Kaulo is a Toa of Ice in the Misplaced Alternate Universe who joined the Toa Mangai and went "missing" during the Battle of Karda Nui.
Early Life[]
Kaulo started his life as a Ko-Matoran on Spherus Magna, where he helped build the Matoran Universe. After moving into the great spirit robot he lived in Tara-Nui.
Kaulo was a Guide in the in the snow covered parts of Tara-Nui and helped travelers get through the snowy terrain.
Becoming a Toa[]
One day a battle erupted between a team of toa and a group of dark hunters. The toa eventually ran them off saving the island but a Toa of Plasma named Drandak was badly injured and gave out only four Toa stones due to her weakened state and gave one to Kaulo, a Po-matoran named Motara and two other matoran. The four became Toa after placing there stones in the Suva and Drandak became a Turaga.
Motara and Kaulo became close friend and eventually left there island in there two other teammates capable hands. The Two close friends traveled to Metru Nui and eventually joined the Toa Mangai as other toa were sent out to fight in the Toa Dark Hunter War.
Toa-Dark Hunter War[]
After turaga Dume denied The Shadowed One access to create a Dark Hunter base in Metru-Nui launched many attacks to take control of the city. Naho had snuck past enemy lines to gather reinforcements for the war. During This time Nidhiki made a deal with Lariska to lead the Toa into an ambush at the Canyon of Unending Whispers.
Learning of Nidhiki's defection and of the ambush, Lhikan gathered a counter ambush of over 300 toa that Naho had gathered. So when Nidhiki lead the Motara, Kaulo, Marn, Kotah, Lhikan, and the other Toa Mangai into the trap. Naho sprung the counter ambush and outnumbered the dark Hunters.
Lhikan compromised that the Dark Hunters were able to leave Metru-Nui if they with Nidhiki with them. this ended the Toa- Dark Hunter War.
To be added..
Great Cataclysm[]
After the battle the Great Cataclysm occurred the city was left in shambles an the Archives were opened. Due to Turaga Dume's death at the hands of Teridax, Lhikan summoned six matoran the Great Temple to give the toa stones. These six matoran were Nuhrii, Vhisola, Orkahm, Ahkmou, Tehutti, and Ehrye. They became the Toa Metru and Lhikan became the new turaga of Metru Nui.
Due to Lhikan becoming a turaga, Naho was promoted to the leader of the Toa Mangai as Kotah was promoted to deputy.
The newly formed Toa Metru found the Great Kanoka Disks and defeated Morbuzakh. Shortly after Toa Ahkmou disappeared for a week only to reappear as a shadow toa and upload a virus to the vahki and injured the robot's engineer Nuparu.
The Avohkii[]
Around the time of Ahkmou's betrayal Takua was approached by Turaga Lhikan and was given the Avohkii. Lhikan told Takua that the Great Spirit destined him to wear it. Takua put on the Kanohi and became Takanuva.
Takanuva joined the Toa Metru and filled the void that Ahkmou had left. He along with the other toa Metru were trained by Toa Naho and other Toa Mangai.
During this time Motara, Marn, and Kaulo traveled to the other islands and help evacuate them like the toa Hagah did a few days before.
Searching for Survivors[]
During this time the three Toa Mangai saw a being which they thought was a Toa of Shadow and attacked it. The three Toa were beaten but the Toa of Shadows just turned out to be a mutated Prototype Ba-Matoran name Aurox. She told them the tale of how she came to be as she healed her attackers. The mysterious liquid remind him of Energized Protodermis that the turaga used to talk about when we was a messenger matoran, so he told Aurox about it. The Toa apologized for attacking and the three headed off.
A few days later they saved a village of 13 from a Rahkshi attack and returned them to Metru-Nui with the matoran survivors. Motara the told Lhikan of Aurox which the Turaga found intriguing.
Toa Hagah Return[]
About hundred years later, the Toa Hagah returned from their mission with many survivors of the brotherhood invasion and were welcomed into Metru-Nui with open arms. Toa Whenua, around this time was injured badly when a dark hunter Lurker Invaded Metru-Nui. The Toa of Earth Summoned six matoran too the Great temple and gave them toa stones. These matoran were Kapura, Macku, Tamaru, Hafu, Taipu, and Koepke. Whenua became a Turaga and the new toa team was also trained by Toa Naho and Kotah as well.
A few Years later Toa Orde came to Metru-Nui to enlist help in awakening Mata-Nui by going to Karda-Nui with the Ignika. Kotah and the Toa Mangai joined Toa Orde's party with many other toa teams such as the Toa Hagah, the Toa Metru, and the two new Toa teams created by Rhodie and Whenua.
Battle of Karda-Nui[]
During the battle the Toa Mangai were all separated Motara and Kaulo carried a unconscious Marn out of the failing battle and fled to the Southern islands. Destany was kind to them when weeks later the three toa and they were able to find Tara-Nui that seemed untouched by the war. There Turaga Harnika greeted them home and the villagers helped heal Marn.
Home Again[]
While Marn was being healed Motara and Kaulo learned that there two other original toa team member went to participate in the Toa/Dark Hunter War and never returned. The toa then decided to stay and protect there home island from any harm that should come there way. Marn agreed to stay as well when he woke up. Turaga Harnika told the tree toa that the island North of the know as Aura-Nui was home to strange beings and Mutated Toa. The tree toa vowed to be the protectors of Tara-Nui!
Abilities and Traits[]
As a Ko-Matoran Kaulo possessed a miniscule amount of control over the element of Ice and had a greater resistance to the cold. As a Toa of Ice, Kaulo could control, absorb, and create ice. This gave him the ability to create snowstorms and create bridges of ice.
Kaulo, unlike most Ko-matoran and Toa of Ice, didn't mind being around others, although he was shy he believed full heartedly in unity. He seemed to only move with a propose and love to swim. He could swim for hours just exploring and when his powerless Kaukau became a Great Kaukau, that's exactly what he did! Motara thought he should have been a Toa of Water with the way he swam.
- Contingency (First Appearance)
- Kongu's Adventure to Aura-Nui