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Mahri Nui Sentinels
Idris (Afterverse) contains spoilers.

This article contains spoilers for Rock Bottom: Remastered. Continue reading at your own risk.

Idris is a Ga-Matoran from Mahri Nui.


Idris lived on an island in the west with her best friends, Sarda and Lesovikk. They lived a peaceful, pleasant existence until Lesovikk was chosen to become one of the Toa Cordak, transforming into a Toa and leaving her and Sarda behind. Sometime after, the Turaga of their village went mad and sent every Matoran to Karzahni to be rebuilt, despite none of them having been injured enough to normally merit being sent there. However, Karzahni's methods left Idris and her fellow Matoran in smaller and weaker forms. Eager to hide his failure, Karzahni shipped them all to uninhabited parts of the Southern Continent. Idris managed to stay with Sarda, and they both settled into life in a small fishing village on the coast.

Unfortunately, an ill-timed vacation to Mount Valmai brought Idris and Sarda to the section of the continent that would become Voya Nui just in time for the Great Cataclysm. Idris survived, and eventually moved to settle in the burgeoning city of Mahri Nui on the Voya Nui Bay.

Life in Mahri Nui[]

However, disaster struck again when Mahri Nui sung into the depths of the Voya Nui Bay due to instability in its foundations. Idris was one of the first to help Dekar establish the Mahri Nui Sentinels to help the city recover. Soon after, Dekar chose her to be his second-in-command.

After a decade at the bottom of the sea, Idris was suddenly and unexpectedly left in charge when Dekar embarked on a mission to the Black Water to investigate what was driving the Vampire Squid up to Mahri Nui. While filling current Council Leader Kyros in on the situation, Idris was interrupted by Lemiddus. Lemiddus had brought her the Kanohi Ignika, hoping it might be powerful enough to heal Kyrehx after she was attacked by Vampire Squid. However, the Ignika's influence caused Lemiddus to second guess himself and attempt to flee with the Ignika, instigating a brief scuffle during which Kyros was seemingly killed by the curse placed upon Lemiddus when he touched the Mask.

Idris attempted to chase down Lemiddus but was distracted when a massive mutated creature began marching toward the city. Idris marshalled all the available Sentinels to fight back against the creature, outfitting most of them with Zamor Sphere launchers loaded with spheres of oxygen with the help of Kaira and Navek. Idris led the Sentinels into battle, but they were thoroughly beaten by the creature's immense strength and rapid healing. Idris attempted to buy the others time by taking on the creature on her own until she was unexpectedly assisted by a Toa of Ice brought back from the Black Water by the expedition. Together, Idris and the Toa managed to get the upper hand against the creature, but in the moment before she would deal the killing blow, Idris hesitated. Before she could commit to any course of action, however, the Toa used his Kanohi Komau to force her to take the shot. Idris then ran out of air, and the Toa carried her to safety just before she lost consciousness.

Personality and Traits[]

Idris has been guarded with others for most of her life, never quite getting over Lesovikk leaving her and Sarda. She is friendly with others, but there's a barrier that keeps her from truly connecting with other beings. Beneath this, however, Idris cares deeply for those she considers friends, and maintains a deep and lifelong friendship with Sarda.

Idris is a competent leader, capable of rallying others to her cause when necessary. She possesses a strong understanding of tactics, as shown with her approach to the Sentinel's battle with the Gadunka.

Powers and Equipment[]

As a Ga-Matoran, Idris possesses a limited control over the element of Water. This gives her an aptitude for swimming, an inherent ability to survive in high pressure environments, and increased lung capacity. As a Sentinel, she possesses a superior degree of combat ability than most Matoran, and is particularly adept at aquatic combat.

Due to brief exposure to the same mutagen, Idris' "fixed" form was replaced my a larger, leaner and stronger form more reminiscent of her original body but more adapted her new aquatic environment. Idris wears a powerless Kanohi Ruru, and carries an Electro-Blade and a Shredder Claw. She also sometimes wields a solidified air launcher: a Zamor Sphere launcher modified to function under water and to fire spheres of air.


