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Kakkan Containment Organization
Constituent of PNGC
Purpose Containment of dangerous artifacts and prisoners
Leader President Kakkan
Founded Unknown date in the mid-Primeval Wars
Headquarters Ko-Powai, Powai Nui
Allies APNWT, Thunderhead Union, Toa Powai, various scientific circles
Opponents Wraith Syndicate, Brotherhood of Makuta
Status Active

The Kakkan Containment Organization (often abbreviated to KCO) was a government organization and a member of the Powai Nui Governing Coalition. Founded and headed in the Ko-Powai region of Powai Nui, its purpose was to collect, contain and eventually study the many anomalous, powerful, and hazardous objects and materials on the island. Once it was made a member of the PNGC, it widened its goals to include containing certain prisoners.


Early History[]

The KCO was founded by its namesake, an Onu-Matoran named Kakkan. The organization began holding fundraisers and quickly took off, becoming quite revered for its work in ensuring the safety of Powai Nui's inhabitants.

Later, during the Great Inauguration of Powai Nui, the Powai Nui Governing Body was formed, and the KCO was changed into the Department of Containment. Following backlash from members of the organizations composing the Department of Wilderness Prevention and Trailworks, the PNGB reformed into the Powai Nui Governing Coalition, and the KCO was allowed more independence and regained its former title.


An abandoned section of tunnel in the KCO

Several decades before the Great Regression, the KCO was attacked by Dark Hunter "Alchemist", Phi, and Ruthos, resulting in a Category VI-B security breach. Head Guard Corduk and a platoon of armed guards responded to the incident but were unable to apprehend them. They stole KVM-026 and escaped. Later, Makuta Pretadix visited the tunnel but was driven out by the Toa Powai.

To be written...


Although headed by a President and Vice Presidents, the KCO was heavily democratic, and many of the more important decisions it had to make were run past the Symposium and the other constituents of the PNGC. There were many roles working under the President and Vice President who presided over different aspects of the KCO, and all object Classes and things pertaining to them were watched over by one or more Class Supervisors, who in turn were all presided over by the general Supervisor. It was also the Supervisor's duty to preside over the whole organization in conjunction with the Vice President on the rare occasion that the President was visiting another location or missing altogether.

Although the organization began with its own large group of scientists to perform research on all objects, a combination of academic stagnation and an influx of objects requiring research eventually led the KCO to enlist outside scientific groups to research objects, although this research was highly restricted. Still, the KCO had its own collection of guards, declining to enlist help from APNWT's Rangers, due to the confidential nature of the organization's internal working contrasting the more community-friendly nature of Rangery and the fact that guards often needed specialized training to allow them to work with many contained objects.


All of the 370 objects contained by the KCO were classified by a simple code: a "K" standing for KCO, a Behavior Class letter, a Material Class letter, and a three-digit number indicating, chronologically, which "number" it was. In the case of Fragile, Pyhrric, Latent, and Pandoran, subscripted letters would be used for the sake of specificity (Fragile, Pyhrric, and Latent inherently included other Behavior Classes while some Pandoran objects trended toward a certain different Behavior Class). Prisoners incarcerated for crimes rather than dangerous effects had a "J" before their codes.

Behavior Class letters were indicative of an object's behavior with regards to damage, intent, and danger:

  • (I) Inert: Objects which only posed a threat if activated through actions that were relatively difficult to accomplish; standard Behavior Class for a majority of weapons
  • (V) Volatile: Objects which were safe if handled with a moderate level of care or only unsafe if used maliciously; standard Behavior Class for all "powerful artifacts"
  • (D) Defensive: Objects which would only act with hostility when provoked or harmed; standard Behavior Class for all sentient objects
  • (Z) Hazardous: Objects which consistently and involuntarily posed a threat
  • (H) Hostile: Objects which consistently and voluntarily posed a threat
  • (F) Fragile: Objects which were Inert or Volatile but were more prone to damage
  • (R) Pyrrhic: Objects which were Defensive, Hazardous or Hostile but were more prone to damage
  • (P) Pandoran: Objects with unpredictable or rapidly-changing behavior
  • (L) Latent: Objects which, for any reason, lost their dangerous properties but may have been capable of regaining them
  • (U) Undetermined: Objects which had not yet been placed into any of the aforementioned Behavior Classes

Material Class letters were indicative of what the object was composed of:

  • (M) Mechanical: Objects which were entirely composed of mechanical parts
  • (O) Organic: Objects which were entirely composed of organic components
  • (B) Biomechanical: Objects which were both Mechanical and Organic
  • (S) Standard: Objects which were composed of inorganic, solid natural materials (e.g. rock or ash)
  • (F) Fluid: Objects which were in a fluid state of matter (liquid, gas or plasma) at room temperature
  • (A) Anomalous: Objects which couldn't be placed into any other Material Class
  • (U) Undetermined: Objects which had not yet been placed into any of the aforementioned Material Classes

Notable Contained Items[]

Classification Nickname Report Brief (summary of the object seen in KCO reports on objects)*
KRHS-006 Swarm of Glass A group of around 450 sentient, hostile, and seemingly colonial glass spheres which gain sustenance from what little light they absorb and will fly non-stop at living beings until they shatter. Approximately 45 hours after shattering, instances will attempt to reform, with shards attracting to each other and fusing as if melted back together.
KPO-088 Desert's Fate A rare strain of Desert Wind, recognizable by a far slower onset of symptoms, which has varying effects on its hosts, from making them able to see infrared electromagnetic radiation to becoming a different gender. Testing involving it is currently forbidden.
KVM-126 Staff of Vortices A staff that allows one to create multiple vortex-like portals. Testing with it is prohibited, although the possibility of allowing the Toa Powai to utilize it for certain purposes is being discussed.
KVM-127 Mask Maker's Tool A device that allows one to manipulate Kanohi power. It is under the joint containment of the KCO and the Toa Powai, who have been given express permission to use it to give special abilities to Toa Corduk and Toa Navahko, considered overdue signs of gratitude for the time they spent working with the KCO.
KIS-130 Infernal Ribbon A section of red ribbon, one end of which is constantly consumed in flame that cannot be put out and does not spread to the rest of the ribbon. Fire spreads to other objects acts as normal. Testing involving it and KIA-303 are forbidden.
KZO-194 Forced Evolution A non-communicable disease that rapidly and painfully changes a Matoran's Element type to suit their environment. The condition is incurable, and 5 individuals afflicted with the disease are free but are monitored by the KCO and are disallowed to leave the regional polity which they currently reside in. A 6th individual is under stricter containment due to a perceived higher sensitivity in their case of the disease, as mere increases and decreases in temperature or humidity change them into hybridizations of certain Matoran breeds, possibly a defense mechanism due to the fact that the disease will not correctly "adapt" them as other cases will.
KFVF-260 Cursed Oasis A fluid seemingly identical to water which reacts violently with organic matter, leaving no trace of the fluid. Collections of the substance gradually increase in volume, at a rate of 150% increase every 11 hours. The only contained sample is housed in an autonomous machine that regularly dispenses amounts of the fluid onto potted plants, collections of mold, and other cultivated collections of non-animal organic matter, keeping in time with its regeneration rate in order to impede its growth. Occasional influxes in its regeneration rate have brought up concerns about the effectiveness of this method, and several manual methods guided by daily measurements of the fluid's volume have been proposed and are under discussion.
KVF-293 Stun Fluid A liquid that induces confusion and vertigo any Matoran it touches for an amount of time proportional to the amount of fluid they are exposed to. It dissolves into inert, non-anomalous gas upon confusing a target.
KVF-294 Ectoplasm A liquid that turns any Matoran or Toa it touches invisible for several minutes. It dissolves into inert, non-anomalous gas upon turning a target invisible.
J-KHB-296 Phi A stout, bipedal creature made sapient through various robotic and cybernetic implants. Highly aggressive, but physically weak. Subject claimed she was created by a Makuta named Antharahk (consistent with accounts of the Makuta who destroyed Leskya Nui), who she admires greatly, during an interview, but refused to dispense any more information on her origins once she discovered she was being interrogated, aside from the occasional appraisal of her creator.
KIM-300 Qama Radúla A single staff that can adapt to suit the Element of the wielder if they are capable of utilizing elemental powers. It has a twin with similar effects, modified by and formerly used by Toa Detras and currently in the trusted hands of the Toa Powai.
KRHA-304 Makuta Blood A greenish-black substance that constantly and gradually shifts between liquid and gaseous form regardless of temperature. It seems to be alive to some degree and has previously made attempts to travel towards living beings. Contact with living beings causes it to dissipate and produces a variety of effects; known effects have included vertigo, susceptibility to suggestion, an effect similar to anesthesia, and mellowness. The original samples were procured from near the Desolation River and, according to the Toa Powai, were emitted from Makuta Hysterix when his armor was punctured. More samples have since been found at Lake Faradi.
KVF-310 Liquid Rust An orange liquid found in large quantities inside the body of Tetradon, serving as both blood and venom. Harmlessly acidic, but causes intense pain and unconsciousness if it enters into the body of a Matoran. All fully contained samples were recovered after their separation from Tetradon.
KZB-317 Requiem Bird A sub-species of Kupurero which induces hallucinations, paranoia, and psychosis in any Matoran who hears its songs. Instances are equipped with restrictive beak-bands to impede them from vocalizing, although they must be removed twice daily during strictly regulated feeding times conducted by handlers wearing hearing-impeding equipment.
KDF-322 Ash Bear Nui A group of 35 ursoid Rahi who constantly expel toxic fumes and maintain dangerously high body temperatures.
KLIM-350 Shrine of Salvation The remains of KVM-026, crushed by Makuta Hysterix. Formerly possessed the ability to open and close portals to a pocket dimension when given commands in Archaic Matoran. The Toa Powai have been granted permission to use it to retrieve Toa Detras and Toa Keelo from the pocket dimension should it ever regain its abilities.
KPHA-360 Moonlight Syndrome An ailment afflicting the Ga-Matoran Yedrin, which causes her to transform into a hostile, canid Rahi on random nights. Yedrin is not currently under full containment but stays in contact with the organization and visits a secluded KCO outpost near her village every night to sleep. A number of other islanders know of her condition, negatively affecting her social standing, and attempts to prevent knowledge of her condition have either proven futile or have been vetoed due to ethical concerns.
KZO-363 Makuta's Blemishes A species of barnacles which can survive outside of water and will parasitize nearly any organism they can find. Examination shows that most members of the species are genetically identical, and testing has revealed that they will readily parasitize others of their kind given a certain amount of genetic variation is present within the host.
KUS-365 Incendiary Ashes An ash-like substance which can be set alight and extinguished with relative ease, but will not be burnt or consumed by the fire. Although connections between it and KIS-130 are being researched, testing involving the two has been forbidden.
KZO-366 Makuta's Venom A virus that causes those infected to expel highly infectious yellow-green bile and can be lethal if untreated, brought over safely by Leskya Nuians. All Leskya Nuians have developed immunities to it and have provided medicine effective in neutralizing it.
KIM-369 Subjugator A large scythe that allows one with access to mental abilities to channel them such that they can manipulate others with ease. Formerly used by Makuta Hysterix.

* These report briefs, as they are displayed here, are all accurate as of around 9 months after the end of the Leskya-Powai War.

† Indicates items that are missing or have converted into another item.

Public Relations[]

To be written...

Notable Members[]

  • Kakkan - Founder and President
  • Haumaru - Vice President
  • Navahko - Former Supervisor; left to join the Toa Powai
  • Corduk - Former Head Guard; left to join the Toa Powai



  • Most of the powerful artifacts on Powai Nui had classifications beginning with "KVM-". Because of this, the word "kavem" became a slang term for such objects among KCO workers.
  • "Kakkan" is derived from the Thai word กักกัน ("Kạkkạn" when romanized), which means "quarantine." "Haumaru" is a Māori word meaning "safe".
  • The KCO is heavily inspired by the SCP Foundation, a fictional organization that contains and studies objects which violate natural law. The organization also took some inspiration from the Archives of Onu-Metru.
  • The object classes Pandoran and Pyrrhic come from Pandora's box and the term "Pyrrhic victory", respectively.
