Below is a list of the known Makuta.
- Aerix
- Akatax, a slave of The Master
- Anranok
- Antera
- Antharahk, Makuta of Leskya Nui and studier of disease
- Antroz, Makuta of Xia
- Bezeal
- Behirvrot - the Makuta of Tonga Nui
- Blackheart, an Ascendant makuta known as the son of Teridax
- Burtok, An egomaniacal Makuta scientist
- Ceasame, a powerful Makuta, leader of the New Botherhood
- Cekadax, a malicious female Makuta
- Chirox, a powerful member of the Brotherhood
- Coropsus, a Makuta with multiple personalities
- Crysix, one of few Makuta who did not betray Miserix
- Darkraxx, a Makuta who left the Brotherhood to make his own plans
- Drakah, weapon engineer for the Brotherhood
- Ferrinox, a rogue Makuta
- Fianren, the Makuta of the Northern Continent
- Frezako, a scheming, traitorous Makuta
- Garras, member of the Aratakhas' Legion
- Gelrax, the leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta
- Ghjis, Makuta of an unknown island
- Gor, a Makuta from The Pool of Power
- Gorast, Makuta of the Tren Krom Penninsula
- Horez, a warrior Makuta whose biomechanical physiology has been preserved.
- Hysterix, formerly known as Pretadix, now rogue
- Icarax, a powerful, ambitious Makuta (deceased)
- Ikirro, a cold, yet frighteningly effective warrior Makuta.
- Indigus, a Makuta from a previously unknown pool of antidermis
- Jorafix, a greedy, mutated Makuta
- Karath, the Makuta of Nynrah
- Karox, a female Makuta that could withstand the Ignika; deceased
- Karvia, a Makuta scientist and biologist who would later become one of the last surviving makuta in his universe.
- Keelara, a rogue female Makuta, fascinated by Rahi
- Korzak, leader of the Shadow Confereracy
- Krakanus
- Kronaxx, leader of the Confederate Empire of Shadows on Primordius Magna
- Kutrax, Makuta of Robotopolis
- Kolrahk, Makuta of Cortaka Nui
- Kyaele
- Kylla, a fierce female Makuta
- Kryonax, the last male makuta besides Miserix and Teridax and the Makuta of Mata Nui's right foot
- Madrax, a Makuta
- Malachite
- Malok, a Makuta who rebuilt the Brotherhood
- Merekk
- Metrados, rouge member and former third in command of the Brotherhood of Makuta and founder of the Shadow Makuta Brotherhood
- Mistrak, a former member of the Brotherhood, former Makuta of an unknown island.
- Naokio, the Makuta of Keetongu's island, now fused with Toa Maori's body
- Navlax
- Nerok, the Makuta of Kyria Nui
- Nortak
- Nzavokh - Makuta of an unknown island.
- Rayzok, the weakest of Makuta power-wise, former apprentice to Burtok.
- Rularx, a scheming Makuta with an excessive number of personality flaws.
- Rutilus
- Saakhral
- Salzak, the cruel and reclusive Makuta of Okoto (deceased)
- Saurakai
- Serrakaan, the Makuta of a far southern island
- Sharka
- Sharroz, leader of the Corporation of the Cosmos
- Somnus
- Spirack
- Spiriah
- Swarmex
- Tagah, a Makuta who has turned to the Toa's side, to keep the Makuta Destiny, and protect the Matoran
- Tazzuk
- Teridax, leader of the Brotherhood of Makuta (deceased)
- Thelmox
- Tian
- Toxon
- Tridax
- Tyrex
- Vahi Makuta
- Vamprah
- Veartax, leader of the Makuta Empire
- Verahk
- Vethraxina
- Vicoran
- Vidkun, a renegade Makuta
- Vitiosus
- Vorakx
- Vorzex, a Makuta who was exiled to the Pit and later became an Order of Mata Nui member
- Wrathnus, a Makuta warrior and friend to Karvia
- Zaktuen, the first True Makuta and General of The New Brotherhood of Makuta
- Zennez
- Ziviahk, lead scientist of the Corporation of the Cosmos
- Zortycus
- An Unknown Makuta who got killed by Ferax to show Medrax what would happen if he betrayed the Plan
- An Unknown Makuta who got merged whit a Fenrakk Spider and became Chill
- The unnamed Makuta of Ko-Metru
- The unnamed Makuta of Ryta
- Some unnamed Makuta in the Brotherhood of Makuta
- Some unnamed Makuta in the Brotherhood of Makuta (Bio-Nui)
- Some unnamed Makuta in the Organization of Darkness
- An unnamed Makuta assigned to Irania Nui - Deceased
- An unnamed Makuta that often took on the form of a Arbiter - Deceased