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Legion of Chaos (Fragmented)
I39 Legion of Chaos1
Order of Mata Nui, Shadow's End, Brotherhood of Makuta, Dark Hunters, Toa Akura

The Legion of Chaos is an organization founded by Axis whose main goal is to release the Dark Shadow from her prison.



The Legion was very started after Axis had studied the Dark Shadow, an evil entity originally created by the Great Beings but locked away after she went rogue. He was determined to find the Power Stones and release her, seeing her as the rightful ruler of the Universe. He then defected from the Brotherhood of Makuta and searched for the Stones, picking up other beings who wanted to help him on the way.

First Attacks[]

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Shadow's End[]

The Legion, now led by Orpheus, has slipped into the dark, operating from within the shadows. The original goal is still kept, but they keep a low profile, not going on raids like Axis had done.

Skyer discovered that a local blacksmith had one of the Power Stones and went and killed him for it in the night. But it was discovered and the police were called, including the future members of Shadow's End. They reported back to Helryx and she told them of the Stones and that the Legion was still active and she formed Shadow's End. Orpheus later spied on them and promised that they would not defeat them.

Orpheus then sent Shadow Skyer to wreak havoc on the city of Metru Nui, but Shadow's End was called in and they defeated him. After Shadow Skyer was defeated and taken into custody by the Order and the Stone recovered by them, he promised to take revenge.

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Reign of Shadows[]

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Legion of Chaos
Member Kanohi Tool(s)
Axis, Makuta Shelek, Great Mask of Silence Wrist-mounted chain saw
Sinera, Vortixx General None Modified Kanoka Blaster, Claws
Orpheus, Makuta Kadin, Great Mask of Flight Dark Lightning Blade
Shadow, Skakdi of Fire None Magma Shotgun, Twin Blaze Pistols, wrist-mounted blades
Frezon, Skakdi of the Green None Root Hammer
Orin, Toa of Oxygen Avsa, Great Mask of Hunger Sniper Rifle
Shadow Skyer, Kra-Matoran Tryna, Mask of Reanimation Energy Pistol
District, Xerivam None Claws, Sword
Outlab, Skakdi of Earth (Revived) None Quake Whip
Velika, Toa of Stone (Deceased) Komau, Great Mask of Mind-Control Metal knuckle-guards



  • There is a Kraverse version of the Legion.