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Custom BIONICLE Wiki
This article was originally owned by NuclearChedder and has been adopted by ToaGonel
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Lightning and fire based
Barren island

Kilites are a very vicious species.


Kilites were made by the Great Beings to inhabit the Nui Ship, a ship meant to check planets for potential hostility before the arrival of the Great Spirit Robot. They lived there doing jobs which involved moving very heavy objects or moving things long distances.

However, roughly about the time the species in the Matoran Universe were gaining sentience, the Kilites experienced several malfunctions. No one is entirely certain what it was that caused this, but the Kilites emerged with a new sentience and a thirst for war.

However, in the Prime Reality, the series of malfunctions that resulted in their sentience also caused a chain reaction that resulted in critical damage to the Nui Ship. Because Velika's tampering occurred at about the time both the Nui Ship and the Great Spirit Robot were sailing past Solis Magna, the Nui Ship fell into Solis Magna.

The Broken Order Universe[]

In the Broken Order Universe, the formation of the Kritor Alliance interfered with Velika's tampering, delaying it a few days. By this time, both the Nui Ship and the Great Spirit Robot were well out of range of Solis Magna's gravity and the Kilites were able to salvage their ship before it was destroyed in space. The Kilites abandoned Mata Nui in search of hostile civilizations. They did this not because they wanted to forewarn Mata Nui, but so that they could conquer them in preparation for the conquest of the Great Spirit Robot and eventually Spherus Magna. As of right now, they have ravaged and pillaged about three alien civilizations and are currently on a return trip for a rendezvous with the Great Spirit Robot.

Their aims are not friendly.


Kilites are extremely strong, and well armored; they are normally blue or yellow in color. They bear some resemblance to Skakdi. They have a lust for destruction and war.

Additionally, the Kilites are capable of contacting with their Skakdi relatives whenever the Nui Ship is within range of the Great Spirit Robot.

Known Kilites[]

  • Zazbur