This article was written by ChineseLegolas. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Kavalus, Toa of Earth Pron: kah-VAHL-us
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Like the rest of his team, Kavalus is only able to recall a false set of memories, implanted by Infernum. Below is his recounting of his past. [Spoiler end] |
Back in my younger years, I was the sole Toa on the former island of Visorak. Visorak, at the time an unnamed island, enjoyed peace and tranquillity unmatched by any of the surrounding regions. Before you ask, I do not remember my days as an Onu-Matoran. Makuta Chirox then arrived, bringing with him his creation: the Visorak. I was one of the few who survived the brutal attack. You know, I think every Toa has to face a crossroad in his life. Your life, or others'? Do you sacrifice yourself for the sake of many? In a desperate frenzy, I called upon my Earth powers and create a gaping chasm, swallowing much of the horde but also razing the village in the process. The effort of the fissure, as well as the guilt and shock of killing my own people, were enough to drive me into a near-coma state. Time and memory are lost from me at this point, I remember only white. I'm told that I was put into stasis so for recuperation. I would later find out this person behind that to be Infernum. A Great Being. According to him, as thanks for saving me, I'll have to take part in a little game. "No and's, no if's, no but's." Honestly, I was half intrigued and half dismissive. Haven't I done enough? Is there anything left to do in my life? Well. I could always atone for my mistake. So, in the end, I agreed. I got bundled into a stasis chamber on the knowledge that my wounds would heal there. Hah. No on ever told me I'd be stuck in there long enough to miss the rise and fall of civilizations. Time did what it does best. It passed. I was then revived more than 80,000 years later and carted off to some island in the Great Ocean. Oh, yes, whoop-de-doo. Should be great fun. My story continues in the Madness Series. |