This article was written by DarthVorath. Please do not add to it without the writer's permission.
Irus was one of four Toa Mangai of Ice.
Created as a Ko-Matoran, Irus was placed on the Tren Krom Peninsula, living among other Matoran. At some point, both he and another Matoran living on the Peninsula, a Le-Matoran named Nidhiki, received Toa Stones and were transformed into Toa, with Irus becoming a Toa of Ice.
When the island of Metru Nui fell under the threat of the Kanohi Dragon, Toa Irus and Toa Nidhiki were among those who answered Turaga Dume's call for help. Together with three other Toa of Ice -- Arktus, Baaru, and Sorru -- Irus used his elemental powers to help contain the Kanohi Dragon and ultimately contain it. After the Rahi's defeat, Irus decided to remain on Metru Nui as a member of the newly-formed Toa Mangai, spending much of his time in Ko-Metru with the Ko-Matoran Scholars.
When Makuta Teridax impersonated Turaga Dume, he sent Irus on a mission that took him away from Metru Nui, luring him into being killed by the Dark Hunter Eliminator.
Abilities and Traits[]
Uptight and aloof like most Ko-Matoran, Irus was also very distrusting of others and, as a Toa, frequently used his Mask of Truth on others, including his fellow Toa. Nidhiki in particular disliked it when Irus used his mask to detect the Toa of Air while the latter was using his Kanohi Volitak, resulting them in clashing with each other.
Masks and Tools[]
Toa Irus wore a Great Kanohi Rode, the Mask of Truth.
- The model for the Kanohi Rode worn by Irus was created by Galva.