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Color Power Stage Variations
Za - Fear Stage 1: Creates feelings of vague unease in its vicinity.

Stage 2: Manifests suspicion and paranoia in any being nearby.

Stage 3: Causes any being nearby to inexplicably become very frightened.

Stage 4: Can temporarily freeze creatures with fear.

Stage 5: Constantly emits a field of overwhelming terror.

Stage 6: Has the power to bring fear to the hearts of even the Toa Nuva.

Ul - Disintegration Stage 1: Burrows by dissolving a path through metal, rock or ground.

Stage 2: Can slowly corrode inorganic material from within a touch.

Stage 3: Causes walls, floors and other fortifications to collapse by tunneling through them.

Stage 4: Has the ability to completely disintegrate rocks and plants on contact.

Stage 5: Can completely disintegrate forged metals on contact.

Stage 6: Has the power to reduce even protodermis to dust.

Ye - Poison Stage 1: Leaves a trail of sticky, sickly slime that is unpleasant to touch.

Stage 2: Inflicts mild nausea on contact.

Stage 3: Has the power to poison the ground so that plants cannot grow.

Stage 4: Creates pools of toxic corrosion wherever it slithers.

Stage 5: Makes any Rahi or Matoran severely ill on contact.

Stage 6: Dangerously toxic even to a Toa Nuva.

Xi - Fragmentation Stage 1: Has the ability to tunnel through rock explosively.

Stage 2: Can create blister-like ruptures in metal with a touch.

Stage 3: Has the power to make solid objects fall apart on contact.

Stage 4: Has the ability to shatter objects to pieces on contact.

Stage 5: Can forcefully shatter rock or metal on contact.

Stage 6: Has the power to create explosions in the immediate area.

Vo - Hunger Stage 1: Has the ability to sap small amounts of energy from the plants around it.

Stage 2: Can leech some energy from small Rahi on contact.

Stage 3: Has the power to completely drain the energy of a small Rahi.

Stage 4: Can drain large amounts of energy from Matoran and Rahi.

Stage 5: Can completely drain the energy of any Rahi, Matoran or other large creature.

Stage 6: Has enough strength to drain the energy of a Toa.

Cu - Anger Stage 1: Caused feeling of general irritation in nearby creatures.

Stage 2: Nearby presence turned friendly conversations into shouting matches.

Stage 3: Radiated anger had the power to magnify mild grudges into furious feuds.

Stage 4: Anger radiance caused all Rahi in the area to become fiercely territorial.

Stage 5: Had the ability to drive most creatures temporarily mad with rage.

Stage 6: Had the power to turn even Toa against one another in anger.

Weather Control
Weather Control Stage 1: Moves hidden by a shroud of heavy fog.

Stage 2: Uses short but powerful gusts of wind to buffet attackers.

Stage 3: Has the ability to manipulate existing weather.

Stage 4: Can create heavy rainstorms in the immediate area.

Stage 5: Has the power to summon rain, hail or snow.

Stage 6: Can manifest powerful, dangerous thunderstorms and blizzards at will.

Elasticity Stage 1: Has a stretchy, flexible body that is highly resistant to harm.

Stage 2: Able to squeeze through narrow cracks and crevices.

Stage 3: Has the ability to stretch several times own length to climb over obstacles.

Stage 4: Elastic enough to withstand and snap back from heavy blows.

Stage 5: Can stretch around even sharp edges without harm.

Stage 6: Can stretch incredible lengths in the blink of an eye to infect a faraway mask.

Heat Vision
Heat Vision Stage 1: Burning hot to the touch.

Stage 2: Can raise the temperature of objects through physical contact.

Stage 3: Can heat objects to the boiling or melting point through touch.

Stage 4: Has the ability to heat up nearby objects by staring at them.

Stage 5: Uses short-range heat vision to ignite nearby objects.

Stage 6: Powerful long-range heat vision can ignite any object within sight.

Illusion Stage 1: Shimmers in and out of sight as it moves.

Stage 2: Can project an image of itself across a short distance to confuse enemies.

Stage 3: Camouflages itself inside of a false image.

Stage 4: Has the ability to create simple moving illusions in the nearby area.

Stage 5: Has the power to project a realistic moving image.

Stage 6: Can create and control multiple realistic illusions anywhere within sight.

Teleportation Stage 1: Instinctively disappears and reappears a short distance in a random direction to evade capture.

Stage 2: Can teleport a short distance in any direction at will.

Stage 3: Has the power to teleport anywhere within close visual range.

Stage 4: Can teleport to anywhere it can see.

Stage 5: Can teleport through thin barriers even if it cannot see the other side.

Stage 6: Has the power to teleport itself through any wall or other structure.

Quick Healing
Quick Healing Stage 1: Can enter a hibernation state during which minor injuries quickly heal.

Stage 2: Rapidly heals mild injuries while awake.

Stage 3: Quickly heals from any minor or moderate injury.

Stage 4: Has the ability to repair any but the most serious injury.

Stage 5: Immediately heals from any serious injury.

Stage 6: Almost indestructible; if captured, can be used to heal the injuries of others.

Gravity Stage 1: Uses gravity to hold itself to objects, making it difficult to pick up.

Stage 2: Uses gravity powers to pull small objects to itself across a small distance.2

Stage 3: Has the ability to pull large and heavy objects toward itself.

Stage 4: Can increase or decrease the effect of gravity on an object by touch.

Stage 5: Can use gravity to hold an object or creature to the ground from a short distance.

Stage 6: Uses gravity control to crush any object in visual range.

Electricity Stage 1: Body emits mild, numbing shocks on contact.

Stage 2: Uses painful sparks to incapacitate anything that it touches.

Stage 3: Constantly surrounded by a protective electric field.

Stage 4: Has the ability to extend its electric field around objects in physical contact.

Stage 5: Can manipulate electric field to shock nearby creatures.

Stage 6: Powerful electrical field can be controlled to surround or stun distant objects or creatures.

Sonics Stage 1: Uses sonic vibrations to shake itself loose if captured.

Stage 2: Can use light sonic waves to shake any surface that it touches.

Stage 3: Has the power to knock over objects with short sonic pulses.

Stage 4: Can use strong sonic pulses to shake objects apart.

Stage 5: Uses sonic blasts to pound or shatter nearby objects.

Stage 6: Blasts distant objects with powerful waves of sonic force.

Vacuum Stage 1: Uses vacuum powers to pull itself swiftly through cracks and tunnels.

Stage 2: Has the ability to draw small objects toward itself.

Stage 3: Can pull objects towards itself or blow them away.

Stage 4: Fires concussive blasts of air across short distances.

Stage 5: Can tear objects apart with powerful vacuum force.

Stage 6: Has the power to create gale-force winds or instantly reverse their flow.

Plasma Stage 1: Superheated plasma coating protects body and aids in tunneling.

Stage 2: Can drip plasma like acid to burn through surfaces.

Stage 3: Has the ability to fire small jets of searing plasma.

Stage 4: Can fling dangerous blobs of plasma with great accuracy.

Stage 5: Can superheat objects on contact, melting them or absorbing their energy.

Stage 6: Has the power to instantly melt any object into vapor.

Magnetism Stage 1: Can use magnetism to cling to any rock or metal surface.

Stage 2: Can draw trace metals from the ground to form a thin protective shell.

Stage 3: Has the ability to create armor of tough spikes from surrounding rock or metal.

Stage 4: Can hurl stone and metal fragments within a short range.

Stage 5: Has the power to warp, shred or crush metallic objects on contact.

Stage 6: Possesses magnetic powers strong enough to tear a slab of protodermis in two.

Fire Resistance
Fire Resistance Stage 1: Cold and clammy surface provides protection from heat.

Stage 2: Can burrow imperviously through the hot rock of Ta-Wahi.

Stage 3: Able to survive short dips in the lava stream.

Stage 4: Thrives in the magma flow of Ta-Wahi.

Stage 5: Has the ability to invade the heart of a volcano unharmed.

Stage 6: Strong enough to withstand the heat of Tahu Nuva’s magma swords.

Ice Resistance
Ice Resistance Stage 1: Unbearably hot to the touch.

Stage 2: Comfortable in the cold lakes around Ko-Wahi.

Stage 3: Capable of tunneling through the ice of Mount Ihu.

Stage 4: Able to endure short periods frozen solid in ice.

Stage 5: Unaffected by long periods of freezing.

Stage 6: Impervious even to the cold of Kopaka Nuva’s ice blade.

Mind Reading
Mind Reading Stage 1: Instinctive empathic ability prevents easy capture.

Stage 2: Has the ability to detect and seek out nearby creatures for infection.

Stage 3: Can evade any trap that a nearby pursuer is thinking about.

Stage 4: Able to anticipate and instantly avoid attacks.

Stage 5: Able to read and understand the thoughts of nearby creatures.

Stage 6: Powerful enough to invade the mind of a Turaga or Toa Nuva.

Shapeshifting Stage 1: Can wriggle free of all but the strongest of grasps.

Stage 2: Has the ability to slither through the smallest passages.

Stage 3: Can flatten or stretch itself to several times its original size.

Stage 4: Has the ability to mimic basic shapes for camouflage.

Stage 5: Can take the form of a small creature or object at will.

Stage 6: Has total control over its own shape, although its mass cannot change.

Darkness Stage 1: Has the natural ability to become invisible in shadow.

Stage 2: Can project a small field of darkness around itself.

Stage 3: Travels in a large field of total darkness, making it difficult to strike or capture.

Stage 4: Travels in a large field of total darkness, making it difficult to strike or capture.

Stage 5: Can project spheres of darkness onto objects or creatures to temporarily blind a foe.

Stage 6: Has the power to consume all light in a large area; only Takanuva's light is stronger.

Plant Control
Plant Control Stage 1: Leaves a trail of slippery, unpleasant weeds wherever it slithers.

Stage 2: Can cause plants to grow strong or wither away with a touch.

Stage 3: Has the ability to grow a thicket of thorny, poisonous plants around itself.

Stage 4: Can summon vines from the ground or wall to ensnare enemies.

Stage 5: Can control any plant that it touches and use fast-growing creepers to spread infection.

Stage 6: Has total control over any plants in the area.

Molecular Disruption
Molecular Disruption Stage 1: Molecular disruption field makes inorganic matter gradually melt away on contact.

Stage 2: Tunnels slowly through solid rock or metal by disrupting molecules in its path.

Stage 3: Has the ability to flee by melting instantly through the ground or walls.

Stage 4: Can extend molecular disruption field to take large bites out of inorganic material.

Stage 5: Disruption field is strong enough to make cave walls and Koro fortifications collapse.

Stage 6: Has the power to utterly disintegrate any inorganic object with a touch.

Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning Stage 1: Constantly emitted crackling sparks.

Stage 2: Could severely jolt any creature or object in physical contact.

Stage 3: Had the ability to fire small arcs of electricity across a short distance.

Stage 4: Could fire large arcs of electricity across a moderate distance.

Stage 5: Could fire and control multiple powerful electrical jolts at the same time.

Stage 6: Could control devastating bolts of chain lightning that leap between multiple targets.

Cyclone Stage 1: Instinctively influences wind currents for speedy travel.

Stage 2: Able to raise a defensive field of cyclone wind.

Stage 3: Can project short cyclone blasts to blow away enemies.

Stage 4: Has the ability to create small cyclone winds in a limited area.

Stage 5: Can create a powerful cyclone wind, but not control its direction or duration.

Stage 6: Has the power to create and control powerful cyclones at will.

Density Control
Density Control Stage 1: Can briefly increase density to resist physical blows.

Stage 2: Can focus density to protodermic hardness, becoming almost impervious to harm.

Stage 3: Can decrease density for enhanced speed and agility.

Stage 4: Has the power to become momentarily intangible.

Stage 5: Has the ability to pass through matter at will.

Stage 6: Complete control over its own density and that of any object in physical contact.

Chameleon Stage 1: Instinctively adapted a camouflage pattern to blend in with surroundings.

Stage 2: Had the ability to mimic the patterns of a rocky or sandy surface.

Stage 3: Could blend in perfectly with any shadowed terrain.

Stage 4: Could mimic the color patterns of complex surfaces or objects.

Stage 5: Became almost undetectable in all but the brightest light.

Stage 6: Had the ability to become completely invisible in any environment.

Accuracy Stage 1: Instinctively sought out the most vulnerable part of a target.

Stage 2: Able to strike and infect a nearby target perfectly nine out of ten times.

Stage 3: Had the ability to strike a close target with unerring accuracy.

Stage 4: Could strike even a remote target with near-perfect accuracy.

Stage 5: Able to leap and strike with perfect precision, no matter the circumstances.

Stage 6: Could strike the smallest target at a great distance or in any environment or condition.

Rahi Control
Rahi Control Stage 1: Able to instinctively ward off attack by any Rahi.

Stage 2: Has the ability to pacify low-intelligence Rahi.

Stage 3: Can drive a Rahi into a violent rage or lull it to sleep at will.

Stage 4: Can enlist the aid of nearby Rahi for transport, defense or attack.

Stage 5: Able to totally control any Rahi through physical contact.

Stage 6: Has absolute control over every living Rahi in the near area.

Insect Control
Insect Control Stage 1: Constantly surrounded and protected by a swarm of tiny, stinging insects.

Stage 2: Able to summon small insects to attack its enemies.

Stage 3: Able to control even large insects through physical contact.

Stage 4: Able to control multiple insects without physical contact.

Stage 5: Has the ability to summon insects from all across the island to serve its will.

Stage 6: Powerful enough to control and command an entire hive of Nui Rama.

Stasis Field
Stasis Field Stage 1: Able to project a stasis field that protects it from any physical harm but freezes it in place.

Stage 2: Can briefly freeze small creatures in stasis through physical contact.

Stage 3: Can briefly freeze any creature in stasis through physical contact.

Stage 4: Can briefly freeze any creature in stasis by making eye contact.

Stage 5: Able to freeze any creature in stasis for a couple of days through eye contact.

Stage 6: Has the power to freeze a creature in near-permanent stasis through eye contact.

Limited Invulnerability
Limited Invulnerability Stage 1: Has a tough hide that makes it difficult to injure.

Stage 2: Metal-like skin protects it from almost any physical harm.

Stage 3: Possesses armor as strong as protodermis and limited resistance to heat and cold.

Stage 4: Completely armored and immune to environmental extremes.

Stage 5: Strong enough to resist the elemental powers of the Toa Nuva.

Stage 6: Absolutely invulnerable to physical harm of any kind.

Power Scream
Power Scream Stage 1: Emits a constant high-frequency screech that cannot be heard but sets nerves on edge.

Stage 2: Can emit short bursts of high-pitched sound that causes crippling headaches.

Stage 3: Amplified scream can deafen and disorient other creatures for short periods.

Stage 4: Power scream causes unconsciousness and can be heard for several Kio around.

Stage 5: Power scream is strong enough to physically knock an opponent back.

Stage 6: Power scream shatters stone and can be heard all across the island.

Dodge Stage 1: Surprisingly difficult to catch.

Stage 2: Fast enough to evade the most skilled disk-thrower on Mata Nui.

Stage 3: Quick enough to crawl circles around an enraged Husi pecking bird.

Stage 4: Able to dodge faster than a Tarakava’s strike.

Stage 5: Skilled enough to dodge even Pohatu Nuva’s speed.

Stage 6: Impossible to physically strike, no matter how swiftly or powerfully.

Silence Stage 1: Able to move and tunnel in complete silence.

Stage 2: Projects an aura of silence that can disorientate or terrify an enemy.

Stage 3: Can drain all sound from any object or creature with which it is in contact.

Stage 4: Has the ability to absorb all sound in a small area at will.

Stage 5: Can radiate aura of silence over an entire village.

Stage 6: Aura of silence is powerful enough to temporarily deafen a Toa Nuva.

Adaptation Stage 1: Adjusted quickly to environmental extremes such as heat and cold.

Stage 2: Adaptive abilities made it impossible to capture the same way twice.

Stage 3: Had a limited ability to alter its own physical properties to fit new situations.

Stage 4: Able to thrive in any environment, from treetop to seafloor.

Stage 5: Capable of controlling physical transformation to adapt to the unexpected.

Stage 6: Instantly adapted to take maximum advantage of any condition or situation.

Slow Stage 1: Extremely slow, but difficult to dislodge and highly resistant to physical harm.

Stage 2: Able to anchor itself to a creature and rob it of speed.

Stage 3: Temporarily slows down anything in which it comes into contact.

Stage 4: Has the ability to slow down all movement in a small area.

Stage 5: Has the ability to completely stop all movement in a small area.

Stage 6: Able to rob even a Toa Nuva of all speed as long as it remains nearby.

Confusion Stage 1: Produces a feeling of disorientation in anything that it touches.

Stage 2: Projects an aura that confuses any small-minded creatures in the immediate area.

Stage 3: Aura of confusion is strong enough to make a Matoran forget what they were doing.

Stage 4: Aura of confusion leaves all beings in the area bewildered.

Stage 5: Aura is strong enough to leave an entire village helpless with confusion.

Stage 6: Extended proximity can reduce even a Toa Nuva to mindless babbling.

Sleep Stage 1: Able to survive for extremely long periods in a state of hibernation.

Stage 2: Physical contact slows reflexes and makes creatures groggy.

Stage 3: Has the ability to put Rahi to sleep with a touch.

Stage 4: Can cause any nearby creature to fall asleep.

Stage 5: Has the ability to cause sleep in multiple beings across a small area.

Stage 6: Has the power to instantly put an entire village into deep sleep.
