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Kane-Ra contains canon BIONICLE info.

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Teeth, Horns
Spherus Magna

"If a Kane-Ra charges you, don't run! Unless you're wearing a Mask of Speed, you won't outrun it. Stand perfectly still, arms at your sides, and avoid looking the Rahi right in the eyes. If it decides you're not a threat, it may break off its charge before it gores or flattens you. If it doesn't, well, you won't be around to complain about the bad advice I gave you."
―Rahaga Pouks, Rahi Beasts.

The Kane-Ra were a species of territorial bovine-Rahi known to live in desert regions.


The Kane-Ra species were originally created by Makuta Tridax using viruses and Liquid Protodermis to be one of the species to inhabit the Matoran Universe.

In Metru Nui, Kane-Ra typically took up residence in the less developed regions of Po-Metru, roving the plains in search of vegetation and small Rahi to feed on. As the gaps in the Metru Nui map closed up and processes of modernization saw the expansion of urban areas into Kane-Ra grazing territory, the species began venturing into populated areas, often coming into conflict with Po-Matoran crafters. Across the island, hunting practices were considered illegal and unproductive, thereby allowing the Kane-Ra population to flourish.

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A Kane-Ra in Po-Wahi

In the years after the Great Cataclysm, the Kane-Ra population of Po-Metru emerged from hiding, damaging a number of Matoran dwellings and toppling sculptures across the district. With the arrival of the Visorak Horde upon the island, however, the overwhelming majority of Kane-Ra specimens migrated to the island of Mata Nui through the Great Barrier, pursuing a less hostile habitat in the darker regions of the island, principally inhabiting the arid climes of Po-Wahi.

Following the arrival of Makuta Teridax on the island, the Kane-Ra of Mata Nui were refitted with Infected Kanohi and stationed as the guardians of the island's desert plains, intended to keep Matoran in their villages. Undergoing extensive behavioral changes during this time, the Kane-Ra became more confrontational as a result, earning the species a reputation as one of the island's apex predators.

After 1000 years of opposing the Matoran at the behest of Makuta Teridax, this Kane-Ra colony was liberated from Makuta's control by the efforts of the Toa Mata and Matoran of Mata Nui. Shortly afterwards, Toa Pohatu would employ a Kane-Ra in his battle against the Gahlok-Kal, allowing the Bohrok-Kal to first anger the Rahi and thus securing the Kane-Ra as an ally.

When the Great Spirit Robot suffered critical damage, the surviving members of the Kane-Ra populations emigrated to Spherus Magna. Many have chosen the Great Barren as their primary habitat, though the Po-Metru populations seem to have migrated to the Great Barren in pursuit of larger prey.

Abilities and Traits[]

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Toa Lewa scouting his way around a Kane-Ra.

Kane-Ra were ferocious and solitary predators inhabiting the arid plains of the Matoran Universe. Constantly on the move, Kane-Ra often travelled great distances to find new pastures and prey, rarely settling down so as to avoid conflict. As apex predators, Kane-Ra were capable of killing most Rahi in its territory, with the exception of the Nui-Jaga.

Identified by their compact gray and red fur, the species was adept at cooling itself and could easily camouflage in sparse stretches of open desert. Unlike most Rahi, Kane-Ra were fitted with a tread-like mechanism in place of hindlegs, enabling them to accelerate forward.

Kane-Ra were a carnivore species that actively hunted prey, though its diet consisted mainly of vegetation. Conventionally, a Kane-Ra would use its body size and strength to knock prey off balance. Despite their size, Kane-Ra were unrivaled desert sprinters and could reach incredible speeds in short bursts.

See Also[]
