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Ice Vermin
Ice Vermin
Vibrational Frequencies
Spherus Magna

The Ice Vermin were a breed of rodent-Rahi acclimatized to colder temperatures.


The Ice Vermin species was originally created by Makuta Krika using viruses and Liquid Protodermis to be one of the species to inhabit the Matoran Universe. Genetically engineered to secrete a powerful enzyme found originally in Skakdi, the Ice Vermin were intended to chemically reconstitute withered vegetation, along with many other Rahi.

Distributed across the Matoran Universe, the Ice Vemin revealed themselves to be a docile and well-natured breed of Rahi, successfully adapting to cooler ecosystems and integrating themselves into Matoran life with relative ease, rejuvenating arid regions and using their Rhotuka in service of Matoran demolition efforts. Similar to Kavinika, Stone Rats and Kinloka, however, the Ice Vermin were often regarded as a nuisance when found in large numbers and were rarely cultivated in large numbers when other Rahi were available.

In Metru Nui, a significant Ice Vermin population was known to reside across all six districts, though they commonly favored Ko-Metru. In an effort to preserve the species, a number of specimens were relocated to the Onu-Metru Archives.

In the months after the Great Cataclysm, the Ice Vermin were known to have grown in prominence across Metru Nui, eventually coming to rove the island in larger packs and using their numbers to overpower larger Rahi. Contesting with Kavinika and Stone Rats for space and resources, the Ice Vermin often clashed with other rodent-Rahi, attracting the attention of Visorak.

Following the Battle of Bara Magna and subsequent Reformation of Spherus Magna, the Matoran Universe's entire Ice Vermin population was evacuated onto the surface of a new world. It is assumed that the species here returned to its natural habitat in the arctic poles of the planet, far removed from the Matoran and Agori populace.

Abilities and Traits[]

While the species did not live up to Makuta Kojol's original ambitions for widespread coexistence with Ko-Matoran and Frost Beetles, the species does possess an instinctive desire to harvest flora and prevent overgrowth. Typically, the number of Ice Vermin in a colony correlates with the size of their feeding grounds.

Typically, Ice Vermin lived in small colonies sharing a burrow whilst defending the surrounding territory. The species also possesses advanced cognitive abilities, allowing individual specimens to learn to avoid poisoned baits, which made them difficult pests to deal with.

Fitted with Rhotuka Launchers evolved into their hides, Ice Vermin are able to launch a range of vibration-based Rhotuka at a target. Most commonly, Ice Vermin Rhotuka can cause localized seismic tremors when fired directly at the ground, a trait that proved detrimental to the integrity of Knowledge Towers across Ko-Metru. When fired at a larger predator, the Rhotuka would cause the molecules of the target to shake apart, effectively disintegrating them unless the Ice Vermin chose to relent.


See Also[]
