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Lamos (Fragmented Alternate Universe)
I39 Lamos2
Order of Mata Nui
Order of Mata Nui
The Green
Plant-based powers, Mental Shielding
Great Elda
Dual Swords
Matoran Universe

Toa Lamos is a Toa of the Green who is an Agent of the Order of Mata Nui as a specialist. He lives in the Fragmented Universe.


Early life[]

Like most Toa of the Green, Lamos began his life on Spherus Magna as a Bo-Matoran. He aided with the construction of the Matoran Universe and was placed on Metru Nui. There, he made a life for himself. He became a Archivist, and became a high ranking member of the Archive's staff.

One day, the Archives were attacked. Thousands of artifacts were burned and destroyed. Lamos ran for his life, for they were hunting him. He left the island, and traveled to the Southern Continent.

Southern Continent[]

On the Southern Continent, he settled down in a small village. He became a Chronicler of that village, and held the post for several hundred years. But Skakdi came to the village burnt it down. He escaped, and a found a Toa Stone several thousand miles away from his village. He picked up the Stone and was transformed into a Toa.

To be added

Order of Mata Nui[]

To be added

Abilities and Traits[]

As a Toa of the Green, Lamos can create, control, and absorb Plantlife. He can create Plantlife with his hands, but can create stronger plants with his weapon.

He is very observant, and his memory is spotless.

Mask and Tools[]

Lamos wears a Kanohi Elda that was forged in the shape of a Miru Nuva. With it, he can detect hidden beings and possibly even locate the Kanohi Ignika.

He wields two identical swords that can channel his elemental Plantlife powers.



  • He is one of Invader39's favorite characters.