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"This place has no faith, Lekaru. Look at it! All the Matoran and Agori look miserable! Is this what us matoran have been reduced to?"

Gurottoy to Lekaru, when talking about Karu Nui.

Karu Nui was an island once part of the great city of Muliix Nui, until an Antidermis meteor split the city into five islands. It was also home of the Toa Karai and roughly 5,000 Matoran and Agori.


Karu Nui had what would be considered as poor leatdership. Its Turaga would execute any Matoran who disagreed with the Turaga. This tyranny would continue for sixteen years, until the Turaga were overthrown by the Toa Karai.

Known Toa/Glatorian[]

Known Matoran/Agori[]

  • Lekaru
  • Tekoru
  • Gurottoy
  • Flramix
  • Firuka (formerly, now a toa)
  • Deron (formerly, now a toa)
  • Irishka (formerly, now a toa)