toa metru went into the city to gather survivors.
During the mission to deactivate Ahkmou's super weapon, the MMF supplied Tanks to support the Toa Metru in battle.
The MMF also held Military Honors at Pouks Funeral.
The Matoran Military Force policed Metru-Nui due to the Vahki be sabotaged by the former Toa Ahkmou. The worked alongside the Toa Metru on many occasions.
Known Active Members[]
- General Pokall
- Commander Dephal
- Gunnery Sergeant Kota
- Sergeant Leth
- Corporal Mysgentis
- Combat Medical Officer Merka
Reserve Members[]
Former Members[]
- Lieutenant Kongu (Transformed into Toa)
- Sergeant Rahni (Transformed into Toa)
- Corporal Clancer (Transformed into Toa)
- Private Hahli
- Private Matoro
- Private Tiribomba
- The M.M.F. has the same ranks as the U.N.S.C. in the Halo franchise.